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It’s very disheartening to realize that 50% of the people think that platitudes are serious campaign speech. He’s says nothing and they go wild, this is very scary. How do you even consider him vote worthy. At this point sometimes I feel I have lived too long, things have changed dramaticly from a country where G-d and family were up most in our minds to this me me generation. I shudder to think whats coming. This is one of those days where a little encouragement would go a long way.


And what does “:p” add?

I am wondering what all this “hope” and “change” really means also. Is it “hope” I still have “change” in my paycheck after taxes are raised? “Hope” drug companies and hospitals will continue to research and create new treatments/medicines in the face of socialiszed medicine? “Change” laws and inact “net neutrality” and “the fairness doctrine”?

And are Obama’s “hopes” what others “hope” and/or is it wishful thinking?

What does hope actually mean??? I still have hope that someday my paycheck will be as large as it was before BUSH. $13,000 pay cut due to his exporting of jobs. I work in the packaging industry. Packaging is done where the manufacturing is done.. send manufacturing overseas and packaging goes with it. that cost me per year for the past six years.. Yeah, I have hope for a president that will bring those jobs back here.. via tax incentives, tariffs or whatever it takes.

“The fairness doctrine” why are right wingers so afraid of it? is it because they won’t get there daily doses of right wing BS from the 400 plus right wing talks shows on the market?? How did that market get so flooded?? hummmm maybe it’s because only a handful of corporations now own all the radio stations in the country… Corporately owned radio only wants you to hear what THEY want you to hear… That’s down right dangerous