It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!


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Lol. It also needs to have a key that says “PLUNDER!”

“Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,ye matey. This is how we talk in the man’s Navy!” 🙂

Since Curt was in the Corps, I don’t know how they speak. 🙂

Aaarrrr and shiver me timbers…..Ye scurvy sea dogs be a day late respondin’ ta this ‘ere post!

Why be it that conservative blogs are so cool and liberal blogs be so wrong? ‘Cause they just aaaaarrrggghh!

Soooo… THAT’s where this pirate thingee came from?

I’ve left the landlubbers behind and got my sea legs again.

And I’m back in REAL pirate country:

But darnit! I lost my treasure map!