A Sentence That Fit The Crime


What a sad story, but in this instance the sentence fit the crime:

Saudi Arabia on Wednesday beheaded a couple convicted of torturing to death a nine-year-old girl, including burning her with a red-hot spoon and beating her with a metal pipe, the interior ministry said.

Saudi Nashat Haji, 32, was beheaded by the sword for murdering his daughter, Khosoun, said a ministry statement carried by the official SPA news agency.

He was executed in the western city of Mecca along with his second Saudi wife, Iman Ghazawi, 27, after they both tortured the girl, including driving a car into her in the courtyard of her home.large_27121_44316.jpg

Haji decided to “get rid of” his daughter after he became doubtful that he was her biological father from a previous marriage, the ministry said.

The Saudi Arabic-language daily Al-Watan later reported that DNA tests showed a 99.9% probability that the child was in fact his.

Actually, the beheading may have been too swift.

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They should have strung him up by his balls and let the vultures take over. This piece of shit is going to rot in Hell

You know, there just aren’t words to describe the inherent sickness and depravity of these people.

Anyone who would be willing to torture to death their own child for any reason deserves exactly what this pair received.

May there be a special corner of Hell reserved just for them.

Just like what the Bible would say (Old Testament)

Islam is a religion where their own children have very limited value. People need to get it thru their thick heads that these nutjobs don’t think like us.


I know you only do drive-by commenting spouting your drivel and intrade stats, but I would llike to know in what Christian or Jewish nation these practices common in Islam are sanctioned now? By that I mean honor killings, the worthlessnes of children, especially girls, and the celibration of death.

I’d like to see more public beheadings.

(EDIT: Note from ChrisG: The above comment is unedited by me and left as is. However, it appears that this post is not from the person who is commonly known as “Philadelphia Steve”. I explain this in a post below and believe this person to be an imposter and have views not endorsed by the real “Philadelphia Steve”)

Then go to Iran Steve, or Somalia, or Sudan, or other such nations. You will get your fill.

(EDIT: Now that I have concluded that the above is not Philadelphia Steve, I direct my comments to the person posing as him, not the actual “Philadelphia Steve”)

Ok, I have to apologize to Steve here. I just logged on and saw the email address and IP of the above alleged “Philadelphia Steve”. Both are not only different from the more common “Philadelphia Steve” but the IP addresses are on separate continents (The other IP is from Amsterdam, Netherlands). So unless, for some reason Steve changed his email for one post and scrambled his IP, the above “Philadelphia Steve” is not the ‘real’ “Philadelphia Steve”.

Steve also does not usually leave one line posts and there is no mention of the evils of “conservates” and our supposed blind loyalty.

So, due to the fact that the above posters email/IP/and writing style is different, I will conclude that it is an imposter and will leave the comment up but add a disclaimer by editing it.