Fred Blogburst, New Ad and New Endorsements



Halfway there as of 5:30pm PST today!  Keep it going! 

Fred has a new ad out yesterday:

Additionally, starting today we are starting a two day fundraising drive for Fred.  This was the brainchild of Rick Moran at RightWing NutHouse when he sent the following email out to many Fredhead bloggers such as myself:

Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask for your help.

All of us know the long odds faced by Fred Thompson in his efforts to win the GOP nomination for president. I’m sure you are all aware that Fred has undertaken pretty much of a do or die bus tour of Iowa in order to finish strongly in the Caucuses on January 3.

Many of you have already taken steps to support the Thompson campaign in a tangible way by placing fundraising widgets on your sidebar and writing about the campaign. In this way, each of us alone has done whatever we can to support Fred in his efforts.

But at this, the 11th hour of the campaign in Iowa, I think it would be a very effective fundraising tool if as many of us as possible were to participate in an old-fashioned Blogburst, writing a post asking readers to donate to the campaign while embedding a fundraising widget in the post for convenience.

I propose Thursday, December 27 for the Blogburst. If you have an email list, I would urge you to ask your subscribers to donate. If you know of other bloggers who support Fred, please forward this email and ask them to participate as well.

Not expecting a “money bomb” but even a few tens of thousands of dollars would help, I’m sure. Given the number of readers represented in the blogs listed here (where I got all of your email addresses) and your cooperation, I feel confident we can give a real shot in the arm to the campaign.

I don’t think any of us believe that our endorsement of Thompson alone means that much in the long run. But working together, uniting for one day and speaking with one voice, I think we could make a significant impact on Fred’s chances in Iowa. After all, when the candidate you support rolls the dice as Fred has, the least we can do is back his play to the best of our ability.

No need to respond to this email. Just do it.

Merry Christmas,

Rick Moran
Right Wing Nuthouse

And it just so happened Fred is in need of some money for the new ad above:

I have a terrific new TV spot. You can see it now at Take a look, and forward this message on to 10 of your friends.

I need your help to put it on the air. We need to put $248,846 in the bank before 6 PM EST on Friday, December 28th to do it.

Can you help me by making a contribution today? I know I’ve asked a lot, and you’ve done a lot, but this is critical to our success. Help me make history.

The Clear Conservative Choice: Hands Down bus tour will run from today to caucus day. We have a terrific ground game in place.

All we need is air cover–which the spot on our website will provide.

So there you go.  250 grand by Friday 3pm PST/6pm EST.  Please consider dropping a few coins in the till if you are like me and believe Fred is the best hope we have of a strong conservative taking the White House.

Fred08 - Contribute Now

Lastly, I figured an update was in order to list some new endorsements for Fred Thompson in the blogosphere.  In the last post I listed these so far:

John Hawkins of Rightwing News, Erick Erickson of RedState.Com, Pejman of RedState, Eugene Volokh of Volokh’s Conspiracy, Polipundit of Polipundit, Ala from Blonde Sagacity, Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Kender at Kender’s Musings, Gribbit at Gribbit’s Word, Bill Quick of Daily Pundit, Misha of Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller, Bob Krumm, Brandon at Conservative Superiority, Curt at Flopping Aces, Darrell of Alpha Patriot, Jimmie of the Sundries Shack, Justin Higgins of Right on the Right, Kim du Toit, MacRanger of Macsmind, Rick Moran of Right Wing Nuthouse, Mike Hendrix of Cold Fury, Rob Port of Say Anything, Stix of Stix Blog, TraderRob of Opinipundit, William Dyer of Beldar Blog, Nate of Irate-Nation, William Teach of Pirate’s Cove

Since then Tommy Oliver from Race 4 2008 has joined in as well as Ray Robison, Frank J. at IMAO, Michele at Reformed Chicks Babbling, and The Discerning Texan.

Not to mention Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Former Sen. George Allen (R-VA), Former Sen. Al D’Amato (R-NY), Former Rep. J.C. Watts (R-OK), California State Sen. Tom McClintock, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), former CA State Senator Dick Mountjoy, and Tom Tancredo’s former Iowa State Chairman Bill Salier.

As I said before, good company to be in.

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I gave him a hundred.

Like Fred himself, I’m too lazy to actually work at this. So just let me say, Go Fred!

Is that enough?

Afternoon, Curt. I donated to Fred! this morning, too, doing the blogburst thing.

I have also come out for Fred! back in early December:

PS: you know you are really sick with a cold when you cannot read your own name in a list. My bad!

Now I’m wondering if it was $100 or $1000 🙂

I really don’t remember the time that I became a Fredhead. I think it was when all the Draft Fred blogs ( came out. I have always liked him and my uncle down in Memphis has nothing but great things to say about him.

Thanks for the support we will show the MSM and Pundits we don’t need no stinking RINOs shoved down our throats !!

Huck the Magic Clinton: forget Hsu, could THIS be the biggest story of they year?

Also imagine this: there is this mystical character called, I don’t know, Dick Morris. Imagine that he really, really, really hates Hillary. Really. Well in the past he really, really helped to get Bill Clinton elected. And back then there was this character, Perot, who really, really helped Bill out and then disappeared into obscurity. And now this Dick Morris character really, really likes some dude named Huckabee who, oh the miracle of miracles, is also from Hope, Arkansas. People say they talk to each other, but you know, nothing serious. And this Huckabee guy is really, really not qualified for the Republican Presidential nomination. Really. And he constantly makes idiotic statements, like apologizing for Bhutto’s assassination and the like and not knowing a thing about Cuba or whatever. But he is doing really, really well in the polls.

And this mystical Dick Morris character, imagine he goes on Fox all the time and really, really bashes Fred Thompson. Every time Fred’s campaign is in it’s death troes. Really. Like last night, he goes on O’Reilly and when the substitute host asks about who is likely to win in Iowa, this character Dick Morris instead of answering the question says that someone has to lose. Really. And who is that someone, I don’t know, Huckabee? McCain? Rudy? Not in your life! Magically, it’s Fred Thompson. Really.

Is this magic or reality? The best kind of magic creates multiple distractions, like Ron Paul, Bloomberg, Huckabee. Like in the great movie “The Illusionist”, I just ask the question: is it real or is it magic? You decide.

Stop Igor, you’re scaring my wife!

Personal appearance is not a key factor for a presidential candidate. At least it shouldn’t be. That said, I’d like to say something about Fred Thompson.

Every time I see this guy, I think he has to have been drawn by Herblock, either as Joe McCarthy or as the H-Bomb. Actually, here’s a better rendition of the H-Bomb. Checkout the upper left-hand corner warhead. I’m told women think he’s sexy. Republican women.

TBinSTL, tell her there is nothing to be scared of. Who can possibly expect intelligent, devious, and power-hungry people to retain or come back to power simply by repeating meaningless platitudes they don’t believe in?

Fred Thompson BlogBurst

Well it is getting very close to the day the first caucus begins and Fred Thompson needs our help. We need to help him get out his message out and show that he is the true conservative in the Republican

Fred needs your cash

I got some emails from the campaign about raising a couple hundred k for an add. If he is your guy, it’s probably now or never. See the donor link to the left. More at Flopping Aces

Blogburst for Fred

I picked this up via Michele over at Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Rick Moran over at Right Wing Nuthouse is proposing a blogburst for Fred Thompson on Thursday December 27th. The following is part of an e-mail he sent out to other bloggers supporting Fred