Not a Snowball’s Chance in Hell


Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee ducks as his wife Janet, right, hurls a snowball at him outside a polling precinct in Warren, Mich. Polls show Huckabee trailing Mitt Romney and John McCain in the state.
Bill Pugliano – Getty Images

Message to Mike Huckabee: Pull out. It’s over. Do the right thing. Endorse Mitt Romney. A vote for Huckabee at this point, is a vote for McCain.

Of course, it would appear the buzz sent out by e-mail to the Huckabee supporters is that their Pastor-in-Chief will not go quietly into that good night:

We are in this race to win despite the desperate efforts by the Romney campaign to try and say that “a vote for me is a vote for McCain”. Actually, a vote for me is a vote for me!

How selfish! 😉

Read Hugh Hewitt:
Intransigent Huck Voters

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Hey Word: This is just in from Victor Hanson:

“It is understandable to lament the absence of conservative purity, but ahistorical to suggest that any recent Republican president would have met any of the litmus tests now demanded, given the dependency of the middle class on entitlements and its touchy-feely worldview.

Reagan, and Bush I and II all adjusted to that unfortunate reality. A Democrat did not appoint Souter, O’Connor, or Kennedy, nor raise payroll and gas taxes in the 1980s, nor sign amnesty and de facto open-border legislation in 1986, nor, later, increase federal spending well past the rate of inflation, or offer amnesty again in 2007. Tax cuts were great, but without caps on spending they were unfairly slurred as revenue reducers once deficits soared. Recent Republican congressional scandals mirror-imaged some of the Clinton-era roguery.

Reagan’s pragmatism on taxes, amnesty, new federal programs and government expansion, was continued by both Bush I and II. In that regard, McCain seems a continuum, not an abject disconnect. His problem is mostly temperament — when he strayed he was blunt about what he was doing and sometimes gratuitously offended his base in a way that neither Reagan nor the Bushes dared. That is a legitimate concern of tactical aptitude, but not one so much of ideology.”

I agree Huck’s got no chance, but he’s got strategic reasons for keeping the campaign afloat. He knows McCain’s more qualified to lead the country against the forces of evil arrayed against us, and he’s basically endorsing McCain’s credentials by staying in the race until after Super Tuesday clarifies matters.

The Dems are already using the new bombings in Iraq to say the surge failed. We need strong leadership on the war. With all respect to Romney’s supporters, saving the Olympics isn’t the best qualification for what’s facing us ahead.

Huckabee’s only purpose was to kneecap Romney going into Super Tuesday. The constant reminder of his Christianity and Romney’s Mormonism was the core basis for his campaign. I suspect he’ll pull out after that. His broad appeal never ever was or will be.

Did he do it just to block a Mormon or for some other payoff is my only question.

Once Again, Donald makes the case stronger for Romney by pointing out that McCain would pander to the “dependency of the middle class on entitlements and its touchy-feely worldview….appoint Souter, O’Connor, or Kennedy, raise payroll and gas taxes in the 1980s, nor sign amnesty and de facto open-border legislation in 1986, nor, later, increase federal spending well past the rate of inflation, or offer amnesty again in 2007.”

A bit sloppy editing of that, but you get my point. McCain represents more of the same and Romney represents ideas that aren’t born and bred in Washington.

P.S. I hope that doesn’t violate Wordsmith’s prohibition against MDS.

I’m not trying to get people riled. We’re all good conservatives, right? Don’t we need to pull together?

Mike’s a Reagan man, no? You’d think he’d come up with something better than hammering McCain supporters. Address the issues. Conservative purity’s killing the GOP. Look at the Malkin-tents, Coulterites, etc.

Romney’s a good man, but with respect, the far right’s running to the tall grass, as far as I’m concerned.

But don’t take it from me. Listen to some other respected voices on the right side of the blogosphere.

Here’s Rachel Lucas:

“Just what in the hell kind of crack are Ann Coulter and lots of other conservatives (even the normally brilliant Michelle Malkin) smoking when they say they won’t vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee? Coulter actually said last night on Hannity and Colmes that she would campaign for Hillary instead. Granted, she probably didn’t mean that, but good god damn!

I’ve read several dozen blogs yesterday and this morning, and there are even comments on my own blog, saying that if McCain is the candidate, they won’t vote at all. ARE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUS?…

And I don’t even have enough curse words in my brain to communicate my opinions about McCain-Feingold. Jesus on a muffin, that is some bad, bad stuff.


Seriously, people. Seriously. You’d rather have Hillary? You’d rather have Obama?

I don’t even know you.”

You should know by now based on the many posts of mine, Mike’s and Word’s that we have all pledged to support whoever the nominee is.

I’m not all that happy my vote and my work to get him elected (if he does get the nomination) is now based solely on keeping someone out rather then trying my best to get someone in. You know what I mean? Would much rather have it the other way around.

Curt: Mike’s campaigning like a wildman against McCain. I haven’t seen him denounce Malkin, Coulter, Rush. Sorry for being out of the loop, but if you’ve got post links to correct me, please provide them.

There’s a counter-movement brewing.

Sure, I understand that things depend on Tuesday’s results, but even Romney, who’s refused to sink his own fortune into TV ad buys around the country, sees the writing on the wall.

What good does demonizing McCain supporters serve? Mike’s America ridicules pro-McCain arguments as “kindergarten.” That sounds more like cognitive dissonance to me.

Again, with all due respect, I’d like folks to pull together. No need to demonize anyone on the right.

I know Curt. It’s truly disgusting and disheartening when your vote has to go to keep someone out of office who is as vile as the person you’re voting to put in office. So much for the voice of the people.

Who said we weren’t campaigning against him? I sure am. I said if he becomes the nominee we will vote for him but he isn’t there yet and until that happens I will do my best to make sure he doesn’t get in. Don’t like him, don’t like his policies, don’t like his record, don’t like his beliefs. But he is better then Hillary or Obama by 100 times.

Neo…we don’t want to pull together around McCain, understand? We’d rather have Fred Thompson. or Mitt Romney or anyone else. Hells bells, my husband and I are seriously considering Ron Paul!

I want so much better for my kids than to put someone in office who thinks it’s insulting to illegal immigrants to be told they have to learn to speak English in the United States. The same man who wants to give illegal immigrants citizenship in exchange for $3k. Is that all citizenship is worth in the most powerful country in the world? Is that what our soldiers’ lives are worth? Is that all our founding father’s efforts and all the countless lives lost and blood shed over the past couple of centuries to get us where we are now worth? McCain tried to put a price on a priceless American citizenship with a cheap bargain basement discount and now YOU want to reward him for that galling bit of attempted legislation with the Presidency? I don’t care if he was a POW, veteran, there are thousands of them all over the United States. It doesn’t make him right. It doesn’t make him presidential material. He has earned every bit of the disgust and revile he gets. No, I won’t vote for him, rally around him, or support him. Period. Understand?

Hells bells, my husband and I are seriously considering Ron Paul!

Blasphemy. Don’t even kid about that. The man is a loon.

lol! It was a brief flirtation with insanity. I think his base of support is loonier than he is.

Clearly, Huckabee has cut a deal with McCain.

The things that Huckabee is saying in his fund-raising e-mails are delusional.

Huckabee says, “We can win. We will win.”

He can’t mean that. There is no question that he’s working in conjuction with the McCain campaign.

In my opinion, that shows a truly disturbing lack of integrity by Huckabee and McCain.

Huckabee says, “We can win. We will win.”

Well… what do you want him to say, so long as he’s still in the race? This is pretty standard for fundraising email. Giuliani was still putting on an optimistic face on the eve of the Florida primary, even after the writing was on the wall.
The other thing is that you seem to assume that Huckabee’s presence in the race helps McCain by taking votes from Romney. The analysis I’ve seen indicates this is not the case – McCain is actually slightly preferred by Huckabee’s supporters. Huckabee continuing to run actually may help Romney.
I do think that Huckabee is angling for a VP spot at this point. An actual behind-the-scenes deal seems unlikely, though – I think Huck plans to use whatever delegates he has after Super Tuesday to pressure one of the other two to name him his running mate. I agree that McCain would be a more logical choice for that.

AmericanNeocon: Several times you have refered to conservative opponents of McCain as members of the “Irrational Right.”

Here’s one of your posts on that topic:

As you know, I am a Reagan Man. Are you now describing Reagan Conservatives as “irrational?”

The attitude you are expressing in your posts on this topic are the exact same reason many of us cannot stand McCain. I’ve mentioned before the small group meeting I had with him at house here in SC last November. After asking him about conservative criticism on 1. gang of 14, 2.”torture” and 3.immigration he made it very clear to me that if I disagreed with him on those issues (though primarily gang of 14) I should not vote for him. “I’m not your candidate” he said, standing about eight feet away. Then he added I should “tell my blogging friends” the same thing. He said this THREE TIMES.

The post I wrote describing that event was fair and balanced:

And now, we’re being asked to suck up all our profound differences with McCain and get behind him.

At the very start of this season I made my pledge to vote for the eventual nominee. But after viewing this chart from the Florida exit polls I am qualifying my support:

McCain has openly disdained conservative support and may be on his way to the nomination on the basis of votes from moderates and liberals. So perhaps these folks can also be counted on to do the basic grunt work and put up the yard signs, make the phone calls, go door to door and donate the money. Of course moderates and liberal Republicans are notrious for NOT doing any of the grunt work. But why should I knock myself out when the candidate has said he intends to pursue a range of policies I find highly objectionable?

And while I would prefer McCain as President over Hillary or Obama, there’s a downside as well. With “Maverick” McCain in the White House, our already weak congressional leadership will be hard pressed to hold the GOP together as McCain forces us to accept his way or the highway. It’s likely we would not be able to regain control of either chamber and suffer additional setbacks.

bottom line: I’ll vote for him. And I may speak up in support when his positions and performance contrast favorably with the Democrats. But that’s all. And I sure as hell won’t sit here and keep quiet on the issues over which McCain and I disagree.

P.S. Donald said “What good does demonizing McCain supporters serve? Mike’s America ridicules pro-McCain arguments as “kindergarten.” “

Where did I say that? Link with context please!

I’ve encouraged everyone to support whichever candidate they prefer. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with them. And Donald knows that when McCain was on the outs, I encouraged him to step up and defend McC at Mike’s America in November. We didn’t hear from Donald on the subject until McCain began winning.

If McCain was a Conservative or even 1% Republican, than I could see arguments of demonizing, but seeing nothing like that is present fire away. I’ll never give up my dignity for a scum like McCain.

“I’m not your candidate” he said, standing about eight feet away. Then he added I should “tell my blogging friends” the same thing. He said this THREE TIMES.

But he is the candidate of the majority of registered Republicans.

Reagan raised taxes in 1986 which was I believe the same year he passed an amnesty bill and just a couple of years before cutting and running in Lebanon. Anybody saying he was not a conservative? You can’t claim (jain) that McCain is not a conservative, but why don’t you just tell the truth and say what you mean – that you hate him for showing up your boy in the White House?

“But he is the candidate of the majority of registered Republicans.”

Based on what Cent? Opinion polls that have been notoriously WRONG all year?

Rudy Giuliani was the clear favorite in opinion polls all last year and has nothing to show for it.

And based on exit polls of actual voters, McCain never captures a majority of Republicans and certainly not among conservatives. Here is the breakdown of the Florida exit polls:

bbartlog, you can’t deny that Huckabee’s presence changes the dynamics of the race.

Of course, I’d expect Huckabee to say that he believes he can win the nomination. He can’t say, “I don’t have a chance. Send me money.”

The reality is he doesn’t stand a chance. That’s why I consider his fund-raising appeals to be bordering on fraud.

Another reality– McCain isn’t being demonized. The truth is what the truth is. McCain can’t rewrite history.

They say you can tell a man by his deeds. I haven’t found the first good deed McCain has done. I CAN fid a lot of bad. And he’s 100% correct. He isn’t my candidate. Never has been. Never will be.

You keep saying the same thing Mike and you keep being wrong. Your link shows the breakdown of types of Republicans. But McCain won the vote, I did not say this type of Republican or that type. I said Republican. And the proof is the vote. In closed elections McCain wins. Follow this link to how many states McCain is going to win Tuesday.

McCain will end this thing Tuesday and this Marie and Melissa and jain and so many others will have to try and make a reasoned decision about what to do. If you claim that McCain has never done a good deed then you suffer from McDS. To say such a ridiculous thing is pathetic and sad frankly.

You may all stop trying to boost the reality of a Romney Presidency. The party is leaving you behind despite what your mouthpieces on aM radio or on Malkin dot com and such. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you realize that you are the last one in the room.

This is the direction of the party. Follow this link for the list of Republicans that are endorsing him. He has more Republican Endorsements than any other candidate.

I really don’t care who’s endorsing him. I’m not. My vote counts too, but it won’t be in his favor.

CentFla: You can deny that Independents only registered as Republicans to vote for McCain before switching back if you want. But then, you’d just be reminding me of another slick willy.

And I’m sure McCain knows that he can count on you and your fellow wishy washy moderates to get out there and do all the campaign grunt work right???

Another thing, CENTFLA, I cannot get past the fact McCain tried to sell American Citizenship at $3k a head to *illegal* immigrants. THAT by itself is unforgivable. It put a price on the lives of our soldiers who shed their blood or died defending the rights of the *legal* citizens of this country.

It takes gall to come on someone else’s blog and tell us that we have to vote for your candidate when he clearly is not our candidate of choice. I don’t follow directions very well, especially when it comes to faceless names on a blog. I can research for myself, vote for myself, think and speak for myself without relying on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or a whole host of others to tell me how. I don’t have to have you tell me to follow the crowd. I don’t follow. I lead. There’s a difference.

Don’t mind CENT Melissa, he has been inflicted with BDS since day one and sees any liberal as his savior.

As usual the point goes ignored. The point is, Melissa, that you should change your mind because any specific person endorses him, the point is that many, many, many mail-stream conservative Republicans are endorsing him. You are in the minority and on the fringe of your party if you do not endorse him. I don’t care who you vote for. But McCain represents the majority of the party whether you like it or not.

And another point that was ignored was when I said “you all may …” not you Melissa or any one person in particular. That paragraph was clearly pointed at a much broader target than just you. If you are sensitive to it because it hit close to home then that is your fault but I did specifically aimed that toward a broader target.

And another point that goes ignored over and over again is what I put in 18

Reagan raised taxes in 1986 which was I believe the same year he passed an amnesty bill and just a couple of years before cutting and running in Lebanon. Anybody saying he was not a conservative?

Why so much hatred because of a couple of pieces of legislation that you disagree with? Did you share the same vitriol for Reagan or could this be the dreaded McDS that many on this site suffer from.

Melissa if my posts bother you, then you do not have to respond to them or you may call me names, it’s OK, I am a former Marine. I can take it. But this is a pretty open site and the moderators have always endulged my rantings. I don’t mean anything personal by them. You are wrong. It takes no gall at all to come into a web page and type the things that I have typed. It takes no courage at all from any of us. It should not “gall” you so much.

And finally, how clever Curt to change the subject when you do not have a reasoned response… So very unlike you

Cent, I was a sophmore in highschool in 1986. I was more worried about passing the SAT than who was in office at the time. The only McD’s I suffer from is the kind that has a red haired clown as their mascot.

Change the subject to what CENT? Theres a point to your McCain fanoi diatribes? Could of fooled me. But don’t get your panties in a bunch, just warning her about you. Regulars all know about your BDS.

Cent said:“You are in the minority and on the fringe of your party if you do not endorse him. “

That’s just pure hogwash. McCain’s got a number of endorsements, mostly from folks like you who only admitted to supporting him once he started winning. Where were you in November?

And as for that lame comparison between McCheese and Reagan, give me a break. To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bentsens’ debate retort to Dan Quayle: I worked for Ronald Reagan. I supported him for years. McCain is no Ronald Reagan.

Again, I note that you completey ignored my question about willingness of McCainiacs to do the grass roots campaign grunt work that conservatives have traditionally done. You and your fellow McCainiacs have insulted so many of us I doubt you’ll get much help from us. The question is, have you moderates, who are notoriously unreliable, all of a sudden decided to put your efforts where your mouth is?

I’ll tell you just what I told McCain in November: “good luck.” Because you have made it clear you don’t want my support.

Melissa you may have been in HS in 1986 but you are not now. Do you believe that Reagan was a liberal given the legislation that I pointed out? You must think that way since you do of McCain.

Mike I am not comparing the two, although I have voted for each of these men twice now – Reagan the first time in a HS thing I was too young but my first actual vote was for Ronnie. As for the comparison it is not between the two men but between Republicans. You response to McCain’s legislation like the three pieces that you have mentioned and the three pieces of Reagan legislation is what I am talking about. Reagan passed a tax increase, amnesty and cut and run.
Again everyone – I am not comparing the men but the reaction by the party to their legislation. They just don’t match up.

Mike I guess you can either check with Curt or take my word for it. I volunteered for the McCain campaign back in 2000 and will do it again during the general. My support for John McCain is not new, nor is it because he is the anti-Bush. Believe it or not I think he is right on the majority of the issues, it is as simple as that.