Fred In South Carolina


Fred is in South Carolina campaigning away and is getting close to his mark of $540,000 in donations by January 11th:


Click the picture to send him a few coins if possible. The man is the only true constant conservative in this race who hasn’t seen the light and suddenly become something he is not.

He is basically all in at this point as Jim Geraghty notes:

Second, after chatting with one of the Thompson Associates, I hear Thompson is going to announce a move that says he’s all in at this point. (Or doubling down; pick whether you prefer poker or blackjack metaphors.) The bottom line is, Thompson and the people around him know that South Carolina is a must-win. Mitt Romney may look very damaged by the time South Carolina votes, however, and Team Fred thinks they’re a likely first choice for Romney fans losing faith in their man. (Would Mitt fans go to “Don’t Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers” Huckabee or “You are the candidate of change” McCain?)

So lets get him some money to put up a fight and pray that the people of South Carolina understand what a true conservative is. He can do it.

In addition, he was on the O’Reilly show Monday night:

I like his answer on Pakistan. Bill thinks we should just cut the money to the leader of Pakistan unless they allow our troops into his country. Either choice will destabilize that regime and allow a fanatical Islam leader to take over. We cannot allow that to happen with a country that has nukes. Just can’t happen. It shows how naive Bill is actually.

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Bill is totally clueless on foreign policy, he seems to apply some sort of a weighted average of the popular opinion to what should be done at any particular time. He was friendly enough to Fred considering Bill’s recent strange animosity to Fred, even by Fox standards. It almost seemed like they agreed in advance not to talk about the dynamics of the Republican race. Fred seems to hate these types of conversation. I don’t think Fred expected the Hillary vs. Obama question, but he quickly gave what now seems like a prescient answer.

What you see is what you get with Fred.

If you dont like the truth, then you wont like Fred.

He’s no-nonsense and I believe/Predict he will win South Carolina!

Marie, on the positive side I’ve seen reports from phone volunteers in SC getting much better response in terms of Fred supporters than in IA. On the other hand, how exactly will the Huckabee support disappear? To me, anybody who is stupid enough to ever want to vote for Huckabee instead of Fred can’t be convinced by rational arguments. They will listen to poll numbers to some degree, but the vast majority seem to only care about him wearing his Christianity on his sleeve. I know the Pressler video was released today, but is that by itself enough? Can Fred’s personal appeals turn around Huck supporters?

There are also no Huckabee-centric events between now and the SC primary, it’s all about McVain and Romney. The debate can lead to anything, but that’s not something to count on.

This is an interesting analysis:

But the polls, the polls???