—Joel Ailes , father (LATimes: California’s 492 war dead, Iraq and Afghanistan)
Memorial Day isn’t just barbecues and 4 day weekends. There’s a reason why we are able to enjoy such things; and it has to do with those who are willing to serve and sacrice; who risk all to preserve the freedoms we often take for granted.

Memorial Day Tribute to Fallen Heroes (2007)
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Thanks for posting this. I was talking with my two GrandSons yesterday about the holiday. When they gave their idea of what this holiday was about, I congratulated them for understanding that it was for those that have given their all for our Republic and it’s values, and that their families have given their most treasured: Their Sons and Daughters.
Most Americans are like the one bitching in your post. They will not give a passing thought to those that allow them to bitch or have the freedom that they do.
It’s a shame and enough to make you want to do something. So do that…make sure every kid you know, knows what this holiday is all about and who it is really honoring.
Papa Ray
West Texas
Outstanding, Word!
Thank you for this beautifully done tribute to our armed forces.
The music was as beautiful as the images.
Kay Crawford
Proud Mother of US Marine
Freedom, bought by the blood of patriots, not hippies!
American society has chosen to neither pay for this war in taxes nor with its sons and daughters. Only a very very small percentage have paid the cost of this war.
john Ryan, could you please elaborate on your post above?
“Only a very very small percentage have paid the cost of this war.”
So, like me, you’d rather have an all out war with radical Islam and settle things once and for all?
Are you one that has “paid the cost of this war”? Or are you pushing a shopping basket full of charcoal briquettes and weiners? I’m thinking weiners…..
I’d add to John Ryan’s list with something
far easier than a son or daughter,
far easier than a limb,
far easier than a higher tax on the wealthiest 1% who own the corporations that employ Americans and give them all kinds of healthcare,
far easier than a tax on small business owners (people who make $250k) and employ over half of all Americans
far easier than any of those…
American society has chosen to oppose the war rather than dare to even envision success let alone support efforts towards that. Instead, Too many Americans have chosen to ignore the war in Afghanistan, to ignore the covert war against Al Queda taking place all around the world-including inside the United States, chosen to distort post-war intelligence on the war in Iraq, chosen to inflate civilian casualty counts 2000%, chosen to inflate the dollar cost 2000%, and chosen to dismiss and distort the original casus belli as well as failed to even have the courage to recognize that success in Iraq means not having to send a 3rd generations of Americans back into a 3rd and infinitely more expensive re-re-invasion.
Until John and other Americans have the courage of imagination to envision success and support efforts to accomplish that, I cannot believe that they are sincere about accepting higher taxes, losing their jobs because of the higher taxes they called for, or their willingness to draft their own children.
To the John Ryan’s of this world there is nothing worth fighting for. They’d sacrifice freedom, liberty, prosperity and peace itself because they believe in nothing greather than themselves and their own selfishness.
god bless all of our soldiers and their families who are making the ultimate sacrifice. thank you for all every one of you has done for this nation.
This is always a day of reflection for me. Lost most of my high school friends in Vietnam. Have two nephews serving in AF today, as well as the sons and daughters of friends.
To those still alive and serving, I am always humbled by your extraordinary sense of “others” instead of “self”. To those that have fallen, I am honored by your sacrifice, and blessed by your time on this earth. Hopefully most of us will “earn” worthiness of those sacrifices… much as “Private Ryan” of the movie anguishes over his own goodness at the film’s end.
John Ryan is correct in that the majority of American Society (obviously that he knows, and thrives in), contributes nothing but venom, criticisms and accusations. I’m not sure if he is expressing pride in that… it is an odd sort of thing to be proud of.
But is lacking the lessons learned by service, or by being in a military family – the sense of “others” over “self”. Our best and brightest ask for little in return for their all – perhaps a bit of respect, courtesy or acknowledgement. A very small price for us to pay to those that lay down their lives daily.
Yet so many seem unable to pay that pittance. We have become, on the whole, a self-absorbed, shallow, narcissistic nation. John Ryan, by most of his posts here, embodies that indoctrination well. He is a good reality check for us all. There is always considerably less “cream” than “milk with fat” in the churn.
He is incorrect in that our defense budget…a small percentile of the Congressional pork barrel pit… is paid for with taxes. Deplorable education he musth have endured to know so little.
I’ll never understand the left. To have such confidence in their convictions. Do they never think what if all this is true? Do they never have a moment of doubt? They don’t realize the chance they are taking with this mindset. History has proven that civilizations that quit fighting for their freedoms fall. When a country no longer has the will to defend itself it is overrun by barbarians. Well, folks, the barbarians are not only at the gate they are within. And what is worse? The cells of terrorists or the fifth column that has always been with us?
We have allowed the freedom of speech to go too far. When people can actively root for the downfall of the country then they are traitors and should be dealt with. It is now the very vocal voice of one that counts and not the silent voice of millions. Any citizen can now sue the government for laws enacted by legislature. There is a great difference in complaining about the government and actively trying to destroy it. And with the left elections don’t matter. If they lose itis because their opponent stole the election. For the last eight years we have heard ad nauseum that Bush is an illegal president. He stole the election. Both of them. They hate him with a virulent hatred. And for what? Saving their sorry butts? They have made fun of him constantly and he has outwitted them every time. History will call him a great president. Well, I call him a great president now.
The video is a wonderful tribute to our servicement. God bless them. And God keep them safe.
John Ryans post is so pathetic and full of lies that one wonders what feeding trough his masters give him his talking points from.
Taxes went down. Revenues went up. That is the way economics works: Lower punishment taxes and jobs grow, as does the tax base.
And I am VERY happy our casualites have been at historic lows. I am VERY happy we are not losing people like we lost in other wars while our enemies are bleeding themselves dry and destroying their own insane visions with their barbarism. I am VERY happy that we do not have to live in fear as the Isrealis do of daily rocket attacks or car bombs. I am VERY happy we have been able to keep this war FAR from your delicate Leftist talking points.
I see you are not, which is telling.
Mike’s America’s comments hit your position square on the head.