Do I Even Need A Caption? Homosexuals Mock ‘Last Supper’ With Sex-Toys


I wonder if the media will cover this like it did the Mohammed cartoons! I doubt it, unless you think Christians will hit the streets in riots burning everything in site. 

Organizers of San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair — sponsored by Miller Brewing Co. — have portrayed Christ and his disciples as half-naked homosexual sadomasochists in the event’s promotional advertisement, and the conservative group Concerned Women for America is complaining about the hypocrisy of it.

“The bread and wine representing Christ’s broken body and lifegiving blood are replaced with sadomasochistic sex toys in this twisted version of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper,” CWA said on its Web site.

“‘Gay’ activists disingenuously call Christians ‘haters’ and ‘homophobes’ for honoring the Bible, but then lash out in this hateful manner toward the very people they accuse,” said said Matt Barber, CWA’s policy director for cultural issues.

“In their version of The Last Supper, Christ, Who gave His life for our sins, is despicably replaced by sin itself as the object of worship.”

CWA is calling on California politicians — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sens. Feinstein and Boxer among them — to “publicly condemn this unprovoked attack against Christ and His followers.

“We further challenge the media to cover this affront to Christianity with the same vigor as recent stories about cartoon depictions of Mohammed and other items offensive to the Muslim community,” CWA said.

I think the only thing shocking is that groups keep thinking it is soooo artsy to mock Christ, yet culturally insensitive to mock Islam.

Oh…and I won’t be drinking Miller!

Miller contact info…

Miller Brewing Company
P.O. Box 482
Milwaukee, WI 53201

Miller Brewing Company

3939 W. Highland Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53208
(414) 931-2000


call between hours are 8am-5pm

Oh, and San Fran can host this, but ROTC causes traffic problems???? And now they attack the Blue Angels? How long before Sodom sinks into the Pacific?
From Stop The ACLU

I won’t say, “This is an attack on Christianity, and a double standard, as this would have never happened to the Muslims,” because that is obvious. Here is the advertisement, by the way:

People like to call Christians intolerant, but I see something entirely different. My friend Brujo stated this in an article earlier:

I read a Liberty Counsel Alert dated August 24, 2007 regarding an incident that is central to my point. There is a church in New Jersey, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, which is a ministry of the Methodist Church that happens to own some prime beach side real estate that is used for church services, gospel concerts, Bible studies and weddings. It seems there was a lesbian couple that wanted to get ‘married.’ They attempted to rent this facility and were turned down because of the religious beliefs and practices of this church. Their doctrine (religious belief) prohibits civil unions of same sex individuals. The women complained to the state that the church was violating state anti-discrimination laws and the state initiated an investigation.

I find it interesting that the state would even consider such an investigation. This church, like many Bible believing Christian organizations, live their religion. The do no commit crimes such as murder because of a religious belief and not out of concern for man’s law. They will not violate the tenants of their religion. The U.S. Constitution as primary law of the land is supposed to protect religious practice. Can you imagine the results of a church being ordered to lend its facilities to support an act they consider a religious abomination? (This is the USA. We can believe in abomination at least until the ACLU criminalizes it.)

It has become apparent that the state of New Jersey is going to take a stab at regulating this church and its activities. The claim is that because they allow anyone to enter they have become a public institution and therefore subject to the anti discrimination laws. I submit that if this was a Hasidic Jewish facility or a Mosque there would be no question regarding the homosexual agenda. Christian churches are traditionally open to the all for worship services. Because they do not lock the doors to only allow their membership access does not give government license to regulate.

Now some of the Gay and Lesbian groups are petitioning local and state government in New Jersey to review the tax exempt status of this church. This is a very strong weapon. Many churches and other religious groups cannot afford to pay property taxes and if required to do so they would have to dispose of the property.

I do not really give two damns would people do in the bedroom as long as it is consentual and the participants are over the legal age. But I also see a gay-rights movement more and more hostile to Christianity, and more willing to chip away to freedom of speech and religion to get to it as these new hate crime laws do. All of us should be threatened by these actions. And this, far more then anything else, is my biggest disagreement with the gay rights movement.

Crossposted from Baltimore Reporter

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Crap like this is okay, but the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon can’t film an effing commercial there?

What would I expect from San Fransicko…

Just imagine for a moment if Mohammad was in the picture. Maybe kicking back drinking a beer or holding that big red fist …

You can almost hear SanFran burning ….

Gutless cowards, and to prove it…one needs only to point out that in Islamic countries like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, etc…homosexuals are executed, exterminated, and yet these guys choose to insult Christianity because of rhetoric they don’t like, and not Islam which could get them killed.

Gutless cowards. Wanna impress and really make a political statement, replace the dildos and strap ons with statues of Mohammed. That’d be brave. That’d make a statement. That’d address the life/death survival of homosexuals for their orientation.

Nah, easier to upset the people who won’t do anything beyond saying they don’t like it.

Clearly, however, this image negates and dismisses the perception that San Fran is filled with godless heathens. Really. I think it should be put up on every billboard and every airport poster in the US as a means of debunking San Fran stereotypes. [/sarcasm off]

2000 years of history prove that slime like this will die in a disaster, not man made. Will anyone cry when SF is destroyed? A few phonies will pretend to.

Sodom on the Bay slides further and further into the Abyss–in this case abetted by the Miller Brewing Co. They now have one less customer and have acquired an actively hostile consumer.

Stupid, trendy marketing idiots….

>>Just imagine for a moment if Mohammad was in the picture.>>

Heh. Anybody good at Photoshopping? There’s certainly an availability of photos of prominent muslims on line that might be appended…

As a gay man–who happens to be Catholic and conservative–I find this absolutely disgusting. And I can’t imagine how anyone can live in Sodom by the bay. Aside from some good restaurants, the city could slide into the ocean and I would be hard-pressed to shed a tear.

So just remember, folks: not all of us gay people are mindless leftists/liberals. Some of us can actually think for ourselves.