A Bad Sign?


I dunno….think this might be trying to tell us something?


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Ah, mass political cannibalism where the parties eat their own weak and feable offspring. This is something that should be aired on the Discovery channel.


So we should be like our hateful, ignorant troll, Steve, says we are and NOT question our party? Sorry. McCain will get as much of a going over as Romney or any other nomination. Romney has just as many issues. No matter who wins the republican primary, they will have heard from the voters on the issues. before the general elections and then after.

Let the dems vote blindly (if their votes are counted at all by their party) for two, almost identical candidates. Why can we not hold ours accountable and question them?

I think everyone running for office of President of the United States you should be scrutinized up one side and down the other.

I want to know everything so I can make a more informed decision.

There is a difference between questioning and attacking one’s own.

Many people remember the Republicans of the Reagan era which were formed for their hatred of Carter. The Republican more liberal (in today’s sense) planks were more visable before the “conservative take over.” Right now the moderates are beating out the conservatives. This doesn’t mean the Republican party is falling apart as Rush and the other conservative personalities are claiming. Besides were those “conservative” politicans really that conservative? In 2009’s budget, Bush wants it to be over $3 trillion even with a domestic program freeze. Last year the deficit was over $570 billion and this year it’s projected to be $400 billion this year and $400 billion next year.
Reagan increased the government by its greatest amount ever at the time and Reagan and Bush sr. raised taxes. There was other stuff too including supporting the drug trade and running from terrorists.

Here is one view of what the Republican party would look like if the moderates win out and the history of the moderates.
Some of the former moderate planks were: environment over business, promotes social diversity, taking God out of government (including issues on abortion and formly on stem cell research) and voting against the party line when the Republican leaders were harming the nation (I imagine when this included the large increase in debt or when wilderness was threatened like the chopping down of the Redwood forrest which ended up being pockets of a few parks after starting out at being 2 million acres).

The Democrats do have a conservative minority and those were the ones that defeated the Republicans in the last senate race. The Republicans have been a blessing to this group and so that’s why people don’t hear much about them.