White Supremacists Love Them Some Ron Paul

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We’ll lookie lookie.  It appears some white supremacists love them some Ron Paul.  This comes from Lone Star Times:

A LoneStarTimes.com investigation has conclusively established that a leading
figure in the American neo-Nazi / White-Supremacist movement has provided
financial support to Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential campaign.

The individual in question is Don Black, the founder, owner and operator of
Stormfront, a “white
power” website that both professional journalists and watch-dog groups have identified as the premier
English-language racist/hate-site on the Internet.


– Black proudly and openly identifies himself as Stormfront’s guiding hand,
and publishes a contact address on the Internet— PO Box 6637, West Palm Beach, FL, 33405
– A search by LST of public databases indicates that there is only one “Don
Black” residing in West Palm Beach, Florida, zip code 33405

– A 7/16/01 USA Today article identifies Black’s wife as being named “Chloe”

– That same article identifies Chloe as being the ex-wife of close Black
associate and former “Grand Wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke

Minutes of a 9/7/07 City of West Palm Beach code-compliance
hearing identify “Chloe H. Duke” as owning a residential property located at 203
Lakeland Drive

According to Federal Election Commission records, on 9/30/07
the Ron Paul presidential campaign received a $500 contribution from a Mr. Don
Black, who lists his address as 203 Lakeland Drive and identifies his occupation
as “self-employed/website manager”

Not only that but it appears his website, Stormfront, has widgets on the page that lead to donation pages for Ron Paul.

Shocker?  I think not.  You have the twoofers and militia nuts who love the man, not a stretch to have some big time racists mixed in.

What a candidate.

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take me off of your e-mail notification system you jackass

John keeps pulling out the recruitment thing when I have shown the military has no problems with recruitment in this comment. His response?

If the war was popular, even with the 100 million who SAY they support it The Army would be flooded with recruits. They would not have to waive about 20% of the recruits that fall below standard. They would be able to cherry pick from more than they need if the war was popular.

This is why its a waste of time to argue with the man, as Buzz said. After that silly response in which he states well, yeah, recruitment is doing ok but its because they are accepting below standard recruits (what an insult to those serving) he then goes back to his initial argument that recruitment is suffering.

Its a waste of time, he acknowledges no points you make Scott instead he ignores those he cant refute or demands links to things already linked.

Waste of time.

Problems in military recruitment ??

Well I guess just keeping lowering the standards and increaing the incentives. That will “cure” it

“Obviously “withdrawal” means different things to different people. Fotr me it means a reduction in troop level.
It does not mean making preliminary steps. It means an actual reduction in troop levels.”

That’s fine. I can see that, respect it, and understand it. Me, I understand that the military is not a video game, and you don’t just snap your fingers and make an orderly withdrawal while still maintaining an offensive. HOWEVER, the fact remains that the orders have been issued, the process has begun, and most importantly if the orders are carried out as expected, then American troops will be largely withdrawn from Iraq before the 2008 election, and that’s the time when it will mean the most as it’s the time when the most will be withdrawn (per your reasoning). btw, the only figures I’ve seen re numbers are almost 4 months old. I suspect that the next time you see more current numbers, they will be smaller-unless the entire brigade is leaving at once in 5wks.

“America simply no longer supports the war. Rightly or wrongly the Republican Party will have to shoulder this.”

Oooo, I gotta differ there. Democrats are in power. Democrats authorized the war (Sen Clinton had better intel than even the President), Democrats PROMOTED the war, and then opposed it, lengthened it by emboldening the enemy’s objective (to force a premature evacuation via political means not battlefield prowess), Democrats were elected to END the war, and since they have the power, they have not used it. When Democrats took Congress, they took the ball. Now, Republicans running for office will be attacking a failed Democratic Party majority, a majority that flat out lied to their voters, accomplished NOTHING, and promised everything. Take a look back at Speaker Pelosi’s acceptance speech, and please see if any of the things she promised have been passed into law or if any of the procedures she promised are being done? Almost nothing. Democrats have the power/Democrats must defend that power. On 11/06/06 the Democratic Party took responsibility for ending the war. They failed, and will be held accountable (ARE being held accountable). I’m not sure how Joe Schmoe newcomer who pops up, runs for Congress in 08 against a Democratic incumbent is more responsible for the war than the Democrat who promised to end it, didn’t (repeatedly), and didn’t accomplish anything because he was more focused on party agenda than national agenda?

“And this is the feeling of most Americans this is the reason that the retention rates of West Point grads are historically low. It is not because they are cowards or traitors. It is because they no longer believe in the war.”

Hmm, that’s the ONLY reason retention from WP grads is down? One reason and one reason only? Or is it the favorite reason to point to for those demanding a withdrawal that’s already been ordered?

“The reason that the recruiting stations are not flooded with potential recruits is not because they are chickenhwaks it is because most Americans do noy believe the war in Iraq is worthy.”

I gave three reasons why people aren’t flocking to the recruiter, all valid, none addressed, all avoided, and none dealing with opposition to the war.

Lisa: I pulled a couple of threads together from your comment. There’s a common theme here I’d like to discuss with you:

“[T]his conversation mirrors the conflict liberals have had about Howard Dean (whether he was TOO liberal/crazy/etc.)…I believe that the way we talk to each other has to change too….we start hating each other’s guts wiping each other out.

I was doing a television interview following Fred Thompson’s visit to my area this Wednesday. Off air she complained about being called “unpatriotic” and the “polarizing” of our political discourse. She refused to say who it was who called her “unpatriotic” but I pointed out that Senator Harry Reid used those very words on the floor of the U.S. Senate in a recent smear directed at Rush Limbaugh. Not one elected GOP official or party leader has ever used that word to describe a Democrat that I am aware of.

You also mention Howard Dean. You may recall that he said “I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.” He’s also said that Democrats were in a “battle of good and evil and we’re [Democrats] the good.”

And again, you won’t hear anything approaching that level of vitriol from an elected Republican. BOTH SIDES DO NOT DO IT.

You may be aware of the attacks on troops who have come home from Iraq including one who was shot on the 4th of July. You may also have heard about the violence directed at Republicans during the 2004 campaign. Shots were fired into GOP Headquarters and union thugs invaded some offices. I have a photo of a group of Union Thugs tormenting a small child who was sitting on top of her father’s shoulders holding a Bush-Cheney sign:


It strikes me as somewhat odd that Democrats would pour so much poison in the well of our political discourse then complain about how bad the water tastes. If there is to be any change for the better your side will have to held accountable for what they say. But this reporter wouldn’t budge off the “both sides do it” crapola so of course there will not be any change in the political discourse as long as you people constantly blame someone else.

Anyway, to answer your other point, most Republicans and REAL conservatives (I’ve known, worked for or met most of them from Reagan, Goldwater, Buckley on down) think Ron Paul is a NUT!

John: You win the tin star award for the day! You managed to find ONE dark lining in the silver cloud of good news. That must make you feel great. It really must pain you to find yourself and your defeatist outlook increasingly isolated by reality!


I am NOT someone who thinks we should all play nice and never disagree vehemently or call each other colorful and deeply profane names. I suppose it is just alarming to see people pass “GO” and head straight for “you hate America and love the terrorists!!” That is now the first response rather than the thing people say after a few hours and a few beers into an overheated debate.

I pointed out that Senator Harry Reid used those very words on the floor of the U.S. Senate in a recent smear directed at Rush Limbaugh. Not one elected GOP official or party leader has ever used that word to describe a Democrat that I am aware of.

Well, lets just flash back to the idiot Rush Limbaugh for one moment: “Well, I think we — it’s time to stop dancing around this issue, folks, to tell you the truth. It’s time for somebody to tell the people on the left, you’re damn right we’re questioning your patriotism.” Rush Limbaugh, August 23, 2005.

I seriously doubt that Limbaugh gives a crap that anyone is questioning his patriotism. Mainly because he unabashedly does it all the time. He is a creepy hack who reminds me of Lewis Prothero from “V is for Vendetta”.

I am not sure where you were when Rep. Robert Dornan NIGHTLY questioned the patriotism of President Clinton, the first lady and anyone else he could think of on the house floor. Or when that crazy and ugly Jean Schmidt used some passive/aggressive bullshit to question the “authenticity” of Murtha. I would avoid going down the road if I were you. Republicans DO do it and they do it well. And it is patently childish to even respond to my observation with “well, you STARTED it”. There is so much wrong with that, that I can’t even begin to address it. But it will try anyway:

It was not said as a challenge to decide whose fault it is. It is a challenge for us all to take this shit down a notch before we end up so pissed off that we start doing crazy shit to our fellow citizens. And believing that is right and just to baselessly tell someone that they are a terrorist sympathizer with the excuse that it was really bad when Senator Reid verbally gave the smackdown to Limbaugh is just weird. Oh and yeah Howard Dean said he hated Republicans and all they stand for. But so what. I mean, what the hell does that have to do with you? When I was a kid my neighbor told me that he hated black people (and me in particular) all the time. Sometimes in life people say they hate you. And a lot of times they really fucking mean it. Whatever, right?

As for the incidents of violence and intimidation that were done during the 2004 election campaign: I am sure you heard about the incidents of Democrats getting their asses kicked by low level knuckledragging campaign operatives. I heard about the shooting into a GOP campaign office but I always figured some republican staged it. But even if it was an authentic attack on their office, you and I both know that that is not the rule. Democrats don’t shoot at Republicans and you know it. And you know that they don’t harass little kids as a rule either. We can go back and forth for weeks posting incidents of intimidation, slander, violence, and other chicanery if you want. But that was not my point. You know what my point was but you chose to dismiss it.

Whatever, I had fun mixing it up with the Other Side!

I am out for now, I will be back to harass you all soon (I have you on my favorites list now, next to Shakesville and Pandagon! OMG!). I have to go and consort with Those Who Hate Freedom and Our Way of Life over a few beers now.

Lisa: I never pass GO without first stopping to collect my $200. After that I might just roll double six and land on “you hate America and love terrorists.”

If you want to see what I am talking about, drop by Mike’s America and check out some of the threads that KKK Ken is active on. You really have to wonder about someone who takes such relish everytime a major attack kills our soldiers or Iraqi civilians.

You want to call it something else fine. If that’s how you avoid dealing with it. I’m not going to let it pass. Everyone of these loons is enabling and encouraging the enemy. What signal did it send when Code Pink was raising money to send to insurgents in Fallujah who were killing Americans?

Patriotic? I don’t think so.

And what about the “peace” activist that became so enraged over the war that he shot one of our soldiers on the 4th of July shortly after he had returned home? We could cite more examples like the pack of “peace” activists that beat up a soldier in uniform in Seattle. The list is endless.

And nice how you totally ducked any accountability for even the senior leaders of your party when they smear patriots like Rush Limbaugh. I doubt you’ve ever listened to Rush Limbaugh in anything longer than the five second soundbites Media Matters takes out of context.

Do me a favor and turn on his program for the entire three hours some day. You might learn a thing or two about how badly misled you are.

And again, you seem perfectly willing to duck accountability with another false round of “both sides do it.” It wasn’t just one campaign office that had shots fired, it was several. And how you blithely ignore union thuggery directed at even small children is amusing.

You can keep harping all you want on the lack of civility in politics all you want. But it strikes me as funny that you folks poisoned the well and are now complaining about the foul taste in the water.

Mike’s America:

I used to be a conservative. I read two of Rush Limbaugh’s books in high school and listened to him regularly for years. Then I went to college, paid attention and learned what’s really going on in our world. Let me just say, IT IS MOST CERTAINLY YOU WHO IS BEING MISLED. Right and left is just a distraction, entertainment, a show. Hillary Clinton has already been elected President 2008 by the Illuminati, she attended the Bilderberg conference in 2006. If you don’t know what those words mean LOOK THEM UP. Bill Clinton attended Bilderberg in 1991 2 years before he became President. The Bushes all have Illuminati bloodlines so the Bilderberg conference is like a children’s sandbox for them. We have now had almost 16 years of a Bush/Clinton Regime and we are about to go for 20. Neo-cons are currently pushing an agenda that is destroying us and the rest of the world.

If you want to know the truth, watch The Money Masters:


Read the above comment while listening to the The Twilight Zone music, makes it even spookier.


Then I went to college, paid attention and learned what’s really going on in our world.

Oh…that is just toooo rich. Thank you, Dan! I think your comment speaks for itself.

“I went to college, paid attention and learned what’s really going on in our world.”

Thanks Dan! I laughed so hard when I read that I almost feel out of my chair!

Your comment reminds of of episode 902 from South Park: “Die Hippie Die”

Cartman: Ma’am, I need to clear out your giggling stoners and your drum-cricle hippies RIGHT NOW, or soon they’re gonna attract something much worse!

Elderly Woman: Ooooo.what’s that?

Cartman: The college know-it-all hippies.

[The neighborhood, day. A red car pulls up to the curb. On the back window is a decal which says “University of Colorado at Boulder” Three men and three women step out of the car]

Driver: [wearing green jacket] Wow, my friend Brittany was right. This is a really laid-back place.

Woman 1: [wearing tan jacket] Yeah, this will be a great place to spend spring break.

[Stan, Kyle, and Kenny approach them]

Kyle: Hey, let’s ask them. [the boys are wearing shoulder totes with magazines peeking out from them.]

Stan: All right. [the two parties meet] ‘Scuse me. [holds out a clipboard] Hello, we are selling magazine subscriptions for our community youth program. Would you like to help young people like us by purchasing a subscription of your choice?

Driver: Oh wow, you guys shouldn’t be doing that. Don’t you know what you’re doing to the world?

Kyle: Wha- whataya mean?

Man 1: [wearing a guitar over his back] You’re playing into the corporate game! See, the corporations are trying to turn you into little Eichmanns so that they can make money. [the other man is busily eating chips]

Stan: Who are the corporations?

Woman 2: [a blonde with a psychedelic fish on her shirt] The corporations run the entire world. And now they fooled you into working for them.

Stan: Are you serious?? We never heard that.

Driver: We just spent our first semester at college. Our professors opened our eyes. The government is using its corporate ties to make you sell magazines so they can get rich.


Ok I’m off for now. I’m late for my meeting of the Knight’s Templar and I have to go to the bank and cash my checks from Blackwater and Halliburton.

Keep up the comedy Dan! We can all use another good laugh!

“Right and left is just a distraction, entertainment, a show. Hillary Clinton has already been elected President 2008 by the Illuminati, she attended the Bilderberg conference in 2006. If you don’t know what those words mean LOOK THEM UP. Bill Clinton attended Bilderberg in 1991 2 years before he became President. The Bushes all have Illuminati bloodlines so the Bilderberg conference is like a children’s sandbox for them. We have now had almost 16 years of a Bush/Clinton Regime and we are about to go for 20. Neo-cons are currently pushing an agenda that is destroying us and the rest of the world.
If you want to know the truth, watch The Money Masters:
Posted by dan | October 29, 2007 9:23 AM

wow…and here I thought X-FILES was just fiction. Is it true the greys ambassador runs the conference, or do the members of the supersecret cabal do things on their own in the hopes of paving the way for the recolonization of Earth like in the movie? I always get that confused: movie Bilderbergs, or TV series Bilderbergs?


I made it perfectly clear that I was not talking about the nebulous “civility” thing. And you know that. I said over and over that I could care less about being civil. I was talking about eliminationist rhetoric. There is a difference between “you are a stupid liberal asshole and I hate you” and “you are a traitorous, terrorist loving enemy of freedom and democracy”. Furthermore, you are citing some dubious incidents to excuse your own behavior. Way to take personal responsibility for YOUR OWN ACTIONS. It is also a nice dodge of the issue (which you also nicely projected onto me – great job).

Thankfully most people do not conduct their interpersonal relations that way. We may not like each other’s politics, but for the most part, Americans get along quite nicely without fervently hoping for civil wars, internment camps, and mass demise of our political opposites. I hope you move past that soon. I don’t see anything productive coming from that kind of murderous rage (perhaps a few guns, a pipe bomb, a cabin in the woods and a whole lot of federal agents looking for you).

Who in the HELL are the Bilderbergs, exactly? And how, prithee, do they manage to influence the ENTIRE WORLD’S economy? I truly adore a conspiracy theory. Especially if it is theory about some creepy Republican (Karl Rove masterminded _____________, because he is a fat evil bastard). But I just never got the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Illuminati thing. They sound like characters from a Lemony Snicket book.


Do you remember how crazy everyone got just before the 1992 election with all that Trilateral Commission stuff? Remember the Patriot Movement’s freaky Red Dawn fantasies of UN troops marching down the Golden Streets of America because Pappy Bush and the had already Put the Directives Into Motion and by 1995 the United States would be dissolved. But they kept wavering between how the U.N. blue berets were going to come over and kick our asses to how they were a bunch of Pinot Noir sipping pansies. that was pretty funny and a whole lotta crazy.

Oh Dan,

Look son, I’m as much of a Ronulan Paultard troll as anyone on the internet, but seriously you have to consider your audience when posting all of that extremist propaganda. That type of crap only sells at UFO conventions, even if every word of it is true no one is going to believe it, and you are giving them every reason to paint you and your candidate as a kook.

It has been said many times on the internet that Ron Paul’s worst enemies are his supporters, and its posts like yours that validate that point. I too am suspicious of the all too cozy relationship between government and global financial power brokers, but when you lead into a thread with that sort of shit people are going to think that you are crazy.

In the future try sticking with a message that conservatives can relate too like limited government.

Yes Lisa. When you and your party take responsiblity for “YOUR OWN ACTIONS” instead of following the Clinton model which is to attack your fellow American then complain about the “politics of personal destruction” come and talk to me.

Until you folks apply the same standards of civil discourse to yourselves that you daily demand of others nothing will change.

P.S. While you are here take a look at my photo journal on Laura Bush’s trip to the Middle East. I hope you can say without equivocation that what she did in that trip and the way she conducted herself was exemplary.

Johnnyb: I don’t envy you having to share space on the mother ship with raving loons like Dan.

Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists vote Republican.

Congratulations Robert, not only is what you said a blatant, ugly lie (so easy to refute, but why bother with you?), but you have quite possibly won the award for most ignorant post on this thread and Dan gave you quite a lot of competition.


There are so many conspiracy/end of the world/aliens are coming/the Illuminati rules all “theories” that few can keep up. I saw a website devoted to all the end of times prophesies that have come and passed since the author could find. There were several pages worth. The only one that holds promise is that in roughly 4.5 billion years the Sun will expand into a Red Giant and destroy the inner planets, probably just as we make the final payment on the loan.

As it is, I have been in the Armed Forces for almost 14 years and have yet to see a black helicopter.

Though Lisa, the shooting of a US Airman on July 4th was a real event as were several assaults by leftists against Soldiers. They are not dubious incidents and they scare the Hell out of me since I have a wife and two boys under 3 years old. Because of multiple attacks by “peace activists” many military are concerned for our families when we deploy. Yet nothing happens to the people who threaten and attack us.