Jihadi Websites Claim Defeat In Iraq


According to Sen Harry Reid (D), the war in Iraq is lost. Now, suicidal Islamic Holy Warriors seem to have finally agreed.


The author tallies up and compares the numbers of operations claimed by each insurgent group under four categories: a year and half ago (November 2006), a year ago (May 2007), six months ago (November 2007) and now (May 2008). He demonstrated that while Al-Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq could claim 334 operations in Nov. 06 and 292 in May 07, their violent output dropped to 25 in Nov. 07 and 16 so far in May 08. Keep in mind that these assessments are based on Al-Qaeda’s own numbers.

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It’s undeniable that we are winning. Dare I say we have won and what are seeing now is the tail end of the mopping up operation?

The Iraqi Army has taken control of Basra and Sadr City so now both the Shia extremists and Al Queda are under control.

I have often said that Democrats who claimed we had failed and lost in Iraq should be held accountable, but I don’t see it happening. They appear free to continue to undermine success without any consequence.

Maybe we should start our own 527 group to run ads during this election year with Democrats who wanted withdrawal a year ago and ask viewers if these people deserve to be returned to Congress?

So, if the Leftists, the Defeatists, and the Dims believe other things that the jihadis put out there, will they believe this too?

I’m not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

This is from Michael Yon this morning:

[Progress in Iraq is unmistakable. I appeared on “Fox and Friends” this morning to discuss the topic, yet interestingly a book distributor who services military bases in the United States refuses to carry “Moment of Truth in Iraq”.

Please Click for details



P.S. Michael Moore has chosen to stop infringing on my work.]