Memorial Day was supposed to be a time for remembering those who had fallen in American Wars. It’s easy to list the chapters in American history, but not easy to list all the places where Americans have given their lives in “conflicts other than war” (places and events like the Beruit barracks bombing, Khobar Towers, and of course the U.S.S. Cole). I submit that since this nation is at war, right now, it’s as important or more important to offer our support for those who are serving and thank them for their efforts.
Specific and first of the day thanks go to Chris and Curt. Thank you guys for your service present and past.
And thanks to all the veterans of the past and present. Thank you for your service, your efforts, and the benefits we’ve got because of what you’ve done and are doing.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
One of the cartoons yesterday was very telling. I’m talking about the guy with a grocery cart complaining about the cost of food in the shadow of burial crosses of our fallen heros. This war has been long but it has not caused Americans other than servicemen and their families any pain. Oh, we hate that they died or were hurt but it didn’t really effect our lives. We have not done without anything. Life goes on for us as usual. We should celebrate this day honoring our fallen and not use it as just another holiday from work.
I, for one, am thankful for all American troops, both past and present who have served this country. On March 31st, my father-in-law passed away. He was a Marine in the Pacific Theater during World War II and stationed in Guam. He didn’t like to talk about the experiences he had there. At his funeral a Marine honor guard presented my Mother-in-law with the flag that draped his coffin. It was an extremely moving ceremony. So this Memorial Day is a little more poignant for my wife and myself.
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day. I invite you and your readers to my blog to see my Memorial Day tribute.
Scott, you’re welcome.
It was an honor and a privilege to serve my country.
To my fellow Vets, especially those that have made the Supreme Sacrifice:
Thank you.
Semper Fidelis
Great post Scott, and your very welcome. As Bronze said, it was my honor to serve this great country.
A hearty thank you goes out to all the other vets this Memorial Day.
I agree with Curt and TheBronze. It is a honor to serve.
I hope everyone’s weekend was enjoyable and full of laughter, family, freedom, and a peaceful night’s sleep for that is what those who serve desire for their fellow countrymen.