Nutcase Olbermann On The Great Passport Conspiracy


For those of you who enjoy checking out the enemy and watching ubernut, Mr. Keith Olbermann, you may have seen him flipping out about the passport “scandal” in which two State Department employees were fired for looking at Obama’s passport files. Check out some whining, crying, and conspiracies galore in this video, and this one, another one, even more, and lastly…this one.

If you haven’t hurled by now then maybe you have a stronger stomach for liberal idiocy then I do.

Be that it may, he freaked out calling for heads to roll, blaming it on a Rovian conspiracy (all the while not understanding the political climate in the State Department, decidedly anti-Bush), even bringing in Hillary Clinton as a co-conspirator.

Wonder what he will do with this now?

An embarrassed State Department admitted today that the passport files of all three presidential candidates — Sens. John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — have been breached by its employees.

Could it be! Could it be that all along it was just some bored workers thinking it would be cool to check out these passport files? Could it actually, amazingly, NOT be a huge right-wing conspiracy.

Not expecting anything of the sort to spew from Herr Obly’s mouth, but just more evidence that the man is a fruitcake.

Ooooooh, wait a minute. This was all a coverup. They wanted to check out Obama’s passport and to cover their tracks they looked at Clintons and McCains…..those evil bastards!


Need more proof that Olby has lost it?

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Perhaps just as funny was Larry Johnson (of I “heart” Plame fame) calling in to Anderson’s 360 show on CNN last night.

Yeah yeah… I read lots of different blogs. Let’s not even go there…

The No Quarters group is hot and heavy Hillary, and downright vicious on Obama. So when Larry called into 360, I was curious about this one. I figured the “leap to conclusion” crowd would automatically assume it’s a Hillary tactic.

Sure nuff, Larry did some big time distancing between his girl and the issue by shifting attention to “Bush did it”. Actually, he started off saying it was no big deal (probably thought she did it himself, and playing down the import was the key). Then, as an afterthought, threw in the Bush admin as the likely culprit at the end. I figure that was a “jus in case” HRC came up. But quite laughable. If it’s no big deal, why assail #43?

Then of course within 12 hours, McCain’s breach hit the news… Hope Mr. Johnson enjoys his crow dinner. But I highly recommend listening to the audio (he called in to the show) of the clip. It’s a hoot.

Olbe never had “it”
Naomi Wolf gave him the clap…

There is other news too.
1. The LA Times reports that Bush has been trying to free up passport information so that other agencies including other governments can look at this information. In fact, the people caught were from a company contracted out by the U.S. government. There was an alert program built in to tell the supervisors when employees were looking at certain peoples’ information and that’s how these employees got caught.

Yes they could have been bored workers, workers that were looking for tabloid fodder, workers that tried to get information to give to the other candidates, or were spies for one group that tried to gain info on two of the candidates and covered their tracks by looking at the stats of the candidate they were looking for. Since other governments can freely look at this information, it would be weird for them to try to give this information to them.

If foreign governments can look at this information, then I would suspect that there isn’t that much information one could gain, but since these employees were low level from a contractor that obviously didn’t know the workings of the passport system, I would say either curiousity and or some sort of power trip led to them doing it.

I also think this helps prove that Barackis worthless as president. He opened his mouth before knowing about the workings of the passport system since North Korea, Iran, Vietnam, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela (even if they have to share info), including some companies working for the U.S. government, has access to the same information that these two guys got. Barack wants Congress to be part of the investigation as if this was classified information that those two workers were looking at. Maybe he should show up more often and ask around more and he would be told that it’s closer to being public information (at least in some countries).

My thoughts on this one:

1) To be honest, the first thing I thought was “someone wants some blog fodder.” The second thing I thought was that (here comes the conspiracy theory) someone hit one candidate as the primary target, but did the other two as cover.

2) The three clowns who abused their privilege/clearance/whatever should be fired, and they should be barred from any future government work. (Two have been fired, but the third is getting a “review?” I don’t think so – out the door with him.)

3) The contractor should face a stringent personnel review before any contract is renewed.

4) My understanding is that the information divulged to other countries is only a subset of the information in one’s ‘passport file.’ For instance, I don’t believe that we divulge a full travel history to other countries. (I could be wrong on this; it’s been some time since I read up on this subject, and the rules may have changed.)

5) I have a problem with this:

“Though they heralded the computer monitoring system installed a few years ago to detect such breaches, senior officials at the State Department were said that they had only learned of the Obama breach from a reporter calling for comment earlier Thursday.”

If it takes three months for senior officials to learn that the records of our most notable citizens are being breached, and only then when a reporter finds out first, that’s one broken “alert system.” Putting on my information security hat, I would expect that (just on general principle) the files of our Federal officials (elected or appointed) would set off flags whenever they were accessed; in fact, one would think that special permission should be requried before accessing those files. I can understand if my passport file doesn’t set off bells and whistles when opened, but Obama’s? McCain’s? Clinton’s? That has a direct impact on national security.


I find this Basso Profundo Asso – to be the most obnoxious, unctious, twerp to his the small screen since Pee-Wee Herman – but Pee Wee didn’t read the news and saved his onanisms for darkened theatres.

Well played Aces!

We do what we can.

Happy Easter!

Pat Hickey

didn’t watch olby. DON’T watch olby. This is due to prevent getting in my Chevy C1500 and paying the low-life scumbag a visit. Preferably with old Shipmates to hold a blanket partyon his useless ***.

Honored Veteran Cassel,

Happy Easter! That is a fine sentiment – indicative of a deep Partiotism and good sense.

I want to share a bit of a surreal experience I had yesterday morning. As I was getting ready for work, I flipped on CNN (because hey, that at least get the weather right) between 7:15am – 7:45am; meaning I got to watch an entire news cycle on headline news.

In the short span of 30 minutes, there were no less than four stories that cast positive light on Barrack Obama; and I mean they hit all four corners here:
1) The headline story – Contractors at the State Department caught looking at Obama’s passport history. Promptly followed by video of Condoleezza Rice explaining the situation to the MSM (I don’t know about you guys, but I think she has better things to be doing), and telling how she personally called Barrack Obama to apologize (wonder if he apologized for Wright having slandering her?) for the incident. The take-away here for the less well informed American public – Even the current Republican administration is sinisterly shadowing Obama, the MSM’s anointed candidate.
2) The Clinton – Wright photograph: While ultimately revealed to have been released by a member of Obama’s campaign (which still hasn’t been widely acknowledged by the MSM), the fallout from this was designed to fall squarely on Hillary’s campaign. Take-away – See! Even the Clinton’s have touched this man, they’re just as dirty as Obama is! (Never mind Bill’s just meeting him at a regular function, versus having a deep 20+ year association with the man).
3) McCain suspends aide for posting video – For having posted the video “Is Obama Wright” to a social network site he was a member of. In the name of taking the high road, McCain suspended the man for an unspecified time. The take-away for general public: McCain is sneakily mud-slinging. (The reality here is that McCain was if anything over zealous in trying to keep his campaign clean)
4) Bill Richardson endorses Obama – New Mexico governor, and former Presidential candidate Bill Richardson backs Barrack, with special emphasis that he is the only Hispanic governor in the U.S. The take-away: Despite his revealed racist ties, the general public should not dump Obama (as the recent polls have shown his numbers falling), but return to his banner, particularly Hispanic’s who have so far backed Hillary or conservatives. At this point Obama hardly needs a media consultant, since the MSM is giving him freebies like this as often as possible.

Obama’s speech on race failed to properly sway the public, as did MSM claims that it “ended the debate” about the Wright Affair, the MSM is now adapting a new tactic; bury it under enough “new” news regarding Obama, and the American public will forget about it. It’s true enough the Americans show distressingly short memories, so it becomes imperative for the blogosphere to keep truly weighty matters like the Wright connection and other facts about Obama that may emerge in the spotlight, and fresh in the minds of American voters. Not to mention the inevitable counters that the radical left will throw our way (with MSM support).

I know Obama. I like the the guy. I am a democrat and have been with John McCain sice last Spring.

Barack Obama – the national icon – is creation of the DNC. From the time that he spoke at the Convention fro Kerry. Howard the Duck Dean and his crew of MovenOn.Org goofs have been workingon the obama Magic. They want the Clintons out.

Now the Clintons ain’t about to go quietly. They have not even begun to give Obama a tune-up.

Obama will not get support from regular democrats in Chicago due to his continued alliances with Lefty Heroes like convicted bomber Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and others including indicted bundler and power broker Tony Rezko.

The Ayers stuff has not even gotten a sniff in MSM and is far more damning about Obama’s vaunted ‘Judgment’ than even Rev. Wright.

Take a good look at Chicago Blogger John Rubery’s work and his examination of Obama’s Marxist ties.

Sorry Aces,

Got a bum mouse and ten cent head.

Here’s Marthon Pundit John Rubery on Obama’s goofball associations –

Given the fact that President Bush permitted Karl Rove to purge eveyone other than “Loyal Bushies” from every other agency of the US government, why shouldn’t one presume that the US Passport office had not also been converted, like the GSA, into an arm of the Republican National Committee?

Re: “Take a good look at Chicago Blogger John Rubery’s work and his examination of Obama’s Marxist ties.”

So, now the official Republican line is no longer that Senator Obama is a secret Muslim Terroist. Now he’s a secret Communist Agent?

Re: “In the short span of 30 minutes, there were no less than four stories that cast positive light on Barrack Obama; and I mean they hit all four corners here:”

Are you complaining because only John McCain is supposed to get the “man-crush” stories?

Re: My understanding is that the information divulged to other countries is only a subset of the information in one’s ‘passport file.’ For instance, I don’t believe that we divulge a full travel history to other countries. (I could be wrong on this; it’s been some time since I read up on this subject, and the rules may have changed.)”

That information is already available to foreign governments insofar that all they have to do is leaf through your passport and check the visa stamps. In the past, those reporters who could carry two passports (dual nationalities) often made sure that they used only one for their trips to Israel because Saudi Arabia had a policy of not admitting anyone who had an Israeli visa stamp anywhere in his/her passport.

Come on Philly Steve! You didn’t even try to debate the point that the MSM is trying to cram Barrack Obama down the throats of the American public. It doesn’t take a Republican Party loyalist to see that there’s the least bit of favoritism going on here, even the “Conservative Bastion” of Saturday Night Live is calling that one out!
If you just want to launch straight into the realm of ad hominem here, I can be as funny and sarcastic as the next guy; but I at least first wanted to give you the opportunity to reply with a little more intellectual rigor than you’ve mustered in your first attempt.

per Phillie Steve

Given the fact that President Bush permitted Karl Rove to purge eveyone other than “Loyal Bushies” from every other agency of the US government, why shouldn’t one presume that the US Passport office had not also been converted, like the GSA, into an arm of the Republican National Committee?

Now now, Steve. Don’t let your opposition passion entrap you into false extremes.

What about all the US Attorneys, of which all were Clinton appointees and only 8 fired later? Certainly not what Reno/Clinton did when they performed a US atty bloodbath on their entry. And that is just fine, all kosher. Just wish Bush had done the same.

Military and Pentagon are also departments with admin holdovers… as well as some that couldn’t be removed since they aren’t appointees anyway.

The low level passport officials involved were not hired by GWB. Everyone involved here is pretty low in the food chain.

Re: "Come on Philly Steve! You didn’t even try to debate the point that the MSM is trying to cram Barrack Obama down the throats of the American public. "

What am I supposed to do?  Get into one of those childish "Yes it is!  No it’s not!" shouting matches that pass for "debate" on Cable TV these days?

Barak Obama only gets positive press insofar as the MSM hates Hillary Clinton and will say anything to beat her (check out Chris Mthews on any given night.

But then John McCain, with only about a once-a-year exception, also gets free passes on his howlers (even when he has to be publicly corrected, right on the podium, about his factual mistakes).

And have you forgotten Chris Mathews all-but-manhug endorsement of George W. Bush as "the guy everyone wants to have a beer with" in 2004.

Re: "What about all the US Attorneys, of which all were Clinton appointees and only 8 fired later?"

Flat out wrong.  When the party in power changes at the White House, all the US attorneys submit their resignation and are replaced with the opposition party’s team.  That is what happened in the transition from Presidents Clinton to Bush.  What brought the scandal to light was Bush repeating it in 2005, w ithout a party change (which was un precedented).

Not at all Philly Steve. Your second attempt there was much better. To my eyes, it seems like the MSM’s positive coverage of Obama is pretty unconditional; the Wright affair only getting air time after the stink was so bad that it couldn’t be covered-up anymore. I’ll agree the MSM seems to hate Clinton lately; seems like the radical left is determined to get their man nominated at any cost. Some here may disagree that there is any difference between Obama and Clinton, but when the anarchists side with Obama, that tells me that Clinton is "more" moderate (and thusly the better pick). Whilst I favor McCain, I won’t engage in a knee-jerk defense of him, or call him perfect. If someone wants to be President, I welcome a full grilling of them to verify their fitness for the office. If McCain makes factual mistakes, let him be corrected, in my thinking that’ll make him a better President in the end.