A Vote For A Common Sense Question


Patrick Ruffini is asking that people start voting for his question at 10 Questions. 

Here’s the situation. The top 10
right now are stacked with you-name-it left-wing cause — net
neutrality, terrorist surveillance, medical marijuana, and “is America
unofficially a theocracy?” There’s a real chance that the Democratic candidates
who participate will not be asked a single tough question that forces them to
articulate their beliefs or address an unfamiliar issue.

Early reaction
to my question is 2-to-1 positive, but as of now, I need 908 new net positive
votes to make the top 10 — and likely more than that to overcome whatever
negative votes that are likely to materialize in the next seven hours.

While I am hoping he will have success getting his question asked to the Democrat candidates, it’s highly doubtful.  Take a look at the frontpage of 10Questions and behold the thousands of votes for a question like “Is America unofficially a theocracy?” and Medical Marijuana. 

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It looks like you can vote thumbs up right from the screen embed above. But folks should also go over to the poll page and vote down all those idiotic liberal crackers.

I like the way the voting thing was set up…Curt, can we get one?