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The big lie about the equipment in Iraq got slapped down the last time they tried it during the Greensburg Kansas Tornado.

Stupid fools went back to the well too many times.

JustaDude: There’s a long list of the “big lies” that sweep the headlines world wide and where the correction gets buried on page A13 if it’s printed at all. Just in Iraq the Haditha “massacre” by Marines or the Scott Thomas Beauchamp lies in the New Republic are just two more recent examples.

You can’t blame Dems for trying to politicze tragedies. Just look at how successful they were in blaming the Katrina mess in New Orleans on President Bush and FEMA and taking the heat of Mayor Nagin and Governor Blankwit.


That stuff has backfired on them and the Bobby getting elected as the new Governor points it out so well.

In other news in the you can’t make this $hit up department try this one that just popped into my RSS reader

In a series of posts this week on HuffPost, author Barry Sanders discusses one of the least-explored but significant consequences of the Iraq war: the amount of pollution – including radioactive pollution — produced by the U.S. military and its effect on global warming. Here is the first installment:

I guess all those Tiki Torches / Smudge Pots Saddam lit on the way out of Kuwait have all just gone down the collective memory hole.


No links showed up, but I can guess at what this useles idiot Sanders was saying on the mother of all useful idiot websites:

The Depleted Uranium rounds are causing radiation posioning and the *evil Americans*(tm) must stop using them now. The US Military must only be allowed to use inneffectual weapons against its foes (who are really good people and “minute men” standing up to the “rich West”. Just ask the multi-millionair Micheal Moore).

Am I far off?

The truth is that many nations (Russia and China included) use DU rounds. DU is self sealing (it does not leak radiation) so long as you do not play with it, grind it into dust continually, and snort it. The Left HATES DU but only when it is used by America. We would have had to use a whole lot less of it had Saddam not illegally rearmed after 1991. And actaully, the DU Sabot rounds took a back seat to the HEAT and MPAT rounds since a tank hit by an American Sabot does not often look “destroyed” (it is still in one piece), but when a HEAT/MPAT round hits a T-72/T-55 the turret pops off. Also, HEAT and MPATS are better much against infantry than DU tipped darts.

And the rivers in Iraq are STILL polluted with chemical weapon agents in 2007 from Saddam dumping them in 2003. Also, Iraq had no pollution control systems or policies on anything. Even now, there are very few (most of the rest of the world is the same in this). Oh, but the left cannot say that… Just blame *evil Americans*(tm) as usual.

As for the moronic Ted Rall cartoon, he gets nothing but my contempt and disgust at his lies and bile.

So what am I toady to the left? Am I one of America’s “best and brightest” who cannot be “wasted” in a war or am I a uneducated, barbarac bufoon who needs to be culled from the pack so the elite, “enlightened” left can rule over humankind in a “perfect” socialist “utopia”?

Really, this is like being in an abusive relationship. One minute the left ‘hugs’ us and the next they slap us. Yet the words they say never change.

Chris G: Despite all the boo hooing from the left about the death toll in Iraq they don’t really care about the troops OR the innocent Iraqis killed by bloodthirsty jihadis.

Some even go so far as to celebrate the deaths of U.S. soldiers (and I’m not just talking about the sicko satanists at the Westboro “Baptist” “Church”).

Our blog sister Skye at Midnight Blue has reported the vile news of a person who confronted a woman in her local community that had a bumper sticker on her car that said something about her son who was in Iraq. The loon told her “I hope he comes home in a box.”

This attitude is nothing new. When I was living in Washington after Bill Clinton took office I remember the story of a General who had a meeting at the White House and said hello to a young female staffer. She responded “I don’t speak to military” and stormed off.

The coming election will offer a clear choice between Democrats who actively undermine our military and Republicans who do everything they can to support the troops, their mission and provide them the defense infrastructure to get the job done as safely as possible.