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you have to wonder why the “peace” folks are usually the most violent, it seems that they are just very unhappy in everyhting and latch onto the most controversial thing to freak about. i also think they target women because we are the “weaker” sex, um, yeah right. tell the fat aging hippies to try 28 hours of hard labor, then child birht and get back to us on that one. they have to bully people to make themselves valid and to try and flex muscles that they are to afraid to put into service for our country. wow, i hope their mothers are proud of the wusses they raised.

Peace activist are nothing but cowards. They are the bully’s from school days that haven’t matured past that time. They also are so self important that no other opinion counts. We have all ran into these people sometime in our lives, and the only thing they want is their way. You stand up to these people, and you find that if it’s at all equal, they put their tail between their legs and sulk away.

Stellar interview and post, Mike.

skye is the absolute best!

Thanks Wordsmith. And both Skye and myself are still hoping to hear your thoughts on:

The Cost of Appeasement

What can I say that hasn’t been said in my previous threads?

I’ll read the post later (I only skimmed the comments, at your prodding).

Ummmm…. so you guys are criticizing people who act violently towards groups (meaning all of you) who openly advocate war which by definitiion means death and destruction on a massive scale, particularly when you preemptively attack a country….. okay that makes sense.

Did any of you watch the numerous testimonies from the Winter Soldier Two? In particular did anyone listen to Jon Turner’s testimony and watch the video and look at the pictures? Do you think only “good” comes from war? Are Iraqi civilians even important to any of you or jut US soldiers?

Just curious.

Ummmm…. so you guys are criticizing people who act violently towards groups (meaning all of you)

No. We’re criticizing those peace fascists who behave as anything other than “peaceful” and tolerant of diverging points of view.

who openly advocate war which by definitiion means death and destruction on a massive scale,

We’re advocating for peace through victory. Tell us how America and Iraq would be better off by abandoning a fledgling democracy to chaos and al-Qaeda?

Do you think the suffering will be greater of lesser if we leave, prematurely?

particularly when you preemptively attack a country….. okay that makes sense.

I’d say 12 years was long enough. Saddam was a cancer upon the world. How much longer would you allow him to metastasize before offering up treatment? Better sooner or later? Was he a danger or not? Did we have justification or not?

Did any of you watch the numerous testimonies from the Winter Soldier Two?

Should I have?

Have you listened to the numerous soldiers who don’t agree with them, or you?

In particular did anyone listen to Jon Turner’s testimony and watch the video and look at the pictures? Do you think only “good” comes from war? Are Iraqi civilians even important to any of you or jut US soldiers?

Just curious

Do YOU think any good comes out of war?

Do you think our soldiers are terrorizing innocent Iraqis and children?

Do you not care about the children AND the soldiers?

Just curious.

Yes, I’ve seen horrible pictures, including a medicolegal forensic text showing graphic images of victims of blunt-force head trauma, gunshot wounds to the face and body, the results of edged weapons attack, etc.

Violence is horrible. But how do you stop violence against innocents? Hating violence and war is not the same thing as advocating for peace. Are we targeting innocent Iraqis, or are the insurgents, foreign fighters, and al-Qaeda terrorists the ones targeting them?

Oh….look….here are pictures of our soldiers terrorizing the Iraqi people:

Uh oh, that kid looks like he’s toast:

A schoolboy waves at a U.S. army soldier who is on a foot patrol in Baghdad’s Dora neighborhood. Hadi Mizban – AP

Any moment now, this soldier is going to open fire:

At least these kids are smart enough to run away:

Good heavens…this soldier is attempting to crush the girl to death in a lethal bear hug:

Uh oh….this kid is running away from the terrorist American soldier:

See? Best place to hide is behind the American soldier, where the soldier can’t see him.

Oh, how these kids hate our soldiers! They are taking revenge. Look:

These kids must be trying to rob the poor soldier of his wallet:

February 12, 2008: U.S. Army Staff Sgt. William Lambert, 30, of Plainview, Ark, shows photographs of his children to Iraqi children in Beijia, south of Baghdad. By Maya Alleruzzo, AP

These kids must be asking him to surrender his weapon:

Children greet a U.S. soldier of Alpha Troop, 3-89 CAV while on patrol in central Baghdad’s Fadhil district, April 16, 2008.
REUTERS/Erik De Castro

According to Michael Yon:

The U.S. military is the most respected institution in Iraq, and many Iraqi boys dream of becoming American soldiers. Yes, young Iraqi boys know about “”

Hating war is not the same thing as wanting peace. If you are opposed to suffering, war, and violence, you should support our efforts in Iraq:

A U.S. Army Soldier from Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Ft. Lewis, Wash., shares a laughs with an Iraqi army soldier at a U.S. and Iraqi Army security checkpoint in Tarmiyah, Iraq, Sept. 25, 2007. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication 2nd Class Summer M. Anderson.

U.S. Army Sgt. Quenton Sallows hands out Iraqi Flags to Iraqi children beginning their first day of school in Lutafiyah, Iraq, Oct. 1, 2007. Sallows is assigned to Civil Affairs, 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry). U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Quinton Russ.

Nice to Meet You

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Julia Venegas, from 2nd Marine Logistics Group, shakes hands with a little girl in the village of Kabani, Iraq, while on a security patrol Sept. 28, 2007. U.S. Marine Corps photo taken by Lance Cpl. Robert S. Morgan.

A U.S. Army Soldier of 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division plays with a young Iraqi boy in Mufriq, Iraq, Oct. 8, 2007. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Shawn Weismiller.

Iraqi girls walk to a primary school in the Andaloos district of Fallujah, Iraq, Oct. 17, 2007, to receive school supplies from U.S. Marines and Iraqi police. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Robert B. Brown Jr.

The students at an elementary school in Jerf Al-Mila hold up their ‘Junior Hero’ stickers after taking an oath to become honorary Junior Heroes during a visit to the school by Iraqi Army Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 9th Iraqi Army Division (mechanized), Oct. 17. The Junior Hero program was designed by the Iraqi security forces to teach children about the roles of the Iraqi Army and Iraqi police who work in their communities and ways in which they can volunteer to keep their villages free of crime. Photo by Staff Sgt. Jon Cupp, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs

A Sucker for Children

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Patrick K. Mason, a squad leader for 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, hands a lollipop to an Iraqi boy during a security patrol in Dulab, Iraq, Sept. 25, 2007. The Marines are working with Iraqi police in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Shane S. Keller.

To be opposed to our presence and efforts in Iraq is to be standing in the way of history’s momentum; and on the wrong side of it.

Why yes, Brandon, Iraqi civilians are definitely important.

That’s why I’m glad that the rape rooms and the torture chambers and the wood chippers and the resulting mass graves are now a thing of the past. Let’s also not forget the dramatic decrease in infant mortality rates in Iraq.

Yes, sometimes something good does come from war.

Of course, if you really “cared” about the Iraqi people you would be cheering our efforts there and applauding our accomplishments. But that’s not where you are is it?

Let me ask you Brandon, the freedoms that you have and presumably enjoy, are those “good” things that came as a result of war or did those just fall out of the sky and land in your lap?

That didn’t take long. Now show the pictures of the brutality of war “wordsmith”. Show the dead bodies of Iraqis. Show the coffins of the returning US soldiers…oh wait you can’t because the a virtual black out by the media.

I’ve noticed a tendancy to only show the positive. And yes you should have listened to Jon Turners tesimony. He served in Iraq and speaks openely about atrocities perpetrated by US soldiers. His words not mine.

Link me up. I get visited on occasion by an anti-war blue star mom. We get along, even as we disagree. I’ve heard enough testimony from anti-war vets; I even have some anti-war milbloggers on my sidebar. Their perspective is important, but doesn’t mean it’s the only perspective, let alone the “correct one”.

Now show the pictures of the brutality of war “wordsmith”. Show the dead bodies of Iraqis. Show the coffins of the returning US soldiers…oh wait you can’t because the a virtual black out by the media.

Oh, I have seen them, Brandon. Some of the most grisly things that can be done to a human body. (and if you want to see the flag-draped coffins, just watch my Memorial Day videos)

But you still miss the point. Will those images cease, simply because we leave Iraq?

The absence of war is not the same thing as having peace.

Peace through victory? Your the type of guy who would kill 20 civilians to get to one bad guy. And Michael Yon? Please. Try Lara Logan, Nir Rosen or Michael Ware. Oh but that might contradict your Rosy assessment.

You’re obviously on auto-pilot and just spouting your preconceived beliefs without engaging exactly what I wrote in my comments.

Michael Ware, btw, said if we vacate Iraq prematurely, it’d be a bloodbath.

Murtha spoke out about atrocities too.

Of course, it turns out he was dead flat wrong.

I’m tired of guys like you ovestating Al Queda. As if a few thousand Sunnis could defaet a few million Shias. Oh and for the record, I have two friends, one of which served two tours in Iraq and the other in Iraq and Afghanistan . they both have differing opinions from yours but then again they’ve actually been there.

Oh but that might contradict your Rosy assessment.

There’s no rosy assessment. It’s hard work. It’s not without pain and sacrifice from those directly involved.

But you anti-war folk wish to showcase flag-draped coffins not to celebrate their heroism and sacrifice; but to say they died a useless and meaningless death, and “gosh, how awful war is”. That doesn’t bring peace, buddy.

I’m tired of guys like you ovestating Al Queda.

Who’s overstating their influence? You’re not understating it, are you?

It’s not necessarily a matter of numbers, but leadership in fomenting the chaos.

I have two friends, one of which served two tours in Iraq and the other in Iraq and Afghanistan . they both have differing opinions from yours but then again they’ve actually been there.

Yes, and I know vets of both theaters as well; and NONE of them share your defeatist ideology.

Wow my spelling stinks today. I can’t view the entire comment box so I can’t see everything
I’m writing which is why I have to break up my postings. That’s weird.

Defeatist ideology? Go back and read my original post. Finished? Good. Now where did I mention defeatism or withdrawal. Oh, I didn’t. You put words in my mouth. Is that your thing? You make stuff up?

Please all of you watch the testimonies of Jon Turner and others. Then we can have a conversation. My friends who served didn’t have a “defeatist attitude” as you put it. They just acknowledged that there are things over there that are beyond the control of our military.

One of the central problems with the Gov. of Iraq is corruption. My friend who served worked in Civilian Affairs. He deals with the various local Governments. He says that the idea of a central Gov. is unlikely considering that each group: Sunnis, Shias and Kurds do not want the other to have too much power. How do you solve that through Military?

Preconceived beliefs huh? Actually I’m one of those rare creatures (unlike you) who changes his mind when presented with differing views. I actually supported the invasion of Iraq but heh don’t let little things like facts get in the way of your argument. It is you who is on auto pilot.

Since you’re so good at twisting people’s words, would you rather just argue with yourself?

You have yet to get anything right about my opinions, but it’s fun watching you make stuff up. Next you’ll probably say I’m a Muslim or wait maybe I supported Saddam……fill in next insult………

You just keep delivering prepared rebuttals. If you want to know what I think perhaps you should ask because your assumptions about me are wrong. And you know what they say about people who assume……..

I mentioned the Iraqi civilians BECAUSE I feel that our Media ignores them. The 2 million displced Iraqis, the thousnds of dead men women and children. Why is it so wrong to bring this up? How does that make me a defeatist?

It’s been fun being insulted and having my words twisted by you Wordsmith. I’m sure if we met in person youd probably assault me or something equally scary. I’ve got to run. Maybe tommorrow I’ll let you insult me some more. I’m kind of on this “turn the other cheek” deal right now. Prayer has a powe4rful effect.

Please all of you watch the testimonies of Jon Turner and others.

Rofl….testimony that was not given under oath. Worthless just like John Kerrys lies, these Winter Solder II lies are just as bad. If they are not lies then go under oath….simple as that.

I’m sure if we met in person youd probably assault me or something equally scary.

You can’t be over the age of 12… about retarded.

I wonder if this is the same “Brandon” that used to demonstrate such willing ignorance commenting at Mike’s America years back?

If so, we miss you Brandon. You’re always good for a laugh and it seems that time out of college hasn’t helped you to overcome the effects of the insidious brain washing you received.

I just hope you have been able to find good employment so you can afford to pay the taxes that your socialist beliefs demands is necessary to make you feel better about yourself.

Great article, great work on supporting our troops, and their impending Victory in Iraq (for proof check here –

Save a seal, club a libtard

12 is the median mentality age of IVAW, Curt.

My good friends Jonn Lilyea and TSO have covered the WS proceedings and have exquisitely dissected their statements – NOT testimony.

Jonn’s POV:

Congressional Caucus Circus

Last Word on WS – Check out the links from Rurik!

Winter Soldier 2, My AAR:

Oh Hell No!

Check out Comment 6 of Jonn’s Oh Hell NO! post from Cliff Hicks (IVAW Puke)

6Clif Hicks Says:
April 7th, 2008 at 7:19 am

Mattera: “Would you go on the record as having committed war crimes?”

Hicks: “Oh, Hell no!”

Uh… I didn’t commit any war crimes, besides crushing a few civilian cars out of boredom… And as for the ‘wedding shooting’ that wasn’t a war crime, that was an accident, what reason would anyone have to sign any affidavit over that?

Anyway, I can’t speak for the rest of my comrades but as for me: Fuck you I ain’t signin’ sheeeeeeit!


Jonn wrote: Then why, since the beginning of this whole thing, have you used the wedding incident and you killing the driver of a car as examples of US atrocities in Iraq? If you’re willing to do the right thing (which is what you claim your testimony at Winter Soldier is) then why aren’t you willing to do the LEGAL thing and put your money where your mouth is?

Now, suddenly crushing cars out of boredom is a legitimate use of US military power in Iraq. I’ve NEVER heard you say that the wedding incident was an accident. It’s always been presented as bloodthirsty revenge by those evil deranged paratroopers of the 82d.

I guess you wouldn’t sign an affidavit since your story changes to fit the audience.

Pretty much sums up the character of the membership of IVAW.

Nice, skye.

Defeatist ideology? Go back and read my original post.


Brandon’s original comment in its entirety:

Ummmm…. so you guys are criticizing people who act violently towards groups (meaning all of you) who openly advocate war which by definitiion means death and destruction on a massive scale, particularly when you preemptively attack a country….. okay that makes sense.

Did any of you watch the numerous testimonies from the Winter Soldier Two? In particular did anyone listen to Jon Turner’s testimony and watch the video and look at the pictures? Do you think only “good” comes from war? Are Iraqi civilians even important to any of you or jut US soldiers?

Just curious.

Ok, read it a second time, and the first paragraph is just offensive as the first time I read it.

Finished? Good. Now where did I mention defeatism or withdrawal. Oh, I didn’t. You put words in my mouth. Is that your thing? You make stuff up?

Lol…you go back and read what else you wrote, subsequent to your original post. What do you call it, when you’re rah-rahing Winter Soldiers and Jon Turner and testimony on atrocities committed by our soldiers; when you talk about flag-draped coffins and the bodies of innocent Iraqis. Are you saying we should prosecute this war more aggressively, and really go after the ones committing these acts of violence against the innocent Iraqis? No. You’re saying our soldiers are the ones committing these atrocities. Yes you are.

You want us to abandon innocent Iraqis to chaos and more suffering that would occur if we left prematurely. You basically piss away the sacrifice of all those who bled and died to achieve success. If I have your number pegged wrong, then correct me. Quit crying like an indignant bitch because you had your feelings hurt. Grow some thicker skin and quit playing the role of persecuted victim. You set the tone of the debate as much as I did. But typical, like Karen Porter, you see me as the aggressor and you the civil, rational, tolerant one.

Putting words in your mouth? Please. You did just as much. Go back and read your comments. Check out comment #20:

Please all of you watch the testimonies of Jon Turner and others. Then we can have a conversation. My friends who served didn’t have a “defeatist attitude” as you put it. They just acknowledged that there are things over there that are beyond the control of our military.

Sounds like you’re projecting my labeling “defeatism” from you, onto them.

You disrespectfully reject Michael Yon (who’s probably spent more time as an embed than any other reporter over there), not because what he says isn’t valuable, but because it doesn’t fit what you wish to believe. I, however, listen to Lara Logan and pay attention to what Michael Ware has to say. Do you bother to read Bill Roggio or Michael Totten? I don’t dismiss the “facts” as reported by Lara Logan and Michael Ware. They do important work. But what I reject is the liberal anti-war perspective filter those facts are sifted through. You can have two people see the same set of events, and their lens filter will shape it to how they understood and processed what the information entails. One might see the glass half empty. The other will see it half full. Which one is right?

Brandon #21:

One of the central problems with the Gov. of Iraq is corruption. My friend who served worked in Civilian Affairs. He deals with the various local Governments. He says that the idea of a central Gov. is unlikely considering that each group: Sunnis, Shias and Kurds do not want the other to have too much power. How do you solve that through Military?

Best comment you’ve left so far. Free of snide barbs and whiny complaints of persecution (“conservatives are so mean! They called me out on my BS”).

Yes, I’m being mean and uncivil. I admit it. You let me push your buttons. Apparently, you didn’t like my humorous sarcasm in my first comment to you. Put you in a sour-puss mood.

Now, back to your comment: Corruption is definitely a problem. And no, the military can’t solve their political problems, for them. But things definitely can’t move ahead without the security of a safe environment. Many Iraqis have lost their lives, trying to make things work with the new government. Insurgents- Baathists and Saddam loyalists, thugs, foreign fighters and al-Qaeda operatives have worked to wreck havoc and foment dissent to sabotage efforts of Iraq reconstruction and reconciliation.

Brandon #22:

Preconceived beliefs huh? Actually I’m one of those rare creatures (unlike you) who changes his mind when presented with differing views.

Like I said, “preconceived beliefs”, like the one you have about me not being able to shift views.

I actually supported the invasion of Iraq but heh don’t let little things like facts get in the way of your argument.

It is you who is on auto pilot.

In part, yes. Because what you typed out, for the most part, reads like the countless inane, pompous, moonbat comments we read on a daily basis. How am I to treat you as someone special, if you haven’t proved you’re different? You come in here, talking like you’re presenting some novel ideas, here. Been there, read that. Yet I’m still willing to indulge you.

Since you’re so good at twisting people’s words, would you rather just argue with yourself?

No, not really. It’d be too much intellectual stimulation for my brain to handle. I’d probably lose that argument by winning, anyway.

You have yet to get anything right about my opinions, but it’s fun watching you make stuff up. Next you’ll probably say I’m a Muslim or wait maybe I supported Saddam……fill in next insult………

You just keep delivering prepared rebuttals. If you want to know what I think perhaps you should ask because your assumptions about me are wrong. And you know what they say about people who assume……..

Didn’t I ask you a series of questions early on, to get a sense of who you are? What happened? Sidestepped the questions? Conveniently ignored them? Moved the goal posts? Go back and reread my brilliant comment #7. My guess is, you skimmed past, because you weren’t interested in possibly engaging my points or learning anything new; just in rebutting and being hissy.

Ok, so tell me about yourself and what you’re about, so I don’t “assume”.

Are you a Paul Bearer (supporter of Ron Paul, like Adam Kokesh)?

Comment #23:

I mentioned the Iraqi civilians BECAUSE I feel that our Media ignores them.

Gee…when you brought up Lara Logan, I assumed you’ve watched her pieces. I guess I did make an ass out of u and me.

Do you read the NYTimes? Washington Post? 60 Minutes? MAINSTREAM NEWS?!!! In what manner are they “ignoring” Iraqi civilians?

The 2 million displced Iraqis, the thousnds of dead men women and children.

Much of which, I already know about because of the mainstream news; and what doesn’t go deep enough in coverage, I sometimes can acquire through alternate media.

But do you balance out the negatives with the positive stories? Or do you only gravitate toward the negative, the way you accuse us of leaning toward positive news stories?

Why is it so wrong to bring this up? How does that make me a defeatist?

You’re right: Bringing it up in and of itself doesn’t make you a defeatist. But in the context of how you brought it up, my assumptions about you, I’d say, were logical ones to make. If I’m wrong, prove me wrong. I’d be more than happy to apologize.

Comment #24

It’s been fun being insulted and having my words twisted by you Wordsmith.

It worked both ways, didn’t it? The suggestion in your remarks is that we must not care about Iraqi children and flag-draped coffins. And that we criticize protesters for getting violent toward those who are pro-victory (or warmongerers, as you seem to like to characterize them).

So, going back to your original comment, do you condemn the violent action of John Meicht toward skye? Or condone it? Do you not see the sad humor and irony in “peace activists” using violence to get across their message of peace?

I’m sure if we met in person youd probably assault me or something equally scary.

Oh, yes. I’m the conservative boogeyman.


I’ve got to run. Maybe tommorrow I’ll let you insult me some more. I’m kind of on this “turn the other cheek” deal right now. Prayer has a powe4rful effect.

I really…..really……really am happy I was not drinking hot morning coffee as I read that.

You have a strange perception of your own self-worth as the persecuted saint of civility. Go back and read some of the tone and tenor of your comments.

Curt I can’t be over twelve huh? Ummm I believe you have a cartoon picture of a cowboy next to your name on this website so coming form you that means nothing. Now go back outside and play with you toy guns or something. I’m actually quite close to your age but again you guys like to make incorrect assumptions so I’m not surprised.

Wordsmith is a grownup; does he really need your help?

It’s just little old’ me. Do we really need the gang bang? Wordsmith can’t fight his own battles?

Wordsmith, the “turn the other cheek” comment was my lame attaept at sarcasm. If you remember the topic of discussion was about how peace protestors were violent so I was say I’ll turn the other cheek. The prayer thing, I’ll admit was dumb. So you got me there sport.

Mikey, I’m not the same Brandon. I’ve never read your website much less posted on it.

Fun fun fun. I’l be back. Wordsmith, think of a new way to draw incorrect conclusion. Lay off the Creatine.

“Mikey”??? I see you want to engage in yet another example of lib civility?

How old are you Brandon?

You’re absolutely right. I didn’t answer your questions, so now I will. I’ll address them point by point. N’kay.
Now you won’t have to make false assertions anymore and as a result would sound so ignorant.

“No. We’re criticizing those peace fascists who behave as anything other than “peaceful” and tolerant of diverging points of view”.
Peace fascists? Really. You might want to look up fascism. One of the characteristics of fascism is:
Powerful and Continuing Nationalism: Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
Remember the woman in Skye’s video was calling the other guy a traitor because he didn’t support the war. Sounds fascist to me.

“We’re advocating for peace through victory. Tell us how America and Iraq would be better off by abandoning a fledgling democracy to chaos and al-Qaeda”?
At some point we have to let the Iraqis fend for themselves. Al Qaeda would be wiped out by Shia majority. Millions of Iraqis aren’t going to let several thousand Sunni Al Qaeda members run there country. That’s like saying that the Mob would take over the US. The Mob has money, weapons and power, but they could never take over and neither would Al Qaeda.
Silly man.

“Do you think the suffering will be greater of lesser if we leave, prematurely?
Depends, according to Michael Ware and Nir Rosen much of the ethnic cleansing has already taken place. However, I’m sure there would be more killing. The difference is WE wouldn’t be causing the death and destruction.

“I’d say 12 years was long enough. Saddam was a cancer upon the world. How much longer would you allow him to metastasize before offering up treatment? Better sooner or later? Was he a danger or not? Did we have justification or not?”
Absolutely we were justified. Next question!
“Should I have?”
Yes sparky, you should have. It’s important to see the horrors of war considering you’ve never been in one.

“Have you listened to the numerous soldiers who don’t agree with them, or you?”
Yes I have. Of course they think they can win. Would you want a soldier who didn’t think victory was attainable? The problem isn’t a military one as I pointed out, it’s political and unless those soldiers want to run for public office, there’s not much they can do to change that.

Do YOU think any good comes out of war?
Yes I do.

“Do you think our soldiers are terrorizing innocent Iraqis and children?”
Based on what I’ve read, been told, seen pictures of, I’d say some are. Not all but some.

“Do you not care about the children AND the soldiers?”
Absolutely I care about the soldiers. That’s why I want them home. they’ve done there duty, eliminated Saddam, his two sons, much of Al Qaeda. Why are we asking them to Nation build?

“Violence is horrible. But how do you stop violence against innocents? Hating violence and war is not the same thing as advocating for peace.”
Advocating peace through violence isn’t always the answer either. Sometimes peaceful means win; just ask Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter (Egyptian-Israeli cease fire) and JESUS CHRIST.
“Are we targeting innocent Iraqis, or are the insurgents, foreign fighters, and al-Qaeda terrorists the ones targeting them?”
Ever heard of collateral damage? Some of those soldiers who testified, and my friend who served said civilians were sometimes were targeted. Again, THEIR WORDS NOT MINE. GOT THAT SPARKY?

And lastly a comment. You must be completely out of your mind if you honestly believe that soldiers never commit atrocities. The reason the Winter Soldiers didn’t testify under oath is because I’m sure they didn’t want to be charged with War crimes. In there eyes they were doing their duty. You know following orders. I’m sure you also believe that there is no such thing as police brutality.

How is fantasy land by the way?

I’m sorry that adding a Y to the end of your name is so upsetting. I apologize. MIKE, I’m not the same Brandon. Better?

Lib civility? Come on really? Are you and Sean Hannity roommates or something? I’m not a lib, or a Democrat or a traitor or a moon bat or whatever label you chose to try and categorize someone MIKE. If you wan’s to sound as ill-informed as Wordsmith, go right ahead. Otherwise ask me some questions before you throw around labels.

I’m 36.

I’ll tell you what Brandon, of the two of us, only one of us was at WSI. And one of us REPEATEDLY ASKED for more information from Mr. Turner. I’m still waiting on that. So how about you ask the name of the CO and XO, and then I will work on seeing that all the incidents are investigated? Fair enough? Still waiting on his sworn statements.

This was my take from there, and you will see that even then I was asking for more info:

Thus Spake….ooh that’s just a silly name. So you were at the WSI, great. Are you suggesting that all of them are lying? Why would they lie? If you want to look into their statements go right ahead. Why don’t YOU let me know what you find out. I’m not a professional blogger who has loads of time to do resaerch.

Yeah you guys support the troops, only the ones who share your opinions. That’s the difference between us. I support all of them regardless of whether they have the same beliefs as I do. Whether they’re Democrat, Republican, Christian, atheist, black, white, red, yellow.

I’m not accusing our soldiers of atrocities; I’m simply taking THEIR word for it. I guess my friend is also a liar.

Wow, you guys really are out there.


I was there, and you apparently have no clue as to the derivation of my name, so why call it silly? It is from “Thus Spake Zarathustra” apparently something you have never read.

And no, I do not think they all lied. I do however think that most of the stories were exaggerated, and that 90% of them do not rise to the level of a “war crime.” I have repeatedly sought to address the validity of those remaining statements, but am still waiting on sworn statements from the parties involved on IVAW’s side, which allegedly will one day show up on line. In the meantime I contact other members of that unit. So far, I have been told by 3 specific individuals in Hurd’s platoon that his stories are lies. Do I know that to be the case? Nope. I trust no one implicitly until it is documented. Something his SGM was willing to do if we asked him to. But since Hurd has yet to testify under oath to any of this, what was the point.

So, some of the stories may be true. Wouldn’t surprise me if a few were. But atleast 90% are either ridiculous war stories the likes of which I could regale you with all day, or were straight up not true.

I doubt you are serious, but this stuff here will give you an idea of my take on the whole fiasco:

For my first hand account of the hearings, go here:

OK, my first well thought out comment got eaten.

1) You’re an asshat.
2) My name is a reference to a work by Nietsche you’ve clearly never read.
3) Happy to let you know what I find out when just one of them gives a sworn statement with names and facts etc. Since they have yet to do that despite repeated statements that they would, I can not.
4) You can however read my take here:
If you want my first person account:

As for whether they ALL lied, I have no idea since they don’t give enough info to verify. I do know that 3 guys in Hurd’s platoon and Company contacted me to say he was flat out lying. I also know that Massey changes his story ever 7 mins. Also, Camilo Mejia is also completely full of it, when one compares his statements in his book with his spoken statements, which I addressed here:

Should I go on?

OK, and now it posted twice.

See, I was nicer the first time.

Thus Spoke Anus

No I haven’t read Nietzsche, but clearly you have. Wow, because of that you must be twice as smart as the regular guy. I’m way out of my league because you read Nietzsche. I shouldn’t even respond because you might quote Nietzsche ….and I don’t know if my tiny brain could stand to listen to a pompous blowhard quote a boring German Philosopher…..aaaarrrrghhhhhh.

Asshat? I prefer Assclown.

Hey Mike, this your idea of civility?


Great interview with Skye!


It’s good to hear the full story and see the video of what happened back on March 22 and also how you got involved in the Chester County Victory Movement.


PS: Good job, Wordsmith!

You called my name silly, I merely pointed out the derivation.

Are you truly taking offense at asshat?

Love how you didn’t even feign to address a single thing I said.

“Thus Spake Anus” OMG that is just so funny and inventive. Holy Spongebob, someone quick get this guy a writing gig in hollywood.

Hurt feelings, they’re what’s for lunch.

GANGBANG……………….I’m gonna be sore in the morning.

You guys should start a gang. You could be like the Jets from West Side story. Can any of you sing and dance?

When you’re a jet……..badahbadah….now you sing… Curt……..Mike I can’t hear you….I know you have a silky smooth voice…..Anus, now you….yeah.

What do you want me too address? You were there and I wasn’t? I beleive you have the leverage. You’re saying that some of them are lying so I guess they’re liars.
Anything else?

Darnit. I can’t see everything I write because the comment box wont expand. I’ll have to type in word then transfer.

Did you get to this site when the short bus got lost this morning?

Stop drooling on the window and take the bike helmet off, you look ridiculous.

And you read Nietsche? No Anus I didn’t take the short bus, your wife gave me a ride.

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