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He’s a liberal, but I kind of liked Matthew Yglesias’ take on McCain:

Compare this to, say, John McCain. He’s flighty as hell. For years, he’s an orthodox conservative. Then he’s an orthodox conservative who also supports this one ill-conceived campaign finance restriction. Then he’s running for president. Now suddenly Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are forces of evil. Then Bush beats him with some sleazy campaign stunts. Now he wants to regulate carbon emissions! And import drugs from Canada! Bush sucks, he’s evil and corrupt and incompetent and wrecking the country and oh he’s up for re-election well of course I’ll strongly support him etc., etc,. etc. Then the establishment warms up to him so he warms up to the establishment. So now he supports the Bush tax cuts and the Bush plan for Iraq and the Bush immigration plan. Oh wait voters don’t like the Bush immigration plan? Well then I’ve learned my lesson and I was never for amnesty and by the way I’m now against carbon curbs. But you know what’s great? The surge. And Joe Lieberman in his crazy uncle phase. And David Petraeus. Petraeus is so great that I think civilian control of the military is obsolete and I won’t say whether or not I think tax cuts increase revenue but let’s cut spending a lot, eh?
In other words, on eighty percent of issues McCain seems to me to be making it up as he goes along. At his best, he’s cravenly flip-flopping according to the political headwinds. But other times, he just seems to be acting on whim or out of pique. Or he’s coming to middle-ground positions that don’t make sense, like “global warming is real and we should stop it, but only through measures that wouldn’t actually stop it!” The rest of the time, he’s just really, really, really committed to the military and to militarism. Worst of all, like all the other candidates for president, his personal level of experience with foreign policy issues is minimal, but unlike the other candidates he doesn’t seem to realize this believing instead that his enthusiasm about the military and for soldiers and soldiering constitutes a close substitute for having real ideas about international relations. With McCain, it’s possible that the chips will just all fall in the right place and he’ll stumble upon some workable Teddy Roosevelt synthesis but we’re just as likely to end up conscripting teenagers to build nuclear plants or bombing Iran or convincing ourselves that ranting and raving about the evils of earmarks is an adequate replacement for a grasp of fiscal policy.

Good production! I have a new slogan: “Stop McCain, not Global Warming!”

Regarding the CFL’s I have now found out that you are not supposed to use them in light fixutres which are enclosed or in recessed lighting because of the danger of overheating and causing a fire. Thanks congress for not being able to look beyond your nose. I guess on the bright side this will help the housing crunch huh?

J.A.G. There are a number of problems associated with CFBs. #1 is that if you break one, you have created an environmental spill hazardous to humans:

….The Financial Post reported in April that a broken CFL bulb cost a Maine woman more than $2,000 to clean when the state Department of Environmental Protection referred her to a cleanup company. At $5 in energy savings per bulb per month (as Davidson reported), one broken bulb could eat up 33 years’ worth of savings!

The federal EPA doesn’t recommend professional cleanup for a broken bulb. It recommends you open a window, leave the room for 15 minutes, then put on some rubber gloves, scoop up the broken bits and seal them in a plastic bag, then put that bag in another plastic bag before throwing it out. Then wash your hands. But don’t worry, Tree Hugger – which calls itself the “leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream” – says the bulbs aren’t dangerous despite those recommended measures.
Even if the bulb doesn’t break, CFL users are supposed to dispose of used bulbs through state-run household hazardous waste programs, which aren’t nearly as simple or convenient as tossing a burnt bulb in the trash. Some states, like Maine, tell residents to hold hazardous materials in their homes until designated collection days. Many others, like Virginia, require participants to take the bulbs to waste disposal sites for special processing.

Its more serious than just ugly lightbulbs and more expensive gas, maybe a few more nuke plants. This Global Warming non-sense is a suicide cult, and they don’t just want to kill themselves they want to take you with them.

Hitler called ‘Lebensraum’ or living space. Remember that Hitler was a hardcore environmentalist, and the modern environmental movement and environmental science has its roots in Nazi Germany, which had its foundations in Environmentalism founded in old Occult practices of nature worship. Yes, Environmentalism is a religion, and one of the primary motivators for the Holocaust because they Nazis figured if they killed off enough people then Europe would be this beautiful paradise for all the little Nazis.

The Nazis were of course a suicide cult, and as impressive as thier Army was ultimately they would have been defeated by the Soviets and the Brits eventually, but when they declared war on America that should serve as absolute confirmation that they had a death wish. Not only did they want to kill as many people as possible but they wanted to kill their own countrymen in the process.

Of course the ultimate goal of the Global Warming myth is to promote the same agenda as the Nazis, which was to reduce human populations or kill a whole bunch of people. Is it any wonder why the same people that promote abortion, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, divorce on demand, and the destruction of Christianity are also the same ones who promote this Global Warming Garbage?

To kill a whole bunch of people here in America, you have to dehumanize the population by removing morality and religion and destroy the middle and working classes of this country. To destroy the middle and working class, all you have to do is turn off the engine to our economic prosperity which runs on oil, coal and money. Fortunately Global Warming gives them an excuse to destroy all three in one fell swoop.

This Global Warming issue is not just another political issue where the commie dems want to destroy our money, make us use ugly light bulbs and take the testosterone out of our cars. These Global Warming people want to destroy us in the same way and for the same reasons that the Nazis wanted to kill the jews. Lebensraum for the animals, Lebensraum for the worshippers of the Earth, death to those who love humanity.

The Global Warming cultists are nothing more than a contempory version of Satanic Worship, and are the current manifestation of 20th Century Nazism. Toleration of any politician that supports this agenda is entirely out the question for me, under any circumstances, even if it comes down to a choice between McCain and Hillary. A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.