Report To Show Iraq WMD In Syria


This is helluv a teaser from JPost:

An upcoming joint US-Israel report on the September 6 IAF strike on a Syrian facility will claim that former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein transferred weapons of mass destruction to the country, Channel 2 stated Monday.

Furthermore, according to a report leaked to the TV channel, Syria has arrested 10 intelligence officials following the assassination of Hizbullah terror chief Imad Mughniyeh.

No way!

Now some may ask why it makes sense that Saddam handed over his WMD to Syria after risking his regime to keep those WMD’s but I would guess that the assurances from Russia and France that we would never invade must of filled him with a false sense of security. He may have figured that sending the WMD’s over, then opening the inspections completely would have sufficed but 13 years of yanking our chain came back to bite him in ass after 9/11.

Not too much of a leap to think the man misjudged the situation, just look at Kuwait.

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And, don’t forget, Condi opposed the Israeli strike, and although she couldn’t prevent it, she did manage to get it postponed.

Whatever Ms. Rice value as a talented individual, it is more than offset by her abysmally poor judgment.

Condi may or may not have “opposed” the air strike as the article says.

There is no statement there from her one way or the other. I tend to not believe the things that the MSM wants to feed me.

My belief is that there may have been public statements of “opposition” but wink and nod support behind the scenes. If my memory serves me there was the same sort of reaction when the Israelis bombed the Osirak facility in Iraq in 1981.

Remember that Israel is a staunch unwavering ally of ours and we are theirs as well.

We may claim “opposition” in public but in reality we are glad Israel is doing the dirty work that needs to be done.

Such is the nature of international diplomacy.

Regardless of the facts of the article, yonason is quite correct regarding Rice’s judgment. She sucks bad and all this talk about her as VP is just a PR stunt dreamed up by God-knows-who.

Cond – Bad as NSA and worse as SecState.

Color me highly skeptical …as well as Allahpundit over at Hotair.

I think he misjudged it to a point, then after grandstanding about it, he realized an invasion was a reality and he couldn’t back down and save face. We gave Saddam a ton of time to do God knows what. He could of believed we were bluffing for the better part of a year and still have a couple months left over to squirrel away his stash.

I don’t trust the MSM either. BUT, when a hostile witness testifies against something they themselves otherwise might approve of, I take notice, especially when it is consistent with what I’ve come to expect of her.

If that were the only data we had, one might be able to justify skepticism. However, we have some other facts…

Here’s one, now…

FROM DEBKA.COM: (not exatly the MSM)
Condi OKs Hi Tech to Syria
December 15, 2007, 9:38 PM (GMT+02:00)
In line with the thaw in Washington-Damascus relations, the state department has permitted Cisco Systems to ship routers, switches and hi-tech equipment to Syria. Israeli military officials told DEBKAfile’s sources that the shipment of items with military uses was approved, although the Bashar regime is far from mending its ways and continues to meddle in Lebanon.”

Although most of my criticism of her stems from her foolish ideas about the “palestinians” and their motives, and how Israel should accommodate the most savage people on the planet when that will only continue to cost Jewish (and Arab) lives.

Oh, I almost forgot. Imagine if Eleanor Roosevelt honored “Tokyo Rose” for her “accomplishments”, and right in the middle of WWII, no less. And toss in Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler’s ministress of cinametographic propaganda, to boot. I assume you would be outraged? I would hope so.

Well, Condi has no such scruples.

Condoleeza Rice Honors a Hizbullah / Fatah Propogandist as a Woman of Courage!

That woman is bonkers!

What WMD? I mean really, let’s be specific:
-500 mustard gas shells-recovered in Iraq
-illegal missiles-fired by Saddam at US forces, and recovered in Iraq
-VX-turned out a truckload had spilled and everyone was afraid to tell higher ups so they kept it on paper and inspections could never have convinced those involved of their safety (though some could still exist and it only takes a few gallons, and there are reports that the gas used by AQ to attack Jordan and endanger 70,000 people involved leftover VX from Saddam)
-anthrax-Dr Germ later admitted that she’d poured it out accidentally too close to one of Saddam’s palaces and was terrified to let anyone know lest Saddam think she had tried to kill him=inspections couldn’t prove this was a safe issue, but there’s no doubt a few ounces could have made it out of Iraq and a tablespoon can kill 100k-250,000 people (something inspections could never confirm had been destroyed)
-chlorine-found en masse by UN, but described as dual use despite the later discovery by US troops of “civilian, dual use” chlorine plants surrounded by tens of thousands of empty artillery shells waiting to be filled
-sarin and other nerve agents-discovered by US forces, pics in Duelfer report of it being prepared for use
-SCUDs-24 never accounted for
-chemical cluster bombs-illegal cluster bombs discovered during invasion, pictured in Duelfer Report and special bomblets for chemical dispersal discovered by US troops, but not yet installed in the bombs themselves
-UAVs-discovered by US troops (successfully hidden from UNMOVIC), pictured in Duelfer report, while made to be recon drones (just as helos sold by US to Saddam were recon helos) they had payload capability as claimed by US and UN
-nuclear-lots missing, plans to remake their 1992 bomb found by US troops successfully hidden by Saddam’s regime

Lots of “stuff” went to Syria per the UN and ISG, but specifically, what “WMD” are we talking about? Opponents of the invasion fall silent to this one.

What has the Rice doctrine wrought for peace today?
You will recall that…
“…US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice added her voice to calls for Israel to lift its blockade on Gaza despite continuing rocket attacks emanating from the region….”

Well, the latest “fruits” of following her directives (demands) to make Israel more accessible to the Paleostinians (including terrorists – mustn’t discriminate, you know) are that…
” A terrorist cell of some three to seven operatives used the cover of mortar fire to infiltrate through the depot, which Israel uses to deliver humanitarian aid and thousands of tons of fuel supplies to Gaza Arabs, including terrorists at least once a week, sometimes more often.
The terrorists then shot and killed … two Israelis before escaping back through the terminal to the Gaza side.”

Brilliant woman, maybe, but bonkers for sure, … either a fool or malicious (or both?). Her ‘moral compass’ is a tinker toy.

Here’s a link you may want, i f you don’t already have it.

David Kay said that Bush didn’t lie, that everyone thought Saddam had WMD. He also said…

“TB (Tom Brokaw): The president described Iraq as a gathering threat — a gathering danger. Was that an accurate description?

DK(David Kay): I think that’s a very accurate description.

Baghdad was actually becoming more dangerous in the last two years than even we realized. Saddam was not controlling the society any longer. In the marketplace of terrorism and of WMD, Iraq well could have been that supplier if the war had not intervened.

..and another good reference…

“2. Deliberate dispersal and destruction of material and documentation related to weapons programs began pre-conflict and ran trans-to-post conflict;

4. Some WMD personnel crossed borders in the pre/trans conflict period and may have taken evidence and even weapons-related materials with them;

5. Any actual WMD weapons or material is likely to be small in relation to the total conventional armaments footprint and difficult to near impossible to identify with normal search procedures. It is important to keep in mind that even the bulkiest materials we are searching for, in the quantities we would expect to find, can be concealed in spaces not much larger than a two car garage;

yonason, I’d be very careful about quoting ANYTHING from Debka, they’re notorious for being wrong. Their “reporting” isn’t much removed from The National Enquirer.


can you give specific examples? I’ve only found one dubious analysis, and that was over 6 years ago. I don’t read them a lot, but what I have seems reliable, so any proof you can give to your assertion would help me decide whether to use their material again. I’m afraid I can’t just take the “they’re notorious for being wrong” ‘proof’ without some backup. Thanks.

I keep having problems posting. My comment #9 above was supposed to have links. It didn’t go thru, so I took the links out and reposted in order to add them in afterward, but that didn’t seem to work. I navigated away and when I came back, the post that didn’t seem to get added was now there, but it’s too late to edit in the links. frustrating it is.

O.k, so here are the links for #9, #9, #9, #… in the places they should have been.

“you will recall that…”

“…the latest “fruits” of following her [rice’s] directives (demands)…


“Here’s a link you may want…”

“..and another good reference…”

BTW, Curt… I posted what I’m repeating below last night… never showed up. So if it shows up in the spam filter, you can delete. Don’t know if it was a IE6 seucurity update I did yesterday or what.

Now… as to “skeptical” on the WMDs and Syria. An excerpt from Georges Sada’s book, Saddam’s Secrets:

In June 2004, Demetrius Perricos, who serves as president of UNMOVIC, confirmed these and many other facts in a report to the UNSC. He made it clear that Saddam had smuggled WMDs out of Iraq before, during, and after the war. In his report, Perricos provided evidence that documents recovered in Jordan, Turkey and as far away as the Netherlands, revealed that thousands of tons of biological warheads ahd been shipped out of Iraq to other countries in the Middle East. And along with chemical and biological components there were nuclear reactor vessels and fermenters for preparing chemical and biological warheads.

Perricos didn’t mention the Syrian connection, but field reports from Iraqi informants and information supplied by the Israeli intelligence service, The Mossad, confirmed that memebers of Syria’s Baath Party were very much involved. And two months prior to the UNMOVIC report, US officials received word from the Jordanian intelligence service that they had broken up a plot by Al Qaeda to explode a large chemical weapon in the center of Amman, Jordan.

The thwarted Jordanian plot mentioned by Sada above was in CNN news April 26th (duplicated here, approx 5th story down on this site)

I’ve blogged on, and had the link to, the UNMOVIC May 2004 quarterly report on my blog for years. Naturally the press doesn’t care to confirm that UNMOVIC documented much that confirms Sada’s later claims via UN sources. That’s to inconventient as it doesn’t fit with their indoctrination of misinformation over the years.

So color me not so skeptical. But it matters whit. For after all this time of media propaganda and lies, it would be impossible to reverse the electorate’s beliefs. They’ve been told the sky is green by the media. No proof of it being blue will change that.

Curt, having the same problem… a few of my posts aren’t showing up. Perhaps it has to do with hotlinks in the content. I posted the first version late yesterday afternoon via the flashy WordPress version. The second one, I tried posting just a few minutes ago using the WordPress Default version.

If you find me in your spam filter, eliminate one of the duplicates under this “WMD” thread, please.


…and i noticed the increased editing time. That could be very useful for updates, etc., Nice.

…so, it occurred to me to go up to my previous post (#12) to change something, and … it can no longer be edited, and it’s not 6 hrs yet. Do you need to change some process other than the clock that shows how much time we should have left?

Haven’t got a clue if I need to edit, Curt. There was no “view” for the post to check for errors, guy. So I guess we lives with whats we got, eh?

UPDATE at 1:16… I see my “repeat post” (#14) has arrived….

Sort of a moot point at the moment, Curt…. but when I posted the “no view”, the content post about WMD’s still hadn’t shown up after I hit the submit button. Thus I couldn’t “view” it to see if it needed editing.

I added the UPDATE at 1:16 when I saw my post #14 had appeared. But by then, it didn’t give me the ability to edit it anyway. Weird, eh?

Got the “hotlink” snafu fixed?


I hope that you didn’t get the impression that I am defending Rice on every decision she has ever made. I am most certainly not doing that.

I am however pointing out that the MSM is deeply invested in making this administration look bad in any way they can, whether by printing accurate stories or by embellishing, twisting, stretching, or spinning.

Quite frankly if I don’t see a video tape or actually hear the person’s voice saying the words then I don’t readily accept it.

The Internet is full of false quotes and false stories all in the interest of shaping and molding the story.

Back to the WMD issue:

In the days leading up to the beginning of the invasion the news was full of stories regarding convoys and trucks scurrying about along the borders of Iraq.

There were recon photos from spy satellites which supported the theory that those weapons were literally being spirited away in the night. That info and those pictures were released long, long before we got in there and found basically zero.

Aye Chi

Those convoys and such you mention are discussed in the UNMOVIC quarterly report. It also documents finding proscribed missiles, acquired by Saddam *after* 1998, and abandoned in a Netherlands junk yard during the time of OIF. This is not exactly a group that is pro-liberate Iraq.

The media may have been “full of stories”, but they made sure the public believed Saddam was merely moving his palace patio furniture, and not WMDs. It best suits their agenda that way.

“Quite frankly if I don’t see a video tape or actually hear the person’s voice saying the words then I don’t readily accept it.” – Aye Chihuahua

That is a good point, and usually a good idea to heed, even when the source is reliable if for no other reason than it is difficult to defend irrefutably. However, I have given other examples that are well documented to show she ain’t playin with a full deck. And, no offense taken.

As to the “convoys,” you will also note what I quoted David Kay, the lead investigator after the invasion. I repeat for your information…

“Baghdad was actually becoming more dangerous in the last two years than even we realized. Saddam was not controlling the society any longer. In the marketplace of terrorism and of WMD, Iraq well could have been that supplier if the war had not intervened.”
2. Deliberate dispersal and destruction of material and documentation related to weapons programs began pre-conflict and ran trans-to-post conflict;

4. Some WMD personnel crossed borders in the pre/trans conflict period and may have taken evidence and even weapons-related materials with them;”
(see above for refs)

I’ve been following this and know that there is not enough information to give a detailed accounting of what happened, but Saddam DID transfer material out, and I think we can be pretty sure that he was not just trying to protect his stamp collection.

I have more links, but they are on my other computer which is down, probably for a while. Needless to say, Saddam was in bed with the terrorists, he had every intention to reaquire whatever weapons he had lost and had as many plans in place as he could to effect that as soon as sanctions were lifted. He did have and was trying to acquire more materials for WMD even up to right before the war. It’s a good thing he’s gone, and getting rid of him was the right thing to do.

O.k., here’s the money quote from back in 2004 that I’ve been looking for…

“David Kay, the former head of the coalition’s hunt for Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, yesterday claimed that part of Saddam Hussein’s secret weapons programme was hidden in Syria.

We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons,” he said. “But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam’s WMD programme. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved.”

(Can someone explain the seemingly contradictory “not a large stockpile” and “a lot of” when applied to the same “material?” Sounds like he’s hedging.)

And an analysis by Condi in response to criticism by Rockefeller (D), back when she was somewhat sane.

“The notion that, somehow, someone who had caused more than a million deaths in the Iran-Iraq war, someone who had invaded Kuwait, and we believe, was probably on his way to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, somebody who threatened his neighbors every day, who shot at our aircraft, who had broken out of an embargo and was using his oil wealth to build up an arsenal of weapons, that this is not a
Rice said.”

And, naturally, I take issue with her odd choice of the adjective “odd” to descripe Rocky’s loony position.
“The notion that, somehow, someone who had caused more than a million deaths in the Iran-Iraq war, someone who had invaded Kuwait, and we believe, was probably on his way to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, somebody who threatened his neighbors every day, who shot at our aircraft, who had broken out of an embargo and was using his oil wealth to build up an arsenal of weapons, that this is not a threat, in the world’s most volatile region — I just think it’s very, frankly, odd analysis,” Rice said.”

(And, naturally, I take issue with her odd choice of the adjective “odd” to descripe Rocky’s loony position. Equivocators must equivocate, after all.)