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Hmmmmmmmm Romneys still in the game eh! 🙂

Put an African American on the ticket like Steele, and Obama loses in a landslide.

None… I repeat, NONE of the other Republican presidential candidates. Not Romney, not Huckabee, not even Fred or Duncan. No liberals, no moderates, no Senators, no pro-abortion or pro-amnesty supporters.

Two choices of my own come to mind: Bill Bennett and Michael Steele.

Romney for his business sense
Steele for his proven success
either one to have a real manager on board

Michael Steele seems to be on the short list for FA readers and writers

One thing is certain, while the choice on VP is guaranteed to dominate a news cycle or two, Steele would dominate for longer than normal.

How about someone further off the radar? Admiral Fallon?

Michael steele, VP

2012 – Michael Steele – Pres.
VP – Bobby Jindal

The left would go nucking futs, more than likely it’ll go to Romney though.

i say condi rice, then that would give the libs a heart attack. rice is female and african american, it would show alot of people how “progressive” the conservatives can be. if she is out, then i say steele.

Steele does seem to be the best of the bunch. But for sure none of his buddies in the Senate, or any Liberal or Centrist. That would be his downfall, conservatives will stay at home.

It has to be some one conservative, so that when McCain goes nuts will have a replacement.

Rick Santorum

Whilst I admire Mitt Romney for having stepped aside for the good of the party, I’d have to say that my choice for VP would be Mike Huckabee.
In the worst case scenario McCain’s opponent will be BHO, and BHO is going to really stir up the radical left and inner city vote. McCain has good appeal to the moderates, both in the Republican and Democratic Parties; but he’s not going to get the conservative base out in droves on Election Day. Huckabee stayed in the primaries as a conservative voice till he was mathematically eliminated, which shows he has some endurance for the campaign trail. I don’t think a conservative VP choice will scare away the moderate “swing” voters, but Huckabee would definitely energize the conservatives out there. Plus, he has credibility down south, which may not be the guaranteed Republican lock it has been, should we be facing BHO.

Chris Cox is my choice. A solid conservative, young, and far more articulate about economic policy than McCain could ever be.
Condi doesn’t want it. McCain still doesn’t like Romney and won’t choose him.

Huckabee? I’m down south Machiavelli (South Carolina, but on the coast) and I can say that choosing the Huck wouldn’t energize me. Just the opposite.

Rice has said she doesn’t want it. Fred Thompson was on Hannity and Colmes tonight and said he wouldn’t be interested. I think Romney would take it and that wouldn’t be a bad choice.

I like the idea of Michael Steele or Rick Santorum. But like George Allen, all three lost their races in 2006 and that might take them down a peg or two in consideration.

Other than Chris Cox, obody have any strong feelings about the other young congressmen that appear to be on McCain’s list?

Crist is one name that has been bounced about. Anyone have opinions on Forbes?

(I’m up the road from you Mike in N. Myrtle)

I guess I am a bit wary of Crist. He’s a relatively new governor in Florida and I was a bit upset that he doublecrossed Rudy Giuliani and endorsed McCain.

As for Steve Forbes. Where has he been? He strikes me as a bit too 20th Century for VP pick in 2008.

My vote goes for Romney because as McCain says, the 2nd function of the VP is to inquire into the health of the president.


The Constitution Party Convention is being held this week, and I’m still holding out hope for a Dr. Keyes/Judge Moore ticket in any combination. Too bad you guys don’t have a few contacts in Kansas City, it would be interesting to find out what’s being said. . . .

Mark Sanford. Decent fiscal conservative, popular, clean, competent, no particular baggage I can think of (but maybe some of you in SC have more exposure and are aware of some dirt on the guy).

Bill Bennett is somewhat vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy, and personally I prefer the fiscal conservatives to the full-bore moralists anyway.
Condi Rice is supposedly not interested. Plus rumor has it she’s a lesbian, which I think is fine but it would not help her chances in an election.
Steve Forbes is uncharismatic. Only reason to bring him on board would be if it allows the ticket to spend a bunch of his money, thereby avoiding the FEC caps that McCain is now limited by.
Rick Santorum is arguably too far to the right to help the ticket in the general election, but since McCain is centrist maybe it would help bring in some Republicans who would otherwise stay home. Plus it might help in Pennsylvania. The fact that he lost his own bid for reelection seems to speak against it, though.

Steele and Romney seem like reasonable choices.

AK governor Sarah Palin. She’s smart, pretty and pro-life as can be.

JC Watts And not because he’s black, because he’s conservative!

Iagree JC Wattswould also be a good choice, and notthat he is black eother, but that would help counteract the Obamassiah. Palin would be good, but I think she needssome more experience, but she woulds be great also, and not because she is female either .
I keep on hearing Sanford, but I really don’t know that much about him, but from what I hear he would be a good choice also.

And I do not think that any of the other GOP candidates should be in there. I never really liked anyof them other than Fred anyway, Duncan was my second choice.

JC Watts, Steele, and Palin are my choices. But if there are any other good conservative candidates out there, I could be persuaded.

AK Gov Sarah Palin would definitely contribute to the ticket, but I think just having another child last week may preclude her (or might fall into the category of “Thanks, but no thanks”).

Mitt will bring some deep pockets (his own money) and popularity in the western states (what McCain lacks). Easily eliminates the need for Steve Forbes.

Condi, nice, articulate, and very smart. However, not interested. A McCain/Rice ticket has done well in polling against any Dem combination (landslide win).

JC Watts, another articulate and very smart individual. Has been out of politics for awhile, so I don’t know if he’s willing to get back in the fray.

Huckabee, no. Though McCain has spoken nicely of him, he really doesn’t bring anything to the ticket. Sure, some social conservatives like him, that group will probably end up voting for McCain anyway. If they stay home, they repeat the mistake of ’92 by helping elect a Dem to the WH.

Mark Sanford, good, clean, but really unknown outside SC.

Scott (#5) – Admiral Fallon? Recently retired from the Navy, his military knowledge and judgment is certainly more up-to-date than McCain’s. I don’t know if McCain would go for that.

John Kasich would secure Ohio and Pennsylvania. A true, likable conservative and has been out of Washington for a while now.

Kyle: I like John Kasich. As a Central Committeeman in Southern Delaware County I helped canvas my precinct for Kasich in his first congressional campaign.

He’s an honorable and decent man.

But I’m not sure he has the star power for the #2 slot.

Besides, would he want to give up his cushy life commenting on Fox News for the meat grinder of a national campaign?

Kasich is pretty good also, but will he want to leave the cushy job and get back into the battlefield.
Yes I do like him also

My vote goes to Dick Cheney as he has been the rock behind the President. I wouldn’t mind four more years of the same!!