What idiots. From the BBC: (h/t Weasel Zippers)
Islamic terrorists want war. They want suffering – among others and their own people alike.
They would surely surmise that McCain will give them what they want. Bin Laden himself intervened with what many thought was the effect of keeping President Bush in power in 2004 with that weird tape just before the poll.
I think al-Qaeda would back McCain – that is not an argument for or against America backing him, but it seems to me that the vague assumption that the terrorists would back a lefty is lazy thinking..
The only lazy thinking is this idiocy. al-Qaeda wants total domination, they want their version of Islam all across the globe, and they found that having a Republican in office like Bush bit them on the ass….and hard. They are a shadow of their former self, those glory years being the 90’s when it just so happened a Democrat was in office.
But now, somehow, this bozo believes al-Qaeda wants an enemy that fights back rather then capitulate.
You just can’t make this stuff up….I mean really.
And you just know a post about idiots couldn’t be complete without a Hollywood idiot:
Sharon Stone believes the Sept. 11 attacks should not have been used as a pretext for the United States to launch wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to her comments published Monday in a pan-Arab newspaper.
In her interview with Al Hayat, the actress also bemoaned what she called Americans’ decision to ignore the deaths of so many Iraqis.
“I feel at great pain when the spotlight is on the death of 4,000 American soldiers, while 600,000 Iraqi deaths are ignored,” she said. “War is not a movie, it is a tragedy of dead bodies, victims, the disabled, orphans, widows and the displaced.”
See author page
If idiots like her had their way, Saddam and his sons would continue on with their depravity and slaughter of their own people as well as others, and her “concern” about the death of so many Iraqis would see us leave Iraq vulnerable to greater levels of violence and carnage by removal of our troops who are there helping and protecting innocent Iraqis.
For the 500th time, the “600,000 dead Iraqis” number is a complete LIE!!!!!!
I cannot put into words how much these continual lies and slander from the left and isolationist far right piss me off.
That’s right Chris. It’s up to 1.2 million now. Opponents of the war who claim they were deliberately misled about the cost in blood and treasure in the 17month rush to war, now have no problem at all taking the actual number of bodies, multiplying times 10, and then blaming every single death on Americans even though barely 1/3-1/4 of the real number of bodies found died from American troops. The same is true for the cost in treasure. The opponents of the war who cry out that Wolfowitz deliberately lied by suggesting Iraq had vast oil reserves that might help offset the cost of the war, now have no trouble at all combining the cost of the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the global war on terror, and an estimated effect on the economy all into a number about 4x higher than the actual cost of the war in Iraq. Then (again) they multiply that number several fold to claim that the war in Iraq has cost $2trillion dollars.
No proof we were lied to before the war, but no doubt the opponents of the war lie to us now.
Not ironic, not sad, not even sobering.
It’s more than idiocy, it’s plain stupidity.
When you have to scrape the bottom of the IQ barrel and come up with Sharon Stone to promote continued lies about our involvement in Iraq, then you know that the Arab media AQ sympathizers have really lost it.
It’s over — we’ve won the war, and the Iraqi people are now free…Stone, did you ever once lift a sign or give an interview bemoaning the horrific rapes and murders of innocent Iraqis under Saddam? I thought so…
The progress we and the Iraqi People made against Saddam, his loyalists, the Maadi, and AQ were ‘not in her name’………
“The progress we and the Iraqi People made against Saddam, his loyalists, the Maadi, and AQ were ‘not in her name’………”