

“No she can’t…..no she can’t…..no she can’t!”

No wonder her campaign’s tanking:

Good God! That is just plain awful! If I were campaigning for Obama, I’d use this video in his campaign and give it plenty of airplay. The melody itself sounds like an expensive rip-off of the Jackson 5.

Now, compare that to the ultra-hip and slick “Yes We Can” video:

Not to leave McCain out, this is actually pretty cleverly done:

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Sorry, couldn’t get through the Obama one, or the Hillary one. But the McCain one was funny. 10,000 years! Sounds like a good slogan to me, at least a McCain presidency will feel like 10,000 years!

What the hell is that?! It looks and sounds like some gay, “Up With People” Dance Troupe crap. That song and video is just another tell tale sign that Shrillery WILL NOT win her party nomination. GAME OVER, Cankles!