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“Do we really want to see Slick Hill&Billy back in the White House?”


When I ask my friends who are Democrats, who are “liberals,” who are “progressives,” who are full on moonbat nuts sometimes…they tell me there are two reasons they’ll vote for Hillary despite the fact that NONE of them like her:

1) Any Democrat will be better than any Republican in their view (this is a common consensus)

2) (most importantly) “It’d be worth it just to get Bill back in the White House”

I kid you not.

Hillary will get votes-not because of who she is, but in spite of it. She’ll get votes for the fond ole memories of her hubby’s hay days from 93-97 (98 was the impeachment, and he was completely impotent post 98). People have had time to forget the bad side of the Clintons in the WH-especially Dems who were embarassed by his constant infidelity and investigation after investigation.

HOWEVER…we have to remember that the only thing the political msm likes more than a Democratic frontrunner…is bringing down a frontrunner. Hillary’s Dean Scream moment might very well have been the debate the other night, and Edwards’ ad can just as well run for the next year, and it’d still do as much or more damage as time goes by.

Scott: You make a sadly accurate observation about a significant portion of the electorate. They’ve been so corrupted by the lies of Bill and Hillary Clinton that they just don’t care anymore.

Go all the way back to that 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft with both Bill and Hillary in New Hampshire in 1992. Hillary sat there and lied to the American people to save Bill’s chance of getting into the White House. She’s been lying ever since.

And yet these loons who claim “Bush lied” don’t seem to care in the least that they support a serial perjurer who will say anything to get elected and keep power.

As sad as those people are, they are NOT a majority of the American voting public. And if Hillary is the nominee, it will be up to us to remind voters how totally corrupt and untrustworthy BOTH Clintons are.

If that means we have to run off fresh copies of the Starr Report and wave the details in people’s faces once again so be it:
