KOS Upset That We Dare To Question “Poor” SCHIP Kid


Oh my, the liberals are in an uproar that we are daring…DARING…to call bulls&%t on this SCHIP family the Democrats pulled out of their hat this last weekend.  My favorite comment on this KOS post sums it up:

Yes, they better not have a “high net worth value” before our society decides to assist them with anything for their kids healthcare bills. Bills that by my estimates most likely would be in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands and that might also result in the bankruptcy of even the most average middle class family that possessed health insurance coverage. Yup, the family should have been forced to suffer more (despite the fact the kids are lucky to be alive and will have lifelong issues to deal with from the TBI’s they sustained).

Yes, these people should be forced to suffer and struggle some more….they should have had to sell their small family business and been forced to give up the breadwinner’s income (and he should go work at McWal-mart) …because that is what a humane society insists upon before they provide them with healthcare assistance. Yup and they should have been forced to sell and move out of their house (that had most likely risen in value subtantially like most homes over the past decade did due to the housing bubble)and sold their granite counter tops and been forced to moved into a Section 8 funded apartment because gawd forbid they better most certainly be struggling before those kids and this family were aided by our American society in any way shape or form. That’s the spirit….the American way.

I’m sorry if I sound angry and sarcastic here, (because I am after reading this post)….but perhaps you just don’t fully understand just what this family went through. I have no personal knowledge of this family, but worked in a TBI rehab unit for many years….and it is one of those traumatic medical issues that can just devastate and rip apart people and their families in many many ways and not always just financially.

Well how about this instead Einstein.  The family buys insurance at a cost of 400-500 bucks a month instead of buying that SUV, instead of buying those granite counter tops, instead of putting their kids into private school, instead of remodeling their house.  That way the insurance then covers the hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills and TA-DA, problem solved.

This is just another Mary Ann Knowles:

Repeatedly throughout his campaign, Kerry has held up Hudson
resident Mary Ann Knowles as an example of President Bush’s failure to
ensure adequate health care for all Americans (as if a President can do
such a thing). Here is what he said during his acceptance speech at the
Democratic National Convention last month:

“What does it mean
when Mary Ann Knowles, a woman with breast cancer I met in New
Hampshire, had to keep working day after day right through her
chemotherapy, no matter how sick she felt, because she was terrified of
losing her family’s health insurance? America can do better. And help
is on the way.”

Thing is, Mary Ann Knowles did not have to work
through her chemotherapy to keep her health insurance. In fact, she has
great health insurance, which includes 26 weeks of paid disability

Knowles chose to work through most, but not all, of her
chemotherapy because her husband was out of a job. (Kerry said she had
to work “every day” of her chemotherapy. His campaign chalked that lie
up to “a colloquialism.”)

She and husband John did not want to
take the pay cut that would have come with disability leave, so Mary
Ann kept working. But that is not how Kerry tells the story. He
deliberately misstates her situation, saying she would have lost her
health coverage if she took a single day off.

Another Winifred Skinner:

It brings tears to your eyes. Here’s this adorable, elderly woman out in Iowa who’s so sick and so poor, that in order to pay for medicines she needs to stay alive, she has to scavenge in a local dump yard for cast-off tin cans.


Mrs. Skinner, who first told her story at a Gore campaign event in Altoona, Iowa, repeated her sad story Tuesday to the nation at large — or Mr. Gore repeated it for her.


As it happens, despite the impression given by Vice President Gore, Mrs. Skinner is not an itinerant hobo. She is not living “hand to mouth” as reported by Mr. Gore, but quite comfortably as the mother of a well-to-do businessman, Earl King, a successful specialist in heating and air conditioning. Mr. King and his wife, in addition to his routine work, raise horses (not a poor man’s hobby) on a farm west of Des Moines. They have made available to Mrs. Skinner a 900-square-foot Des Moines apartment where she would be welcome to live, but she prefers her old home.


“She gets a small pension,” he said. “But in order to pay for her prescription drug benefits she has to go out seven days a week, several hours a day, picking up cans.”

It turns out, as the statement was rectified, Mrs. Skinner goes out zero days a week, for zero hours a day, and that she was only speaking “in the name of” people she assumes must do this. But in whose name was the vice-president speaking in his closing sentences of the debate? Apparently no one’s.

Or Jennifer Bush:

…Jennifer’s mother wrote a widely-publicized letter to the White House.
“Do you know what it is like to choose between purchasing groceries for
the week to feed your family or buying needed medications for your
chronically ill child?” Kathleen Bush asked. Pale and wan, young
Jennifer suffered from unidentified chronic digestive problems and
myriad ailments from birth. She had her gall bladder, appendix, and
fragments of her intestines removed. Those organs were replaced with a
tangled cable of feeding tubes that constricted Jennifer’s 43-pound
frame. Surgeons threaded a catheter into the girl’s heart. After 200
hospital visits and 40 operations, the Bush family had racked up
medical bills worth more than $2 million.


Politicians unquestioningly embraced the Bushes and their tale of need.
Hillary cuddled with seven-year-old Jennifer for the cameras; their
mugs were splashed on the pages of USA Today and newspapers across the
country. Shamelessly coached, Jennifer gave the Clintons a lucky silver
dollar “to bring you good luck so everyone can have good insurance.” In
another pre-programmed, kiddie-sized soundbite, Jennifer dutifully told
the press: “I pray every night that I can get better – and that
everyone can have insurance.”


But who was strangling whom? Several years before Hillary deified Mrs.
Bush and elevated Jennifer to poster-child stardom, suspicious medical
professionals had already begun questioning the mother’s role in making
her “beautiful little angel” sick. Nurses complained that Mrs. Bush was
force-feeding her child with unnecessary seizure drugs that made her
vomit. Independent specialists conducted extensive tests on Jennifer
and found no evidence of digestive disorders. When Jennifer was
separated from her mother for treatment at a Cincinnati hospital, the
starved child feasted mightily on pizza, hot dogs, and chocolate bars.
Meanwhile, authorities discovered that while the Bush family claimed
poverty because of Jennifer’s health problems, they had splurged on
trips to the Bahamas and Disney World, house remodeling, and a new
Harley-Davidson motorcycle.


…[In February 2000], Kathleen Bush — Hillary Clinton’s once-proud
and loud sister in arms — was sentenced to five years in prison on two
counts of aggravated child abuse and one count of fraud. She also pled
guilty to a separate count of welfare fraud for misrepresenting $60,000
in assets on Medicaid forms. “There was probably more abuse in this
single case,” lead prosecutor Bob Nichols noted, “than in all of the
child-abuse cases I’ve prosecuted in my life combined.”

Mrs. Bush’s behavior is an extreme example of the Nanny State
opportunism to which Hillary Clinton has dedicated her life. It’s
enough to make you sick.

That’s all this is.  The Democrats chose to roll out a little kid to shamelessly plug for socialized medicine and its backfiring once more.  Because any family that can afford a new SUV, a remodeled kitchen with granite countertops, tuition to private schools can damn well afford the 500 bucks a month for insurance.  Will they have to do without on some things?  Sure.  Life is all about priorities.  But as a business owner the father decided to spend their money on other things rather then insurance, and now look who paid for it.  The taxpayers.

And where the hell was the auto insurance anyways?  Did he not add medical to it?


Mark Steyn:

…So executive vice-presidents’ families are now the new new poor? I
support lower taxes for the Frosts, increased child credits for the
Frosts, an end to the “death tax” and other encroachments on
transgenerational wealth transfer, and even severe catastrophic
medical-emergency aid of one form or other. But there is no reason to
put more and more middle-class families on the government teat, and
doing so is deeply corrosive of liberty.


Good catch once again by the peeps at FR:

Note how Dailykos defends them with the following info: “Ths house that the Frosts currently reside in was purchased in 1990 for $55,000.”

As if that was some sort of proof of how downtrodden they are when in
fact, that is ever so slightly above the median range of housing in

In Baltimore, median household incomes rose from
$24,045 in 1990 to $36,031 in 2006 in the Baltimore City-Towson area.
But median home prices in that same area went from $54,700 to $126,400,
according to census data.

Which also means they have a nice little nestegg of equity built up. 

Still, why not get the taxpayers to pay for your insurance?

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$600 toilets for the Pentagon!!

Let’s stop giving one cent of taxpayer dollars to the wasteful Defense Department.

Maybe Uncle Joe McCarthy was right. Maybe the military is full of commies.

Bankrupting our country?
I love fish, but that herring is far too red for my taste. If I learned ANYTHING in the past 6 years it’s that the U.S. can never run out of money.
We found $600 Billion to fight a useless war AND gave the richest people in the nation a tax break.
1)Print it up.
2)Hand it out.
3)Quit your whining.

Nice swipe at the dems.
You are right about one thing. They are a bunch of useless tools.
They remind me of the republicans. The other party of useless tools.
The only real difference between them is that Republicans only want to hold the poor and powerless accountable.

(Look way above the puppet politicians, follow the strings, and you’ll see both parties are manipulated by the same corporate interests).

We need to kill the 2-party system, because the 2-party system is already killing us.

Now that we both know it, will you help me do something about it, or are you just going to make believe one of the parties has your interests at heart?

Ya know, the kids’ Dad is a woodworker so he probably built his own kitchen cabinets that you seem so obsessed over.

Kid’s dad probably coulda sold the cabinets at an even greater profit then. Besides the point though. The bill is dead. Why? Why was it modified into an unpassable piece of legislation?

btw, following the money trail, 2 party system…ya know, that’s all well and good, but if partisan hacks refuse to even realize that they’ve been played, and refuse to call their own party to account (Republican or Democrat), then anything greater is moot. No, the very least, the very first thing to do is to be willing to look at one’s “own” party and say, “Hey, that’s not why I put you in office, either shape up or ship out.” Republicans did that last fall.

Democrats lack that political courage completely, and as evidence of that we have a huge thread here that no KOSsack has dared to even broach the subject of why the bill was modified into an unpassable piece of legislation by Democratic Party controlled committees.

When Democrats, progressives, liberals, whatever the name o the day is finally get up the courage to do what Republicans did last fall…then there’ll be some progress. Until then, we’ve too many partisan hacks who surf the web looking for ways to play gotcha politics over real issues while the politicians they blindly back get free passes to all the power they want.

Republicans put their party in check for not doing as expected.

Democrats don’t even have the fortitude to LOOK wrongly at their party lest they be Lieberman’d or banned from KOS. Ahhh, remember the good ole days when liberal meant open to new ideas; open-minded, etc.? Long gone.

…long gone.

So the Reagan Revolution and the mid-term election of 1994 were not victories for Republican ideas, but actually cases of Democrats holding their party accountable?

Just wow.
I don’t have a party. I’m an Independent.
That allows me to look at the politicians objectively. That’s why I think the Clintons (both of ’em) are too Right-wing for this country.

“So the Reagan Revolution and the mid-term election of 1994 were not victories for Republican ideas, but actually cases of Democrats holding their party accountable?”

It’s probably a half full/half empty gig, but in the case of the 2006 election…every Democratic part idea has been cast aside without an iota of accountability from the Democratic party base.

And now…the base is asking, “Where’s the beef”

But not enough. Those are token examples. If it were the norm (that a party were held to account by the people who voted them into office), then this entire thread would be discussing how and why a Committee leader from the Democratic Party would modify SCHIP from something that was passable and could do some good into something that couldn’t pass?

Wow Scott. You just blew my mind.

Here I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, I was dealing with someone who had more to say than just a string of cutesy quips, nonsecuiters, and slogans. Color me mistaken.

“Let’s see, Culture of Corruption…unless you’ve got FBI cash in your freezer.”
Wow — you came up with an example of a corrupt democrat. You are a super-sleuth — I bet an Eagle Scout too. I like to call that debating style, “WTF does that have to do with anything, Dr. Killpatient?”

“Hmmm, accountability for pork spending…nope. That was the first to be cast aside.”
Again, what is your point? Did you think they meant, “When we get elected, there won’t be anymore pork?” Are you a retard? There is a little teeny tiny bit more accountability now, but neither party has the stomach for more than that.

“impeachment’s off the table, well not off, well not on, oh, we’re elected….fuhgetaboutit”
Here is where I start to think you grew up around a lot of lead paint chips. Impeachment? Who has been talking about impeachment, in a substantive way? NO ONE. WTF are you talking about, moonbat?

“backroom committee deals…see also SCHIP; poisoned in committee to die a public death and keep the base energized.”
Were you born yesterday? Has there been any legislation in the past 100 years that didn’t follow the same path through Congress? You could’ve been describing any bill sponsored by either Democrats or Republicans, ever.

Scott, Scott, Scott. What are we going to do with you? Please note that not once in my response have I expressed a political view one way or the other. I have not denigrated Republicans or even your Dear Leader. I swear — go back and read it again and you’ll see it’s true.

You, however, are clearly very confused about how our government works, and you are very confused about who is to blame. Liberals did not create the situations you’ve described so un-eloquently, nor are they solving them. Just because you think something is stupid doesn’t mean it’s “liberal” — it might just be “stupid”.

“Republicans put their party in check for not doing as expected.

Democrats don’t even have the fortitude to LOOK wrongly at their party lest they be Lieberman’d or banned from KOS. Ahhh, remember the good ole days when liberal meant open to new ideas; open-minded, etc.? Long gone”

That is such disingenuous bs. What do expect of the Democratic Party, exactly? To be the sort of party that YOU think they should be? You’re a cro-magnon. To do all the things that the Republicans were and are completely incapable of doing? To be a shining light of morality and self-awareness and accountability? YOU’RE BAKED.

And WTF did your party do with those years of majority? Oh that’s right — they proved to be the most preening batch of blowhard incompetents we’ve seen in a while. How’s that anti-abortion bill coming along? What about that social security reform? And I’m still waiting for the anti-gay marriage law.

I know, I know, all those complete and utter failures were the Dems fault, of course. Don’t waste your breath on saying it.

Save your selective outrage for when you beat your wife and kids.

Wow Nick.

Selective outrage…

Man, you totally missed the point. I’m saying we should not have selective outrage, but you just defended it. Impressive rant-typical of a respond while reading reaction, but that’s ok. I can ignore the hypocrisy of your statements. I’ll take a similar pt-pt response, but I read your post first so as to avoid contradicting myself as you demonstrated so well in yours.

“Wow — you came up with an example of a corrupt democrat. You are a super-sleuth — I bet an Eagle Scout too. I like to call that debating style, “WTF does that have to do with anything, Dr. Killpatient?””
-There are too many to list, but that one’s my favorite. The point of listing the unchecked, unaccounted for lies from the Democratic Party was repeated no less than 10 times in my posts today (not including this one).

“Again, what is your point? Did you think they meant, “When we get elected, there won’t be anymore pork?” Are you a retard? There is a little teeny tiny bit more accountability now, but neither party has the stomach for more than that.”
-And they won’t if the supporters of each party continue to turn a blind eye, look the other way, blow this issue off as you advocate.

“Here is where I start to think you grew up around a lot of lead paint chips. Impeachment? Who has been talking about impeachment, in a substantive way? NO ONE. WTF are you talking about, moonbat?”
-Congressman Kucinich, Speaker Pelosi before the election, even various Democratic Senators. Seriously, I could give you a list if you really want, but…would you look at it and hold the people accountable for their stupidity and duplicity, or would you tell people to look the other way, live with it, that’s the way it is? I guess we need look no further than your next comment to know:

“Were you born yesterday? Has there been any legislation in the past 100 years that didn’t follow the same path through Congress? You could’ve been describing any bill sponsored by either Democrats or Republicans, ever.”

-ie, blow it off, look the other way, live with it, that’s just the way it is (despite the DNC promises to change that)

“Please note that not once in my response have I expressed a political view one way or the other. I have not denigrated Republicans or even your Dear Leader. I swear — go back and read it again and you’ll see it’s true.”
1) that’s why I didn’t direct my comments to that end to you, but to a demographic (please re-read them)
2) my “dear leader” as you so put it is not my dear leader. He was the flip of the coin for me in 00, and my 5th choice for the job in 04. I’m neither D/R. I go both ways. Clinton twice, Bush twice, Congress…usually D (lo that I dare to question my party’s actions-oooooooo)

“That is such disingenuous bs. What do expect of the Democratic Party, exactly? To be the sort of party that YOU think they should be? You’re a cro-magnon. To do all the things that the Republicans were and are completely incapable of doing? To be a shining light of morality and self-awareness and accountability?”
-I only expect them to be the party they claimed they would be, that they promised they would be last fall…when I voted for Congressman Tim Ryan (D) in my district.

“And WTF did your party do with those years of majority? Oh that’s right — they proved to be the most preening batch of blowhard incompetents we’ve seen in a while. How’s that anti-abortion bill coming along? What about that social security reform? And I’m still waiting for the anti-gay marriage law”
-and they were voted out because of their failure to do as promised/expected AND because Democrats promised/lied to do so much that R’s hadn’t.

pardon me, gotta go beat the wife and kids before I throw another mammoth on the grill

All this outrage and yet not one liberal has mentioned the cowardly actions of the Democratic party for sticking a child in the spotlight and HIDING behind that child instead fighting their own battles.

I know other groups that HIDE among civilians and children and then scream bloody murder when the civilian gets caught in the cross fire.

One group is Hizbullah and another is al-Qaeda.

Thee liberals must be so proud of their party for imitating TERRORIST TACTICS.

So proud.


Do you have to be wrong on every board?
The kid gave his opinion of the SCHIP plan and how well it has worked out for him.

On the other side we have Limbaugh, malkin, you, and the rest of America’s A-hole wing who have attacked the kid because no self-respectin’ human being can argue with what the kid actually said.

Lesson learned. The next time the Dems should just hide behind a guy in uniform, like our cowardly leader did with Petraeus.

#1 comp. health insurance= $1,700/mo.The fact that he is self employed means nothing He would have to by insurance at the same rate as any individual.#2 $55,000 is dirt cheap for any home any where.the current market value of his house is irrelevant, since he would have to make his family homeless to benefit by it.#3 You may have noticed there were six people in the pictures of the family?, well $45,000 is not a lot of money for that size family. #4 about that “remodeled” kitchen,the guy is a woodworker,kitchen cabinets, woodworker, are you seeing a connection here.For many years I built custom kitchens for a living, my own kitchen is worth $30,000, but there is no question I could not afford to buy my kitchen, if I had to pay what it is worth.I spent 60K and six years building my house. now worth 200K plus with no mortgage my current income is 17K am I rich?

Robert: Do you want to be taken seriously or dismissed for being a boob?

If you want to be taken seriously perhaps you might want to withdraw that comment about Bush hiding behind Petraeus.

General Petraeus is the man responsible for developing and implementing the strategy that is now seeing such incredible success in Iraq. Had President Bush kept him from testifying and simply given Congress a written report, which would have met the requirements of the law, you folks would have been screaming like children even louder than you did when Petraeus testified.

If I were to accept the linkage your comment implies it would be fair game for me to ask if this Frost kid is suddenly in charge of national health care policy. Of course he’s not old enough under our constitution to be elected to federal office and hasn’t been confirmed by the Senate in any official capacity.

So the only conclusion one can rationally draw is that he is nothing more than a puppet for Senate staffers who wrote the script and used this kid and his injury for an emotional, not fact based appeal.

And that is one of the concerns many of us have regarding this tactic. Using an injured child in an emotional way to override the policy concerns this vastly expanded health proposals by Democrats generates.

NickMuson wrote:

Chicken-hawk. Run for cover, sweetie! You might have to back up your bluster with facts, and we can’t have that!

Do you not also have a job and a life? It’s laughable that anyone would call Curt a chickenhawk, given that he’s a former Marine and still protects society by serving in the LA County Sheriff’s Dept.

It’s going to take me all week to go through all these comments but that one from Nick that you highlighted Word made me smile. Scott took him to the woodshed a few times already so no need to belabor the point but he is one complete boob. Full of bluster and outrage, demands facts then when shown facts discounts them and then demands more. Typical lefty playacting.

Stilleto, no need to look very far into your comment since your first sentence is completely wrong:

#1 comp. health insurance= $1,700/mo.

Uh, no:

A check of a quote engine for zip code 21250 (Baltimore) finds a plan for $641 with a $0 deductible and $20 doc copays.

Adding a deductible of $750 (does not apply to doc visits) drops the premium to $452. That’s almost a third of the price quoted in the article.

I do love this comment tho by Robert:

The kid gave his opinion of the SCHIP plan and how well it has worked out for him.

Oh, the kid wrote all that huh? Sure thing.

Democrats hid behind this kid and his family for their own gain, to try to bully a socialized medicine bill into law. Didn’t work. They never learn, Mary Knowles…didn’t learn, Winifred Skinner…didn’t learn, Jennifer Bush….didn’t learn. Now Graeme Frost. Wanna bet they still won’t learn?

Do any of you have a family member with a debilitating illness? Any cancer survivors out there? Diabetics? If your kid gets sick, should you have to sell your home or your business, etc. in order to get health care?

Try finding insurance if you do, and $500 a month is what insurance would cost for for a healthy family with NO known risks.

I know you don’t like the liberal media, but this isn’t making your point.

Do you not understand that our argument is that the family should of prioritized BEFORE the accident and got that insurance themselves. You know, thats what insurance is for.

Stop trying to spin this.

I forget which candidate had this line in the GOP debate tonight:

Where are all the Canadians going to go once Hillary and friends succeed in ruining America’s health care system?

Man, the blogosphere has sunk to a new low, smearing this family like this. Pathetic. It’s no wonder the GOP is sinking faster than the Titanic, if these people are it’s supporters.

“Do any of you have a family member with a debilitating illness? Any cancer survivors out there? Diabetics? If your kid gets sick, should you have to sell your home or your business, etc. in order to get health care? Try finding insurance if you do, and $500 a month is what insurance would cost for for a healthy family with NO known risks.”

Yes, my wife has MS, and we thank God for her health INSURANCE that the big corporation she works for pays. I’m acutely aware of how much insurance is, and since my parents, grandparents, godparents, and three sets of uncles all work in the medical field…yeah, I’m familiar with the cost of medicine as well.

But this thread is not at all about how SCHIP was nixed because of a socialized medicine aspect.


It was nixed because Democrats who finished crafting the bill in committee (see, Dems control the committees now, so no bill gets out unless it’s crafted to their liking) chose to expand the coverage so that it no longer helps just poor American kids. They modified it to cover kids in families that can afford the insurance AND to cover NON-AMERICANS!?

So if anyone wants to discuss the merits of the SCHIP, the question is not about providing medical coverage to poor kids-W and Republicans want to do that-the question is why did Dems modify the bill so that it can’t be accepted by Republicans? Must be another example of that new spirit of bi-partisanship that Speaker Pelosi ranted about when she took the gavel, right?

Anyone wanting to discuss the SCHIP doa, should ignore the entire issue of providing medical coverage to poor kids as everyone wants that. The better question is why did Dems poison it in committee to die in public?

“Do you not understand that our argument is that the family should of prioritized BEFORE the accident and got that insurance themselves. You know, thats what insurance is for.”

But they DIDN’T. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Spilled milk. That’s not the crux of the argument. It can’t be because that’s not what happened, it’s not REALITY. Arguing about what ought to have happened with your perfect 20/20 hindsight surely makes you feel like a big winnah, but the logical extension of “They should have had health care” is “Since they didn’t, their kid should have just died.” Your argument is that the only way to teach those damn moochers a lesson is by letting their children die. And that means that you’re immoral and sick, and you know it’s so because you won’t come out and say “Their kid should have died” and instead focus on arguing about what you think should have happened instead of facing the reality that it DIDN’T, and their kid would have DIED without this program. That’s what the kid came out their to say. He was there to put a human face on this issue so that people who opposed the program would have to face the reality that “They should have had insurance, and if they didn’t the government shouldn’t help them” means “Graeme Frost should have died.” Not “some kid should have died,” but this living breathing boy, alive because his family had help.

And the libs have come out IN FORCE to defend this kid from the rank lies and bogus speculation on his family, so they’re hardly hiding behind the child. They gave him and his family the chance to stand up for something, and his family must have known what would happen, so I think that’s exceptionally brave to come out, stand up, and say how this program saved their children’s lives, even knowing they would be attacked and raked over the coals by unscrupulous so-called “citizen journalists” making baseless accusations formed entirely from guesswork and partisan suspicion.

The price of financial mistakes shouldn’t be your child’s life. That you think that’s perfectly reasonable makes you a bad person. Sorry, but that’s the way it is, and that is the argument here. You can sit there and shoulda woulda coulda all day if it makes you feel better about thinking people should pay with their children’s lives for making financial mistakes, but it doesn’t make you a better person.

P.S. Re the guy talking out of his ass about the Walter Reed Scandal, that’s kind of a bad analogy, because um…they privatized the health care there. Outsourced it to a private company. I figured someone else would hit that one but they just sorta let you go on believing the stupid, uninformed thing you said was true and I thought you should know, you know, facts, before you spoke on it again. Just trying to help.

“Anyone wanting to discuss the SCHIP doa, should ignore the entire issue of providing medical coverage to poor kids as everyone wants that. The better question is why did Dems poison it in committee to die in public?”

That would require intellectual honesty and thought. Everyone coming here is taking the emotional kneejerk reactions that you hate children. I wonder what their response would be if the GOP found a kid who could talk about how his parents lost their jobs because of BS tactics by unions. Or how they lost their home because taxes were too high? You think they’d stick up for that? Yeah me niether.

“P.S. Re the guy talking out of his ass about the Walter Reed Scandal, that’s kind of a bad analogy, because um…they privatized the health care there. Outsourced it to a private company. I figured someone else would hit that one but they just sorta let you go on believing the stupid, uninformed thing you said was true and I thought you should know, you know, facts, before you spoke on it again. Just trying to help.”

Oh gosh, thank you SO much. I had no idea SCHIP, hildocare, and other socialized medicine programs for non-Americans (and some Americans too btw) were to use government run hospitals. Here, I was under the impression that these ideas were to use government administrations (such as the DoD does via veterans affairs) to pay for services done by companies and private businesses…oh wait…that’d be exactly like what you said happened at Walter Reed unless the Federal government plans on seizing all the nation’s hospitals and conscripting doctors and nurses to work at the government hospitals.

Fool-you’re still missing the point: SCHIP was poisoned by Democrats in committee, and Democratic Party apologists don’t dare ask why. In fact, NO ONE is asking it. Instead they run to the Michael Moore sparked debate about socialized medical programs which have as much to do with the debate about why SCHIP was DOA as does Speaker Pelosi’s Maritime Museum Federal funding.

Brent: There’s no “smear” here. Simply questions about the propriety of using a child this way and questions about the true nature of the families situation.

I realize you folks come from a long line of liars who will use this mantra “for the children” and expect no criticism for such blatant emotive wankering, but that doesn’t make it a “smear” when we call you on it.

Imagine what would happen if Republicans brought out a child who had lost his or her parents on September 11th and had her reading a political script attacking Democrats? Would you sit still for that?

Hell no! You people attack anyone and everyone who dares to stand in your way and from what we’ve seen of REAL smears against Rush Limbaugh and others there’s no lie too low for you.

Well said Mike, and while they distract and attack with one hand, they deliberately turn a blind eye to their own party’s actions-even excusing their lies as ‘that’s just the way it is.’

I live in Canada, we have universal health care and our economy is leaving your’s in the dust, dollars worth more, job creation there’s no comparison, your housing market is crashing ours is surging…but you’re right, universal coverage will wreck your economy!!! it sure wrecked ours, errr wait no it didnt. Later third worlders, well your not quite yet, but soon.

ha! ha! nice one jugger! yeah, GOPs on its last legs and in desperation, they swipe at children.

ha! ha! nice one jugger! yeah, GOPs on its last legs and in desperation, they swipe at children.

I’m having flashbacks to 2004 when you libs believed the same thing. Don’t jump off a bridge when your proven wrong tho, because you will be.

Your point on the swipes at children have been addressed many times in this post, I know…you didn’t read it…just saw the link at Salon and being a good little lib you decided to go troll. The mothership is calling you back, heed its call.

I live in Canada, we have universal health care and our economy is leaving your’s in the dust, dollars worth more, job creation there’s no comparison, your housing market is crashing ours is surging

Man o’ man, you guys really are retarded.

Canada – Unemployment – 5.9%
USA – Unemployment – 4.7%

(that 5.9% was a 33 year low btw, way to go Canada!)

Canada – New Jobs Sept 2007 – 55,000
USA – New Jobs Sept 2007 – 110,000 (The United States has added 1.6 million jobs in the past 12 months and over 8.4 million jobs since August 2003)

Canada – Projected growth rate 2008 – 2.8%
USA – Projected growth rate 2008 – 3.0% (2nd Qtr 2007 3.7%)

1 American dollar equals 98 cents Canadian.

And still all you Canadians come down here for your health care.

My parents and extended family live in BC btw, and every word you sputtered is the exact opposite of what they are saying.

But go ahead, believe the Government knows better then you and should take all that money to give away. Socialism and Communism has worked so well in the past.


Posted by: Curt at October 10, 2007 9:08 PM

lol, guy cites the unemployment cause thats all you got, I specifically didn’t mention that, but give it another couple of months and that’ll be in our favour as well..remember it is a 33 year low, and it’ll just keep going down my friend 😉

and regarding the job creation, try it per capita genius 😉

oh and please quote an independent source and not a politicized gop mouthpiece re your links…if you look around without the blinders on you’ll get the real picture regarding the divergence of our economies and the long-term projections, ie our dollar will be worth 1.10 US in the 4th quarter next year, other economic statistics will follow the same path…au revoir.

Thats all you got? It WILL be?

Keep predicted the future Einstein. Your wrong on the present, and you will be wrong on the future.

Cya dummy.

oh and look at the type of job creation as well as the capacity of the economy versus the jobless rate and where the unemployment is occuring, it’ll enlighten you further re the reality of the situation. bon chance.

Cya dummy.

Posted by: Curt at October 11, 2007 9:12 AM

thats all you have? Well played, well played. Your debating skills and intelligence have overwhelmed me…like I said though, good luck I really do hope you guys come out on the other side of this ok. I mean it. take care.

Yup, seeing as how I actually cited facts and you cited future predictions, it was well played. Keep it up tho, your a genius in your own mind.

Posted by: Curt at October 11, 2007 9:16 AM

lol, charming….But lets be serious Kurt, the stats you quoted even if not massaged or revised on a monthly basis by the administration just prove my point, our economy has caught up to yours and is surpassing it in some regards, which historically hasn’t been the case (just regarding the stats you cite at he minimum), its just that simple…the gaps have narrowed or in terms of the currency flip flopped, your economy is weakening based on past trends compared to ours which is not a good thing, well for you anyway.

And remember to take in to account the population differences when comparing your apples to oranges (a per capita calculation), it’ll get ya comparing apples to apples and have a more meaningful comparison.

Take care and good luck.

Ahhh….I see your argument. The numbers I cited aren’t real, it’s Bush massaging them to make them look good when in fact they are really bad.

Sure thing.

Believe me Jugger, Canada is so closely tied to this country that when our economy turns down yours will also seeing as Canada is the stepchild to the US. Its great your economy is doing well, just too bad that your government sucks so much off your paychecks to pay for terrible health care for the masses tho.

But seriously, my Mom’s side of the family is Canadian. We were just up there last month and love Vancouver Island. But Socialism will keep your country down. You like it, cool. Stay up there. We will never allow socialism to take over our country without a fight tho.

Posted by: Curt at October 11, 2007 9:30 AM

Alright Curt, so I’m poking at ya on the massaging of the numbers, but bottom line is the the gap has closed, and I do like it this way up here, and you’re entitled to like it your way down there. But things have definitely changed in the dynamic regarding our 2 countries, and yes we are tied by the umbilical cord, but my fed gov is making headway in diversifying our international trade, if only re our healthy stock of natural resources. I wonder if they (my gov) realize that being tied to the US economy or any one single economy so strongly is a bad thing. Regardless of the political implications.

Anyway, my viewpoint still stands, I do hope America emerges a stronger nation after all of this, but you guys are divided right now, snipping at each other and making no progress. It concerns me. But I do like our healthcare, it’s just a beast to manage, but definitely a thing worthwhile managing in my eyes as well as most Canadians, after-all Tommy Douglas was our most important Canadian in a recent survey, not a sports hero, not an entertainer but a stalwart conservative that realized a vision for the greater good and a minimum of care provided to our citizens, what some may say was a socialized vision embraced by a right-wing conservative, I do love my country and its diverse ideologies and commonsense, yes I do.

oh, I’m not the only one predicting things, one of the Right’s and businesses gurus says

Warren Buffett was in Toronto to speak at the evening fundraiser, which organizers were hoping would raise $4-million for charity.

Asked whether now is the time for Canadians to buy U.S. dollars, the man known as “the Oracle of Omaha” said the United States has been spending $2-billion a day more on goods than it can afford to. Over time, that behaviour weakens the currency, he said. His guess is that, within the next five years, the Canadian dollar will appreciate even more against the U.S. dollar.


Perhaps that holds a bit more weight than my comment alone regarding the divergence of our 2 economies and the weakening of yours.