Stupid Is As Stupid Does


I am continually amazed at the Democrats ability to do politically stupid things and at just the right moment to save the GOP from itself:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, the liberal Democrat who’s launched a
presidential campaign, says he plans to force an up-or-down vote in the
U.S. House of Representatives on an impeachment resolution against Vice
President Dick Cheney.

Kucinich announced last week that he
will offer a “privileged resolution” on Nov. 6 that would require House
members, within two days, to vote on what to do with the impeachment

He plans to discuss the matter in a conference call on Monday evening.

momentum is building for impeachment,” Kucinich said in a Nov. 2 news
release. “Millions of citizens across the nation are demanding Congress
rein in the Vice President’s abuse of power.”

House Resolution
333 says Cheney should be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,”
because he “purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive
the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat
of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United
States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to
our national security interests.”

Kucinich insists that Vice
President Cheney continues to violate the U.S. Constitution by
insisting on the supremacy of the Executive Branch.

The resolution introducing articles of impeachment against the vice president has 21 cosponsors, all of them Democrats.

Usually I would call this complete pandering to the ultra-left but with Kucinich, he really is this nuts.  The question I have is who in the hell keeps putting this moron into office?  Can they be this friggin crazy?

If you really want to have fun join the conference call tonight:

Dennis will host a live, nationwide conference call on Monday, November 5th,
beginning at about 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time), to announce what will be happening
in the House of Representatives this week regarding the Cheney impeachment
resolution–and to ask for your help.

The call-in number is (641) 715-3300. When the operator asks for an access
code, key in 324341#. The call is open to all interested citizens.

Now that should a laughfest.

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Why would you say it’s stupid that we impeach Cheney?
I can’t think of a better turn of events for our nation.

Why NOT put Dick Cheney under oath and see if he tells the whole truth?

NO…He didn’t get a B-Job. Yet, he certainly has blown the job.

I dont friggen bleieve this!

The left is totally bonkers and is coming unglued because they arent getting anything done and now they are back to trying to get the President and/or Dick Cheney.

This has got to be some kind of a stupid leftwing joke.

Curt – After all the antics from the Democrats from March 2003-Nov 2006, they still easily won Congress. The Democrats have such low standards, they can pretty much get away with anything. Look at GOV Granholm here in Michigan. She has presided over the worst economy in the nation, while every other State’s economy has done well. Yet, she was re-elected. Why? Because she ran on a blame-Bush campaign. And it worked.

Meanwhile, some toe tapping in a bathroom by a Republican Congressman and the entire Party is smeared.

On the other side, the leading Democrat Presidential candidate hires a man who stole 9/11 National Security documents from the National Archives and then destroyed them. And nary a peep from the media nor the country. That would have sunk any other candidate, especially a Republican. Yet for her, smooth sailing.

There is nothing the Democrats can do that will help the GOP, because the Democrats supporters have no standards or morals and the GOP is (rightfully) held to high standards by its supporters and is held to impossible standards by the Left, the Democrats and the mass media.

Look, the leader of the Democrat Party said that he “hates the Republican Party and everything they stand for”. Yet… no one cares. Had a Republican said that about Democrats… we all know the outcome.

The smear campaign and lie campaign of the Democrat Party, mass media, entertainment industry, universities and public education has succeeded. As a result the Democrats can get away with anything short of murder while the Republicans have no spine to stand up for themselves against any attacks. And even when they do, the attacks are distractions to get them to always be on the defensive instead of putting out their positive message about conservatism and ideas for the future of this country.

Meanwhile, most of the country is dumbed down, ignorant or apathetic.

I just don’t see how anything the Democrats do will hurt them. Especially since they have done plenty of things since March 2003 that should have sunk their party by now. But it hasn’t. And everything they do just goes down the memory hole and kept there by the mass media.

How many democrats (in addition to the 20+ that have signed on with the lunitic) will let the lunitic make fools of them? Our own Moron, Moro(a)n of Va is already signed on. I pity anyone stupid enough to vote for these clowns.

Who needs obstructionists when you have the Democratic Party. An impeachment attempt would probably work to the Republicians’ advantage.

An impeachment attempt would tie up a lot of time (over a year), which would help prevent the Democrats from passing any major laws. It would be like a government shutdown, which would please those that like “smaller” government. Also fewer laws from the Democrats means fewer bad laws.

SF-Patrick, why are you so scared of the truth. Look at this site of actual WMD comments by the dumbest of the dumb democrats in the 90’s. Sorry, you will have to type the link in, if you are capable. Going to impeach Chaney, what a joke.

Where’s the proof Dick Cheney Lied about anything? ANYTHING?

Doesnt Congress have anything better to do than try and impeach our President or Vice President on words? Gossip? Accusation? But NO Proof?

Good friggen luck.

This shows what a jackass Kucinich really is by pulling this stunt instead of getting important legislation passed.

The President and Vice President NEVER lied about a damn thing, what was presented to them was intelligence (Flawed though it might have been (And I’m not so sure of that either)but all the intelligence was the same, British, Israeli, etc..etc..

Good luck on debating Vice President Dick Cheney, there is NO there THERE!

Kucinich can rot in hell for all I care, he’s a bungling friggen fool!

Kucinich is grasping at straws at this point.

He’s a moonbat loser who believes he sees UFO’s and people that dont exist.

Fuck Kucinich, and all of his raggady ass supporters!

Hmmm, does SF-Patrick also want to impeach the mass media for linking Saddam to Osama bin Laden in 1998-1999?

This is FABULOUS!!!

If the Vice President is impeached, he gets to call all kinds of Congresscritters to testify under oath and on the record what they knew about Iraq and what they didn’t.

This is almost as good as what Governor Spitzer did to Candidate Clinton over the licenses for illegal aliens.
