I’ve been posting on my blog for sometime the many reasons why I will support McCain in the General election. Two big reasons. The Supreme Court and the War on Terror. today Hugh Hewitt wrote about the very real danger of a liberal President on SCOTUS:
There are seven reasons for anyone to support the eventual nominee no matter who it is: The war and six Supreme Court justices over the age of 68.
Folks who want to take their ball and go home have to realize that even three SCOTUS appointments could revolutionize the way elections are handled in this country in a stroke, mandating the submission of redistricting lines to court scrutiny for “fairness.”
“It is undeniable that political sophisticates understand such fairness and how to go about destroying it,” Justice Souter announced in his diseent in Veith v. Jubilerer, the Pennsylvania redistricting case in which the Court declined by a vote of 5 to 4 to immerse itself in the details of the partisan redistricting of Pennsylvania.If Democrats control the White House and gain even one of the five seats held by the center-right majority of current justices, this and many other crucial issues are up for legal grabs. When activist judges are more than willing to rewrite rules of long-standing, periods of exile should never be self-imposed “for the good of the party.” Exiles can go on a very long time indeed. Ask the Whigs.
They can go on indefinitely when enforced by courts.
Just one example of a liberal majority on the court would do to this country. Defeating Roe v. Wade important to you? Forget it. The 2nd Amendment? Forget it. It’s hard to fathom the damage they could do, and I don’t want to. So, with Mitt’s exit, my main goal will now be to defeat two of the worst Socialists in this country.
See author page
Of course you and Hugh and others are most correct that we must not allow either of the Dhimmis to stack the courts with liberal judges.
And there is no comparison leadership on the war on terror.
Mitt made some fantastic points about why we should support John McCain. Even in my abject disgust I can see the reasoning. But this Republican needs some time to wrap her brain around the fact that John McCain is the only choice left to vote for in November.
Kimberly, you’ve got months to wrap your mind around the idea, but if you want to do it faster, find any pic of Sen Clinton, rt mouse click on the pic, then click on SET AS DESKTOP BACKGROUND
methinks you’ll wrap your brain around the idea in a hurry
LOL! Scott.
Count me in also on the Big Mac Attack!!
Oops I forgot to mention I Loved McCains speech today!
Why didnt he say all these things to us months ago?
Well better late then never I guess.
I just might have to resort to that.
Thankfully I do have months to come to terms with the choices before me. But I swear I will be drinking Pepto Bismol for the next 4 years no matter what.
Many here believed Fred would win. Fred lost and in retrospect had no real chance to win given the realities of his candidacy. Many others continued to believe that Mitt would win. Mitt actually had a pretty good chance and had Crist not endorsed McCain he would’ve won Florida and perhaps the nomination.
John McCain has about as much of a chance to win the general election (unless there are some outrageous but helpful developments with his opponents or on the foreign policy/terrorism front) as Fred had in the primaries. If you look at the numbers of new Republican voter registrations vs. the numbers on the Dem side, and more importantly at the sheer numbers of the primary voters on both sides, you will realize that the size of the trend can only be missed by those who refuse to see it at all. This election season has been characterized by Republican denial. Don’t fall into this trap, or do if it makes it easier to bear what’s coming down the pike and that’s what you really want.
Re: “Oops I forgot to mention I Loved McCains speech today!
Why didnt he say all these things to us months ago?
Well better late then never I guess.”
Not to criticize too severly, since who you vote for and why is your business. But do you reallly decide on who you will vote for based on hearing the words you want to hear in a primary campaign speech? Do you actually believe those words are meant to be anything other than “words you want to hear”?
I certainly do not kid myself that the words I hear from Democratic candidates are anything other than pandering to me.
Steve makes an excellent point here and I agree with him (you can cue the Twilight Zone music if you wish). Campaign speeches and pre/post campaign actions are different. Of the two, actions are all that matters.
ROFL! Yeah, right. C’mon Steve…talk about identity crisis.
“I certainly do not kid myself that the words I hear from Democratic candidates are anything other than pandering to me.”
The VERY CLEAR FACT that you don’t question Dems, don’t hold them accountable, repeat their talking points like scratched LP, and at every turn try to blame anything and everything on GWB or “conservatives” rather than express one bit of that doubt you mention in the quote above. You’re a total DNC pawn, and of ANYONE who I’ve ever seen post here, you are the very last to express an iota of concern that someone might be swayed by pandering. When it comes to unquestionable faith, trust, and belief in what a politician tells someone via pandering…you’re the posterchild.