Racial Politics Coming Back To Bite Democrats


Apparently there is a little kerfuffle with Geraldine Ferraro saying that Obama would not be where he is if he wasn’t black:

In an interview with the Breeze, Ferraro said, “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

The comment was picked up by political blogs and cable news shows across the country. The Obama campaign held a conference call today to denounce the remark, and Obama surrogates urged Sen. Hillary Clinton to repudiate it.


Susan Rice, an Obama adviser, called on Clinton to repudiate the remark in an appearance today on MSNBC.

“That is a really outrageous and offensive comment,” Rice said. “I think if Sen. Clinton is serious about putting an end to statements that have racial implications, that diminish Barack Obama because he’s an African-American man, then she ought to really repudiate this comment, and make it clear there is no place in her campaign for people who say this kind of thing.”

This is what happens when someone speaks out against Obama….next thing you know your a racist. I mean a majority of blacks are not voting for Obama just because he is black right? That couldn’t be. From Mississippi today:


But you know what…I don’t feel sorry for her. It’s her party that started the racial politics back in the day, they wrote the rules on who, what, when and how people could pull out the race card and now lookie….its come back to bite you on the ass. Reverse Racism at its finest.

Of course he wouldn’t be where he is today except for the color of his skin AND his talent at public speaking. The man has almost no experience and almost no accomplishments but is leading in delegates across the country. Of course Hillary wouldn’t be where she is today if it wasn’t for the fact her husband had a talent at public speaking AND she is a woman. They are both empty suits and are taking advantage of the system their party have used for decades.

Geraldine is just stating an very obvious fact, one most people are too afraid to say.

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Democrat’s racism surfaces right before our eyes. Maybe Sen Byrd can run an encounter session for them and help them past their old ways.

Sen Byrd’s services will not be required. When the smoke is cleared and they have a nominee, the donkeys will realize that their racism was all Bush’s fault. They will sing Kumbaya while bashing the President and will lose badly in the general when independents realize a progressive is really a regressive.

Not all independents…I’m going third party. McCain is far more likely to further the Eco-Socialist agenda. America’s going to lose there no matter what. I just refuse to vote for it.

Democrats will only vote for liberal black men and/or liberal women. Their hypocracy knows no bounds. The opportunity to vote a black man and/or woman into office has presented itself on more than one occasion. . . . .

I’m hoping for an Alan Keyes/Roy Moore ticket. No Mc Cainnedy for me. . . . .

at this point I really do have to wonder what moderate and center right people will think of how obama has cowed so many Dems into obedience based on fear of being called a racist.

Swing voters if they are paying attention will be wary of obama because he uses the accusation of racism so quickly and easily–especially when he has a political set back.

McCain can use this against obama if he’s very clever about it.

Ferraro doesn’t deserve the beating she’s getting for speaking her mind.

at a certain point it will be TOO succesful for Obama to smear other Democrats as racists. He won’t be able to stop using the tactics and will overstep the mark with McCain. Obama won’t change his playbook in my opinion. Republican aides will be constantly attacked for vague remarks that can be twisted as racism—but teh republicans can probably set a few wicked traps on that score.

Just about everything one hears across the cable news CNN, MSNBC, Fox news or anything and everything Hillary said or supporters is criticized, demonized, ridiculed, characterized as racist, can’t get elected, is disliked , is polarizing, arguing issues in a wrong way, insider fighting, should drop out of the campaign, will loose against McCain, will not get votes from blacks. On and on.

But, with a notion that no one should count Hillary out of the Primary Election, is amazing.

Most of the electorate understands that those so called red states are going to vote Republican. Obama has no chance and it is simply because he is black and worse, walks with in the name of Islam, with the name Hussein. You must be advised I heard on Hate radio WIND or it might have been ABC hate radio around Rush Limbaugh time, I listen to improve my skills in understanding Republican hate messages. Something interesting is usually heard.

A political ad was telecast about Obama needing to reject and denounce Islam. Because of his fathers connection. In Islam if your father’s blood is Islam therefore you are, no arguments with these guys. At the same invoking the ideal about an apostate and how it is considered good to punish an apostate implying, Obama, even in the sense not to feel guiltily to commit murder as punishment for denouncing Islam. Very extraordinary. And of course an ad that does not appear that often, or is not cycled. Just as the political ad that I saw on CNN about Arabs in disagreement with Bush, never saw that one again either.

Even Governors Spitzers resignation because of prostitution reeks of Camel Toe. Its only my opinion the Arabs have a considerable long time investment in swaying legislation in Americas Republican controlled congress. All this Known and supported right in America’s back yard by Mainstream Media, is influenced by Arab dollars, and so is Bush and Company. They all have no recourse but to lie and fix the election again.

Ah, the tinfoil brigade of Zorro…..

It does not matter WHAT color Obama or sex Hillary is. They are leftists and THAT is why people will not vote for them. They may get enough votes from those few who support them knowing who and what they are and votes from those duped into believing that the left will do something good for America.

The rest of us will vote for McCain as supporters of him, vote for McCain as a vote against the left, or vote third party.

It has NOTHING to do with race.

You come here with your “hate radio” and “Republican hate messages” lines of pure BS on conservatives and then show your own hate and insanity. Do you look in a mirror and project as you type this line of garbage or do you get your “two minutes hate” programming from your masters and then go copy paste on blogs?

The string of the “accuse/get fired” incidents in both the Hillary and Obama camps is creating an aura of incompetence and political correctness gone amok in the Dem party. Can you imagine an SNL skit where the two teams trade the most vile and the most innocent accusations in rapid succession, with their respective leaders silent or periodically uttering “I dissociate myself from these comments”, and the team members being removed after being voted “the weakest link”?