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Think Hillary Voters Will Rally Around Obama? Think Again [Reader Post]

I don’t surf much in Democrat waters; if they ever caught me they’d make remote Pacific island cannibalism look like a state dinner. But I stumbled across this on a Democrat site, and though you have to read between the lines a bit, I think this Hillary supporter is not happy with Obama’s impending nomination. You be the judge.

On behalf of millions of Clinton supporters who have made it very clear that we will vote for a cockroach before we vote for Barack Obama, I would like you pieces of Obama crap to know that you can kiss our asses. We will collectively do everything in our power to see to it that you and that mysogynist, bigoted, race-baiting pig you worship, the fraud who has already set gender and racial relations back thirty years, goes down in flames in a big way. And there are millions of us. Millions. The kind of millions that brought his type down before from the voting booth.

So kindly don’t bother trying the Nicey-Nicey. We are not your wives you can beat the crap out of and later come back and get back together with. You are so vile you give yourselves away by the third comment, so really it’s a waste of time. You don’t even know you are offensive because it’s in your DNA or something. So really, there’s no sense of stressing yourselves trying to hide your disdain for us. It’s not necessary. We hate you even more than you hate us and all of you only serve to solidify our resolve. And when Barry Obama goes down in November, kindly remember why. Or don’t remember why. Nobody cares.

Hey, would you consider putting out a yard sign for the guy?

H/T No Quarter USA via Donna Darko

Denny at New Republican Party Blog has a good roundup of angry Hillary supporters vowing to defeat Obama.

Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room

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