Does Obama have any Caucasian, Hispanic, or Native American aides?
His security detail looks like Nation of Islam…
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
I’m not sure who the men are in that picture.
His security detail, however, is provided by the Secret Service.
It is comprised of a variety of individuals, male and female.
Fit fit
16 years ago
Obama has discussed why he chose to protest what he saw as favoring symbolic gestures over true patriotism by refusing to wear a flag pin. I want McCain to explain why he refuses to be Baptized.
desertdweller: The guy to Obama’s left is holding a pen and note pad. Most likely a “reporter” writing another puff piece about what a great guy the Obamessiah is.
FitFit: Sorry, not interested in any lame attempt to divert the issue here. If Obama thinks wearing a flag pin is some kind of “substitute” for patriotism, then why does he wear one depending on the audience he addresses? Does he think that all those yokels who come to hear him in certain venues are looking for a “substitute” for true patriotism?
This is yet another illustration of how elitist and condescending Obama is.
16 years ago
Hey! You weren’t suppose to notice!!! 🙂
Fit fit
16 years ago
Sorry, not interested in any lame attempt to divert the issue here.
I’m sorry, you’re right, this is a critical issue. That tie makes him look like an elitist too. This guy is so unelectable.
FF: What do we really KNOW about Obama? What do we know about what he believes and what he would, or COULD do in office.
That’s why associative politics and examinations of the small glimmers he gives us into his character are so important.
Sorry you don’t get it.
Nix On
16 years ago
Could he be the manchurian candidate?
Fit fit
16 years ago
What do we really KNOW about Obama? What do we know about what he believes and what he would, or COULD do in office.
I know about as much about Obama as I do McCain, I’ve read every single policy page on each of their websites. I’ve read one of McCain’s books and have just started Obama’s. I know I have way more reason to like McCain than you do.
FF: I’ve had a detailed conversation with McCain and I still don’t like him. But I like him a lot more than I do Obama.
P.S. In Time Magazine there is more about the flag pin flip flop.
Asked if he will continue to wear the pin, Obama said, “If it ends up being on another suit, I might leave it one day, but it’s something that I’ve done before and I’ll certainly wear it again.”
How stupid does he think most people are? (we know the answer when it comes to Democrats)
On Tuesday he’s wearing the same suit and tie all day long. the only thing that changed was the pin.
I’m beginning to wonder if he doesn’t have an aid assigned the job of putting on and taking off the flag pin whenever it is needed.
Let’s not forget what the Obamessiah said earlier on this issue:
“After a while, you start noticing people wearing a lapel pin, but not acting very patriotic.”
Did he say that before we found out his pastor ranted “GOD DAMN AMERICA?” Did Jeremiah Wright wear a flag pin?
Fit fit
16 years ago
I love that volcanic lightning picture, I think it’s the coolest thing I’ve seen in years. The Gang of 14 Compromise was a great moment for McCain and our country. His “pivot” on immigration is hillarious. Original plan: Secure the borders, illegals pay fines, become citizens. New plan: Really secure the borders, illegals pay fines, become citizens.
In my discussion with McCain he was proud of his role in the gang of 14. He asked me if my “blogging friends” would be happy that the filibuster was preserved if a Democrat were President.
The problem is, that if a Democrat DID appoint another whacko leftist to the Federal Bench, Republicans like McCain would do NOTHING about it. I’d have to go back and check, but I’m willing to bet he voted to confirm Justice Ginsburg, the ACLU lawyer and a bunch of these other whacko judges.
It’s the same deal with immigration. McCain’s immigration bill means AMNESTY pure and simple. So they pay a fine. Big deal. And there is NOTHING in that bill which was defeated that requires them to become citizens. Research the Z visa if you want to learn more.
I went line by line through the immigration bill and it had more holes than swiss cheese.
Mike this is your statement:
“That’s why associative politics and examinations of the small glimmers he gives us into his character are so important.”
So let’s look into McCains associative political friends. McCain accepted endorsements from Both of these radicals.
Rev. Haggee
Hagee, of course, is also a virulent anti-Catholic, who has suggested that the pope is the anti-Christ, and that Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism was the result of being educated at a Catholic school.
One would think that when a leading presidential candidate proudly touts the support of such a figure, the issue would receive close scrutiny from the press. But last week, once McCain assured reporters that, just because Hagee was endorsing him, it didn’t mean he agreed with everything Hagee said, the mainstream media essentially let the matter drop. Chalk another up for the Straight-Talking candidate. -Columbia Journalism Review
Rev. Parsley
In a taped sermon, the preacher McCain calls a “spiritual guide” calls on America to see the “false religion” of Islam “destroyed.” Still, the candidate won’t reject Rod Parsley’s endorsement. -washington dispatch.
In March 2008—two weeks after McCain appeared with Parsley at a Cincinnati campaign rally, hailing him as “one of the truly great leaders in America, a moral compass, a spiritual guide”—Mother Jones
If you choose to examine Obama’s associates then you should be able to examine McCain in the same way… If not aren’t you being Hypocritical? Just how much Hypocrisy do go along with??
Also to say that someone is a fool because he reads a web site you don’t approve of is a little off base. What is that country that approves of free speech? Oh Yeah.. the USA. Have you forgotten that part of our constitution?? Is this a new part of right wing world? Squelch anyone that doesn’t think conservative?? There is a con in conservative.
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
Is Sky back?
I thought he may have been busy with something else.
On one hand you have someone who has been associated for long periods of time in their personal lives with radical individuals. Someone who has no performance record whatsoever for us to use as a basis for evaluation. You are correct. Every little glimmer is important and useful.
On the other hand you have someone who has experience in the military, and an extensive record of public service time as an elected official. This elected official was endorsed by two pastors that a few consider radical because it is a convenient way to bash McCain.
That is much different than him having a multi year relationship with these people in his personal life.
Sky, obviously and unfortunately, doesn’t have the intellect to make the distinction.
He’s still clinging to the idea that Obie wasn’t born and raised a Muslim and didn’t attend a madrassah.
Are you still trying to tell me the public school in Indonesia Obama attended is a Madrasah??? you are so full of crap. Two years in a public school in Indonesia and two years in Catholic school there. I will give YOU a hint.. catholic schools don’t teach islam… and although Indonesian public schools reflect the country’s main religion his public school was not a Wahabi Madrasah…
Attacks On Obama’s Elementary School Are “Laughable” Given the Moderate Form of Islam Practiced in Indonesia, Especially in Those Days.” – time magazine.
so you are as usual wrong!!!!
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
You should spend your Internet time doing research which will actually stimulate your brain rather than your other parts.
I have shown you over and over that you are incorrect in your contentions about Obie’s school but you don’t want to let that truth sink in.
Here’s more info for you to ignore:
“After attending the Assisi Primary School, Obama was enrolled – also as a Muslim, according to documents – in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta.”
“‘In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies,’ wrote Obama.”
**** You’ll note that the words above belong to Obie, not me. He said himself that he went to a Muslim school. *****
The spam filter caught one of your commets above. We get about 50 spam hits an hour (minimum) and for some reason one or two get through, but even logged on, some comments (including ours) get caught.
If we are not fast enough, they get buried under porn, ringtone, lawnmower parts, long distance, insurance, etc spam adds. Once lost, they eventually get deleted.
I should do a post in the “Humor” section just listing some of the more outragous hits we get.
He went to a PUBLIC school… not a muslim school… why is that so hard for you to grasp???
this PUBLIC school had influences of the muslim faith but was not a muslim school…..
i know that is hard for you little mind to grasp..
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
Sky, it seems to me that Obie would know what kind of school he went to.
You know, he was there after all.
Maybe you should argue with him about what it was.
“In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies.”
That is a quote from HIS book.
My goodness, how do you even have sense enough to tie your shoes?
Fit fit
16 years ago
What I find curious about McCain are the issues he sticks to versus what he’ll throw away. I think he’s fairly consistant on his fiscal policies, his abortion stance has shifted, his anti-torture ethics have been droped, yet he clings to his immigration and carbon caps policy despite the outrage of a lot of his base. I think it shows he truly believes he is in the right on these. Probably also be the only things he’ll get passed if elected.
Indonesian Embassy: Besuki School Attended by Barack Obama “Has Never Been an Islamic Madrasah Type of School.” In an informal communication, the Indonesian Embassy stated that “Sekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Besuki in Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia has always been a public school. It has never been an Islamic madrasah type of school.”
CNN Reporter: Obama’s School Taught A National Curriculum of Science and Math, Students Were “Neatly Dressed In Uniform,” and Teachers Wore Western Style Dress. In front of boys and girls playing in the quad of the school, Vause reported, “In the quadrangle of this elementary school – boys and girls, aged from 6 to 12, neatly dressed in uniform – playing together, just as a young Barack Obama would have done almost 40 years ago.” In front of a science class, “Here they’re taught science and maths.” Vause said, the school, “‘Besuki’ elementary follows a national curriculum, just like it did in the sixties and seventies…take a close look at Obama’s teachers, women and men, all in western style dress.” [CNN, Situation Room, 1/22/07]
does that sound like a muslim school to you??
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
I’ll choose to take Obie at his word since he was actually there.
Aye Chihuahua: As you see, attempting to educate the willfully ignorant is very frustrating.
He/she/it still doesn’t understand the difference between Obama’s associations and McCains.
Oh well…How would Obama describe such a person?
I know: Typical Democrat voter!
Aye Chihuahua
16 years ago
You are somewhat correct.
I gave up on trying to teach Sky anything a long time ago.
At this point my goal is just to make sure that everyone else sees him (and he is a guy, 55, a pilot, lives in St. Paul, married, children) for the fool he is even though he is painfully unable to see himself the way others see him.
I no longer allow him or his compadres to frustrate me. I have chosen instead to have a bit of fun by allowing them to repeatedly put their intellect, or lack thereof, on open display.
Does Obama have any Caucasian, Hispanic, or Native American aides?
His security detail looks like Nation of Islam…
I’m not sure who the men are in that picture.
His security detail, however, is provided by the Secret Service.
It is comprised of a variety of individuals, male and female.
Obama has discussed why he chose to protest what he saw as favoring symbolic gestures over true patriotism by refusing to wear a flag pin. I want McCain to explain why he refuses to be Baptized.
desertdweller: The guy to Obama’s left is holding a pen and note pad. Most likely a “reporter” writing another puff piece about what a great guy the Obamessiah is.
FitFit: Sorry, not interested in any lame attempt to divert the issue here. If Obama thinks wearing a flag pin is some kind of “substitute” for patriotism, then why does he wear one depending on the audience he addresses? Does he think that all those yokels who come to hear him in certain venues are looking for a “substitute” for true patriotism?
This is yet another illustration of how elitist and condescending Obama is.
Hey! You weren’t suppose to notice!!! 🙂
I’m sorry, you’re right, this is a critical issue. That tie makes him look like an elitist too. This guy is so unelectable.
FF: What do we really KNOW about Obama? What do we know about what he believes and what he would, or COULD do in office.
That’s why associative politics and examinations of the small glimmers he gives us into his character are so important.
Sorry you don’t get it.
Could he be the manchurian candidate?
I know about as much about Obama as I do McCain, I’ve read every single policy page on each of their websites. I’ve read one of McCain’s books and have just started Obama’s. I know I have way more reason to like McCain than you do.
FF: I’ve had a detailed conversation with McCain and I still don’t like him. But I like him a lot more than I do Obama.
P.S. In Time Magazine there is more about the flag pin flip flop.
How stupid does he think most people are? (we know the answer when it comes to Democrats)
On Tuesday he’s wearing the same suit and tie all day long. the only thing that changed was the pin.
I’m beginning to wonder if he doesn’t have an aid assigned the job of putting on and taking off the flag pin whenever it is needed.
Let’s not forget what the Obamessiah said earlier on this issue:
“After a while, you start noticing people wearing a lapel pin, but not acting very patriotic.”
Did he say that before we found out his pastor ranted “GOD DAMN AMERICA?” Did Jeremiah Wright wear a flag pin?
I love that volcanic lightning picture, I think it’s the coolest thing I’ve seen in years. The Gang of 14 Compromise was a great moment for McCain and our country. His “pivot” on immigration is hillarious. Original plan: Secure the borders, illegals pay fines, become citizens. New plan: Really secure the borders, illegals pay fines, become citizens.
In my discussion with McCain he was proud of his role in the gang of 14. He asked me if my “blogging friends” would be happy that the filibuster was preserved if a Democrat were President.
The problem is, that if a Democrat DID appoint another whacko leftist to the Federal Bench, Republicans like McCain would do NOTHING about it. I’d have to go back and check, but I’m willing to bet he voted to confirm Justice Ginsburg, the ACLU lawyer and a bunch of these other whacko judges.
It’s the same deal with immigration. McCain’s immigration bill means AMNESTY pure and simple. So they pay a fine. Big deal. And there is NOTHING in that bill which was defeated that requires them to become citizens. Research the Z visa if you want to learn more.
I went line by line through the immigration bill and it had more holes than swiss cheese.
Mike this is your statement:
“That’s why associative politics and examinations of the small glimmers he gives us into his character are so important.”
So let’s look into McCains associative political friends. McCain accepted endorsements from Both of these radicals.
Rev. Haggee
Hagee, of course, is also a virulent anti-Catholic, who has suggested that the pope is the anti-Christ, and that Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism was the result of being educated at a Catholic school.
One would think that when a leading presidential candidate proudly touts the support of such a figure, the issue would receive close scrutiny from the press. But last week, once McCain assured reporters that, just because Hagee was endorsing him, it didn’t mean he agreed with everything Hagee said, the mainstream media essentially let the matter drop. Chalk another up for the Straight-Talking candidate. -Columbia Journalism Review
Rev. Parsley
In a taped sermon, the preacher McCain calls a “spiritual guide” calls on America to see the “false religion” of Islam “destroyed.” Still, the candidate won’t reject Rod Parsley’s endorsement. -washington dispatch.
In March 2008—two weeks after McCain appeared with Parsley at a Cincinnati campaign rally, hailing him as “one of the truly great leaders in America, a moral compass, a spiritual guide”—Mother Jones
Lame and transparently so 55110.
The reason associative politics is so vital to Obama, and less so to McCain is because Obama has NO RECORD, only words. McCain has a record to run on.
Do you understand the difference?
We can evaluate McCain on the basis of his record AND his associations ( which in comparison to Obama’s are no big deal and YOU know it).
P.S. No wonder you’re such a left wing Obamaton parrot. Anyone who reads Mother Jones is a FOOL!
If you choose to examine Obama’s associates then you should be able to examine McCain in the same way… If not aren’t you being Hypocritical? Just how much Hypocrisy do go along with??
Also to say that someone is a fool because he reads a web site you don’t approve of is a little off base. What is that country that approves of free speech? Oh Yeah.. the USA. Have you forgotten that part of our constitution?? Is this a new part of right wing world? Squelch anyone that doesn’t think conservative?? There is a con in conservative.
Is Sky back?
I thought he may have been busy with something else.
On one hand you have someone who has been associated for long periods of time in their personal lives with radical individuals. Someone who has no performance record whatsoever for us to use as a basis for evaluation. You are correct. Every little glimmer is important and useful.
On the other hand you have someone who has experience in the military, and an extensive record of public service time as an elected official. This elected official was endorsed by two pastors that a few consider radical because it is a convenient way to bash McCain.
That is much different than him having a multi year relationship with these people in his personal life.
Sky, obviously and unfortunately, doesn’t have the intellect to make the distinction.
He’s still clinging to the idea that Obie wasn’t born and raised a Muslim and didn’t attend a madrassah.
Are you still trying to tell me the public school in Indonesia Obama attended is a Madrasah??? you are so full of crap. Two years in a public school in Indonesia and two years in Catholic school there. I will give YOU a hint.. catholic schools don’t teach islam… and although Indonesian public schools reflect the country’s main religion his public school was not a Wahabi Madrasah…
Attacks On Obama’s Elementary School Are “Laughable” Given the Moderate Form of Islam Practiced in Indonesia, Especially in Those Days.” – time magazine.
so you are as usual wrong!!!!
You should spend your Internet time doing research which will actually stimulate your brain rather than your other parts.
I have shown you over and over that you are incorrect in your contentions about Obie’s school but you don’t want to let that truth sink in.
Here’s more info for you to ignore:
“After attending the Assisi Primary School, Obama was enrolled – also as a Muslim, according to documents – in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta.”
“‘In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies,’ wrote Obama.”
**** You’ll note that the words above belong to Obie, not me. He said himself that he went to a Muslim school. *****
By the way, I never used the word “Wahabi”.
That was you.
Madrassah is the Muslim word for school.
“Are you still trying to tell me the public school in Indonesia Obama attended is a Madrasah???”
Actually, I’ll let Obie tell you himself:
In his autobiography, “Dreams From My Father,” he acknowledges studying the Quran and describes the public school as “a Muslim school.”
“In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies.”
A Muslim school is a madrassah.
Why is this difficult for you?
“so you are as usual wrong!!!!”
No, not so much.
Aye Chihuahua,
The spam filter caught one of your commets above. We get about 50 spam hits an hour (minimum) and for some reason one or two get through, but even logged on, some comments (including ours) get caught.
If we are not fast enough, they get buried under porn, ringtone, lawnmower parts, long distance, insurance, etc spam adds. Once lost, they eventually get deleted.
I should do a post in the “Humor” section just listing some of the more outragous hits we get.
He went to a PUBLIC school… not a muslim school… why is that so hard for you to grasp???
this PUBLIC school had influences of the muslim faith but was not a muslim school…..
i know that is hard for you little mind to grasp..
Sky, it seems to me that Obie would know what kind of school he went to.
You know, he was there after all.
Maybe you should argue with him about what it was.
“In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies.”
That is a quote from HIS book.
My goodness, how do you even have sense enough to tie your shoes?
What I find curious about McCain are the issues he sticks to versus what he’ll throw away. I think he’s fairly consistant on his fiscal policies, his abortion stance has shifted, his anti-torture ethics have been droped, yet he clings to his immigration and carbon caps policy despite the outrage of a lot of his base. I think it shows he truly believes he is in the right on these. Probably also be the only things he’ll get passed if elected.
Indonesian Embassy: Besuki School Attended by Barack Obama “Has Never Been an Islamic Madrasah Type of School.” In an informal communication, the Indonesian Embassy stated that “Sekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Besuki in Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia has always been a public school. It has never been an Islamic madrasah type of school.”
CNN Reporter: Obama’s School Taught A National Curriculum of Science and Math, Students Were “Neatly Dressed In Uniform,” and Teachers Wore Western Style Dress. In front of boys and girls playing in the quad of the school, Vause reported, “In the quadrangle of this elementary school – boys and girls, aged from 6 to 12, neatly dressed in uniform – playing together, just as a young Barack Obama would have done almost 40 years ago.” In front of a science class, “Here they’re taught science and maths.” Vause said, the school, “‘Besuki’ elementary follows a national curriculum, just like it did in the sixties and seventies…take a close look at Obama’s teachers, women and men, all in western style dress.” [CNN, Situation Room, 1/22/07]
does that sound like a muslim school to you??
I’ll choose to take Obie at his word since he was actually there.
He describes it as a “Muslim school”.
Are you prepared to call the Obamessiah a liar?
He described it as a muslim school… it was a public school in a muslim country….
muslim influence more than likely… a muslim school?? not really.
Keep in mind we are talking about 2 years here.
Also Indonesia is a muslim country where radicals were kicked out years before he went there.
He went to a school where he was taught the Koran.
A school where he learned the calls to prayer among other things.
Yes, it was a Muslim school.
That is his own description.
Aye Chihuahua: As you see, attempting to educate the willfully ignorant is very frustrating.
He/she/it still doesn’t understand the difference between Obama’s associations and McCains.
Oh well…How would Obama describe such a person?
I know: Typical Democrat voter!
You are somewhat correct.
I gave up on trying to teach Sky anything a long time ago.
At this point my goal is just to make sure that everyone else sees him (and he is a guy, 55, a pilot, lives in St. Paul, married, children) for the fool he is even though he is painfully unable to see himself the way others see him.
I no longer allow him or his compadres to frustrate me. I have chosen instead to have a bit of fun by allowing them to repeatedly put their intellect, or lack thereof, on open display.
Aye and Mike,
you two are so entertaining … it’s a blast watching you come up with this wild BS day after day after day….
YOU are the typical cons as in conservatives… the weird part is you actually seem to believe your BS…
John Hagee
McCain repudiates Hagee’s view’s on the Catholic Church, perhaps because he did not know Hagee’s views have been distorted.
…You do realize that McCain hasn’t worn a flag pin ONCE since he won the GOP nomination, right?
70 Consecutive Days and Still No McCain Flag Pin
The hypocrisy, it burns.
Seems to me that McCain is being consistent. Whereas your candidate shows up with the pin one hour and not the next.
I suppose if I were you I’d be looking for any distraction from that reality.
Who is the real hypocrite here?
“Christian Leftist”
Oxymoron anyone?