France Cutting Ties To Syria


What a change in France.  Electing Sarkozy is turning out to be one of the best things the French have done in quite sometime.  Now he is standing up to Syria:

France is to suspend diplomatic contacts with Syria, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced.

Links will be restored only when France has proof that Syria is not blocking progress towards installing a consensus president in Lebanon, Mr Sarkozy said.

Lebanon has been without a president since November, as rival pro- and anti- Syrian factions argue over who should fill the post.

“I ask Syria to… work to create agreement,” said Mr Sarkozy.

France “will not make any more contacts with Syria… as long as there is no proof of Syria’s willingness to let Lebanon choose a consensus president,” he told reporters, during a visit to Egypt.

It appears there is a finally a real leader in Europe.  

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France taking tough action?

Is this one of the 7 signs? I mean, next thing ya know Mexico and Italy will be recognizing war heroes.