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Great rundown Mike. It’s starting to come down to the wire and I have yet to come to a decision on who to support.

You’ve still got time to make up your mind Curt. When is the California primary anyway?

The South Carolina primary is in 72 days on January 19th. I’m going to decide soon so I can advocate for my choice.

Feb 5th, so a few weeks after yours. Quite a difficult race to decide this time around.

You guys get the benefit of waiting to see how Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and South Carolina shake out before you jump on the bandwagon.

I don’t want to wait until after Iowa. And as I’ve said to any and all, if my guy doesn’t win the nomination I have pledged to support the candidate who does.

After meeting the top of the field in person I can say we have a great selection of candidates to choose from.

If he would lose that white shirt and tie and stop looking like one of those Mormon missionaries who goes door to door, people might not be so darned afraid of him.

Does he even OWN a golf shirt and a pair of Dockers? Maybe he needs to get a little less formal. He dresses like he just came out of church or something and he needs to get middle America to vote for him. He needs to be making them comfortable, not scaring the hell out of them.

Sure, there is something for looking Presidential … but there is a time and a place.

Lose the shirt and tie. Get a t-shirt and jeans at least for a few appearances.

So ignore the issues and focus only on the clothing?

That idea sounds akin to the left debating who is a better dancer on the Ellen Show (they actually DID this).

Sorry, I want a President to dress professional, BE professional, and run on issues. Cheap gimmicks are for Hollywood and the Democrats.

Chris: I think what crosspatch is saying is that Mitt comes across as a bit stiff and formal. I don’t really want to see any of the candidates in a pair of shorts (Fred Thompson? good grief!) but I do get the point.

If I could have asked Mitt a second question it would have been about that hair moment he had at the last debate. It made him look more like a regular guy.

Crosspatch: Mitt visited Naples, Florida wearing a casual blue golf shirt and walked in our local Swamp Buggy parade with Congressman Connie Mack (who just endorsed Mitt along with our popular local Sheriff Don Hunter) a few weeks ago. I have a few photographs with him and my family. He was a normal guy and we were very impressed with him. First time I can recall a candidate for President visiting us in Naples and participating in our local parade.

Thanks for that heads up DougL.

I found this photo presentation of the Naple’s event:


Mitt is whatever you want him to be. Fred is Fred. Ignore the buzz. The elites don’t want Fred. It’s your choice.


Bottom line: I don’t trust Mitt Romney and he is not a Conservative. If he were, he would not have been elected in liberal Massachusetts. He campaigned as a liberal to get elected in MA, governed as a liberal and now has flipped to campaigning as a ‘conservative’ in order to appeal to the national GOP (whose base is conservative).

So far, I have eliminated Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mike Huckabee based on their pro-amnesty positions. I have eliminated Ron Paul based on… well a lot of things, too many to list. I have eliminated Mitt Romney for the reasons I posted above.

That leaves Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.

I believe Congressman Tancredo is great on immigration, but not Presidential material. His efforts are best suited for legislation in the Congress.

This leaves, for me, Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter.

Fred Thompson disappointed me with his stance on the sanctity of life and he doesn’t seem to be campaigning with any sense of urgency.

So this gets me to Duncan Hunter.

I hear/read a lot of people say they support Duncan Hunter, “but he probably doesn’t have a chance to win, so I am supporting Rudy”. I’m tired of that. If everyone who actually supported a candidate, actually… you know… supported that candidate, he would have a chance to win. This whole attitude of entitlement and bullying to have the 2008 Presidential campaign be Hillary vs Rudy is wearing thin on me and turning me off to politics.