Highlight on the Huffington Post


The Twin Cities Conservative has come to a hardly surprising (note: sarcasm) conclusion:

The Huffington Post is nothing more than sleazy tabloid reading. I came across this article from, ahem, respected Leftist author Jane Hamsner on the Huffington Post.

Let’s discuss the following excerpts from Hamsner’s essay:

First, “Rudy Giuliani is dropping in the polls and is unable to defend his own support for George Bush’s failed war.”

Right from the outset, Hamsner recites the Leftist rhetoric that the Iraq War is 1.) George Bush’s war; and 2.) a failed one at that. Sounding the surrender bell, Hamsner and her Leftist brethren do not understand that Iraq, part of a greater war on terror, is ALL OF OUR’S. This is a war fought between civilizations.

Second, “The quite simple fact of the matter is that last week’s carefully orchestrated dog-and-pony show just bought us several more Friedman Units of war, and all that cabbage on Petraeus’s chest had its desired effect –

But don’t let this sort of Leftist rhetoric fool you: the Democrats SUPPORT the troops. Don’t be fooled by the double-talk, the backstabbing, the pandering, etc. They really do support the troops (note again: sarcasm).

There is an undeniable point to which the Democrats cannot challenge: they have overtly declared their disapproval for the United States military. While they claim to care for our fighting men and women, their actions speak otherwise (Hillary Clinton calling Petraeus a liar, John Murtha impugning Marines at Haditha without evidence, Harry Reid declaring the war lost, the collective Democratic effort to halt funding to the war, and THUS, our soldiers, ETC.).

Third, “But I guess not, because she decided instead to join with such leading moral barometers as Diaper Dave Vitter and John "McCarthy" McCain to attack MoveOn.”

The Left attacks someone like McCain, a POW, a true hero, and someone who’s support for the military has never wavered. Furthermore, the Left has become a giant McCarthy-like machine, impugning and embarrassing anyone who fails to toe the party line and utter the tired Leftist talking points.

Here’s the complete article:

It seems like only yesterday in these very pages I wanted to put my head through a wall when Hillary Clinton decided to pile on John Kerry on the eve of the 2006 election, just as the right wing was swarming him over his bad joke. It’s just such a basic, elemental principle at play here — you don’t help the right wing out by repeating their talking points, ever. Why was this so hard to grasp?

But here we are, almost a year later, and Hillary seems to have internalized that principle very well. Because when baited by Rudy Giuliani and offered the chance to frag MoveOn over their Petraeus ad, she thought the better of it:

Rudy Giuliani is dropping in the polls and is unable to defend his own support for George Bush’s failed war. Instead of distorting Senator Clinton’s record in the campaign’s first attack ad, the Mayor should tell voters why he thinks sticking with the Bush Iraq strategy makes sense. The country wants change and while Hillary Clinton is focused ending the war, Mayor Giuliani is playing politics.

Bravo. Hillary seizes the opportunity to pivot and attack — forcing Rudy into embracing George Bush and his horribly unpopular war. She sticks the landing.

Elizabeth Edwards? Not so much. You would thinks that she of all people should know about the asymmetrical intimidation problem that Paul Krugman talks about — the one where the media is afraid to go after Rudy Guiliani for claiming he’s a rescue worker, but they’ll try to demolish John Edwards over a haircut because they know that they’ll get hammered by the right wing noise machine for the former and pay no price for the latter.

But I guess not, because she decided instead to join with such leading moral barometers as Diaper Dave Vitter and John "McCarthy" McCain to attack MoveOn. So did John Kerry, whom one would expect to know better by this point in time. Granted, we really don’t expect much better from Joe Biden — somehow he continues to find the obvious quite elusive. So I guess we have to say it once again until everyone gets it — you never repeat right wing talking points to attack your own, ever. You never enter that echo chamber as a participant. Ever. You never give them a cudgel to beat the left with.

Just. Don’t. Do. It.

The quite simple fact of the matter is that last week’s carefully orchestrated dog-and-pony show just bought us several more Friedman Units of war, and all that cabbage on Petraeus’s chest had its desired effect — politicians were so afraid of criticising a military man they couldn’t say what needed to be said, namely that Petraeus is betraying the trust of the American public by using his credibility as a General to present George Bush’s politicized and inaccurate facts to Congress. The war is not going swimmingly, it’s a full on, four-flushing disaster and the entire country knows it. Rather than turning around and kicking MoveOn in an overweening desire to have the right wing pat them on the head, maybe everyone should remember that their failure to criticize Colin Powell for the very same reasons five years ago bought us this mess in the first place, and be thankful that someone is injecting some skepticism into the conversation this time around.

Much hand wringing has ensued in the wake of the ad, and Enron Ed and Karl Rove’s short term strategy to pillory MoveOn may have George Bush’s desired effect of driving all the Republicans to his defense. As Digby observed, it certainly hornswoggled the media into missing the real story. But what did they really buy along with those Friedman Units? In forcing all the Republicans to rally ’round George Bush, they’ve left them no room to run in 2008. Says Bill Schneider:

It probably contributed to the affect that I described earlier, which is that Republicans were expected to rally behind the president. This probably gave them a little more fire.

And as you indicated and as Candy said, that could be very damaging to Republicans in the long run because they feel like they’re forced to stick with this president and this policy and the political damage could be catastrophic.

I don’t expect useless DLC consultants who are advising Harry Reid to hump the leg of the GOP like a neutered terrier to understand it, but driving Republicans into the waiting arms of George Bush and making them take ownership of this war could be the best thing to happen to Democrats in 2008. That MoveOn plans to go straight at uber fraud Rudy Giuliani today for the same betrayal of trust he displayed when he decided to abandon his responsibilities on the Iraq Study Group is to their credit.

Nobody wants to deal with this messy war, but our representatives are not going to be allowed to punt this time around. Many are going to get banged up and bruised in the process but that’s just how it’s going to go down.

Good for MoveOn for being willing to say what needs to be said and take the hit. Democrats should take their cues from Hillary Clinton when asked about their efforts and seize the opportunity to wrap this war around the exposed necks of the GOP.

crossposted at The Twin Cities Conservative

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The tinfoil hats must be on extra tight these days.

You mean on the Left?

On the left, and, of course the Ron Paul followers.

Oh god, Ron Paul is something else…(rolling eyes). A conservative friend of mine absolutely worships this guy; I just don’t see it, personally.

War on Terror! Terror, Terror, Terror. Everyone run and hide an islamist is terrorizing you! I think it’s absurd the fear you guys have. I guess you would lock yourself up in a box to keep the terrorists from targeting you? Terror is a military tactic. Should we recruit everyone as police officers and round up all the muslims too? Of course we’ll just say it’s for the security of everyone that we lock everyone into segregated cells. You folks who value this war will imprison the whole nation with your fear.

With all due respect, you and your Leftist ilk need to remove your heads from the sand. This is typical Leftist hyperbole everyone, denying that a threat exists, and is very real. Furthermore, they love to dismiss the threat while actually courting the terrorists as their friends…so incredibly naive.

If you had two brain cells, you might be dangerous. Right now you are just a pre-programed “useful idiot”. You cannot win an arguement and you cannot fathom the reality of the dangers this militant Islamic jihad is bringing to your doorstep (or Helmlock Park for those in Dearborn, Mi). I do not know if I should despise you or pity you for your deranged stupidity.

I fight in this war. I have seen it first hand. The ones who should open thier eyes are you and your ilk of useless idiots. No one is running or hiding here.

Reality is knocking Jared.

Yep, this is mere “fear-mongering…” How can you on Left even be taken seriously anymore? You’ve downplayed the significance of 1. Hitler, 2. Stalin, 3. Pol Pot, 4. Saddam (well actually you didn’t, because Clinton and Gore, as well as most of the world, very much recognized that Saddam was developing a clandestine WMD program) 5. Iran, 6. Islamic terrorists…

So far, you’ve pretty much been wrong on all accounts. The Left lives in this ideallic utopia…wake up.

Folks your argument is based on lies and deception. I would suggest you actually read some laws and read the constitution. Take a look at who runs the government cause it will give you some better insight. It sure isn’t your votes that got Bush elected. Your voices are merely whispers and you have no real say so anymore. The war will continue no matter what I or anyone else says. This war is about more things than jihadists. I think we have to have someone to blame for why we are going to invade 7 countries in 5 years. So far we’ve got Iraq, and Afghanistan. Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, Iran will be next. So do anyone of you small government folks believe the US Economy is going to survive this perpetual war? Do you believe that it’s really about muslims? Come on folks this aint the 60’s we have the power of the internet and power to pull documents from the past and see the blatant lies we’ve been told by the media. You can literally go back to every war in the past and access documents like never before. I suggest everyone clear their brains from the lies and go back and read all of history of the US. From every war to every economic decision that has been made in the past 200 + years and come back and tell me that you don’t agree with me.

Ahh… the Black Helicopters piloted by Illuminatti are coming!!!

Guess what Jared, few here, or on any conservative blog or Milblog believe the media. Here is some research for you: Research the last 1400 years of Islam. Go back and read what they have been saying for centuries. Read what they do when they conquer an area. The remark I made on Hemlock Park SHOULD clue you in that SOMETHING happened there, but you will not find it in the media.

Last 200 years? So everything from the inception of the United States on was controlled by some secret organization which somehow, in the age of sail, could command a world wide empire? Am I also to believe that these “all powerful” ones (who you will probably tell me next are Zionists and it is all listed out in “The Protocols”) can even control the Islamic world? Am I to forget real world history and swallow the world-wide conspiracy of the “All Seeing Eye”?

Also, who besides the morons in Iran and Syria are stating we are planning to invade? Last time I checked, these two countries have been openly funding and supporting Islamic terrorists worldwide. They have been persuing WMDs (Syria got a boost from Saddam as he was moving his out in 2003 but lost one of their sites last week) for decades. Even with this, the only serious talk of war with Iran and Syria is comming from…. Iran, Syria, and the West’s leftists.

And we ARE for smaller, responsible government. Last time I checked, conservatives were very upset at the president for caving on Terd Kennedy’s “No Child Left Behind” law, the Dems “Medicade Prescription Drug Benefit”, and “Immigration Reform”. Conservatives THINK. We dissagree with each other, but we also unite for the good of the country. Leftists indoctrinate and silence. leftists also sell out thie country in their pursuit of absolute power.

And no, the only people living in the 60s are the leftists. The rest of us know full well what we are fighting and that no, our economy will survive so long as we cut the non-discretionary spending and pork. We are fighting for our survival. Unlike WWI, WWI, and many other wars, we are fighting without crushing civil liberties (the fact you can post your insanity is proof) and without much, if any, burden on the American People (rationing nylon and rubber yet?). However, we are fighting an ideology (Islam) that seeks our complete submission or utter destruction.

If you are too obessed with illuminati conspiracies to see the islamofascist viper in front of you than kindly let us deal with it so you can keep living in denial.

You’re deranged. Seriously, you mention the lies perpetrated by the media…you mean the vast Leftist Mainstream Media, where 9 out of 10 journalists categorizes themselves as leftwing? Furthermore, you mention invading 7 countries in 5 years; um, right. I’m not quite sure what you mean…are you referring to past military conflicts, or potential military conflicts, for if it was the former, then 1.) how many of these “invasions” were conducted under a Democratic White House; 2.) how can you confuse humanitarian missions or lawful responses to terrorist attacks as “invasions?”

I found it almost amusing that the Left, who deride us on the right or in the center for not being “progressive” enough or open-minded, really get their facts mixed up. I believe it was Chris who referred to the Leftists as mindless robots. I concur wholeheartedly; rather, they mimic the Lefty talking points…it’s funny how the Left has accused the president of usurping the constitution, when it’s the Left that is very much trying to trample on the civil liberties of the american people (e.g. “hate crime” law currently in subcommittee; bullying tactics from the far-left to silence those who do not adhere to the radical dogma; attempts to stifle conservative talk radio)…

Todd, he also only listed six countries. I am guessing he will include Pakistan as number seven owing to Obama’s comments.

It still does not make his post have any sense though. I am still waiting for the “it’s the Jews fault” line that always follows in diatrabes like his.

Yeah, I’m not quite sure what he’s talking point…nevertheless, I like to think that we on the Right, on sites like this, tolerate dissent. We don’t stifle freedom of speech (regardless of its ineptitude). If anything, it allows the Left to expose themselves for the out-of-touch, sedition-practitioners for which they are…

I would say it’s amusing, but it’s really not as the far-left has the Democratic party scared sh*tless right now, and they are very much shaping policy.

Some above wrote: “This is typical Leftist hyperbole everyone, denying that a threat exists, and is very real.”

What threat? Not a single terrorist has shown up in my neighborhood to threaten a single soul, yet my assets and retirement are being diluted to no end to fund a full-flown war on terrorists.

I am more likely to be attacked by the crack dealers on my street corner, two blocks away. Why can’t my diluted assets go toward fighting them, instead? They are certainly more real to me than any terrorists.

About 4 times as many people die in the US from drunk driving-related accidents alone each year than the number of people who died in 9/11. Doesn’t this mean that liquor store owners or liquor manufacturers are four times more of a threat to the US than Osama Bin Laden or Iran?

Fight the war on Liquor Store Owners!!! The greatest Axis of Evil there is!!!!

General Wesley Clark said on September 20th 2001 that he was informed by people in the white house that the plan was to attack 7 countries in 5 years. So prove me wrong that’s not what he said.

1.Ask yourself why we set up a central bank in Iraq and robbed the Iraqi’s of their gold based currency by giving them a fiat currency backed by nothing.
2.Tell me why the control of the oil is in the hands of the American contractors.
3.Tell why we can’t get the production up to par with before the invasion.
4.Tell me why Iran does not have a bank set up on Fiat money.
5.Tell me why North Korea does not used Fiat Money.
6.Tell me why we only attack oil rich countries.
7.And last of all tell me why US Citizens should have our freedoms infringed on at the same time we are suppossed to be fighting cause we want to remain free.
8.Terrorists would have to fly from Saudi Arabia. So why can’t we keep our forces in Saudi Arabia to police the area where the pockets of terrorists really are?

I could send you a thousand things wrong with this invasion. But it does not matter.

Of course I could blame jews but it’s our own fault if we have stupid congressman who can be bought and sold at the cost of American lives. No I don’t think that the US has black Helicopters coming to get me. Your the delusional one for thinking that terrorists are coming to get you. I don’t have to worry about the US Government. They obviously have their hands full with a country the size of Colorado. But we have wide open borders so the terrorists could walk right in if they wanted.

No single terrorist has shown up in your area? Great. Probably because we are killing them by the thousands away from you. Except for coastal areas, the US was able to keep out AXIS infiltration in WWII also. However, several are in America and some are even under trial.

We have the two with bombs in their trunk by the Naval Station. We have the Muslim Brotherhood on trial in Texas. That is a VERY interesting trial and MUCH more relevant than OJ’s or Paris Hilton’s escapades. We have Islamic doctors and med students involved in various terrorist acts. And, since no one has bought the clue, a 3rd year medical student attending Wayne State University in Dearborn (Lebanese Shia whose website states he is Hezbollah and committed to jihad and the destruction of the West) was caught by police in Hemlock Park last week with a loaded AK series rifle, dressed in all black with cammo face paint. I can go on and on but am glad you do not have any visible signs where you are.

As for the crack dealers, WHAT have YOU done about them? Why have you not formed a neighborhood watch and called the police nightly stating where the dealers are and what they are doing? What have you done to help the community stay safe? If you know the dealers are there, have you given full descriptions to the police with a list of cars and people that come by? Why are you not out in force taking back your streets? Or are you relying on others to keep you safe?

As for your “assets and retirement are being diluted to no end to fund a full-flown war on terrorists”, would you prefer them to be liquidated as we are attacked again and again ala the 1990s? I have news for you, most of the US budget is NOT on the war, it is spent on non-discretionary and pork spending. Stop welfare fraud, stop Medicare fraud, and reform/eliminate social security, eliminate pork spending and our already strong economy will grow more. Furthermore, let us have a flat or national consumption tax instead of a bloated and inefficient IRS, which has a 25% “overhead” (they lose that much in taxes they take in). In addition, let’s have tort reform to stop rampant, predatory lawsuits.

To secure resources, let’s drill our own oil within the USA. In addition, let’s rebuild our refinery capacity so we can actually refine the oil we do have. This way we can stop getting %17 of our imports from the M.E. and cut off Chavez’s little proto-communist gulag in Venezuela.

For long term results, let us continue development of alternatives to oil and actually implement them. This means nuclear power plants, goethermal plants, solar and wind plants (far too many wind turbines are shut down due to bird strike scares). Let us stop the environmentalists from at once complaining we are destroying nature while simultaneously attacking every rational measure to improve the situation.

Unfortunately, even with all this, Islam’s desires and demands for global domination will not cease.

And I can send you 10,000 right with the liberations of Iraq and Afghanistan, but it obviously would not matter. And I knew the “blame the Jews” line would be next. Predictable and sad.

But to humor you, let us look at you points.

Gen Clark, former Democrat candidate for President, is the man who gleefully sent US tanks and IFVs against civilians at WACO. No matter if Koresh was insane or not, this was a gross criminal act by the US government. Note that a far left Democrat sent the tanks in. No Republican has ever ordered me to use force against my own People.

1. Iraq still uses gold. We gave them back the gold Saddam had been hording. They have a gold based system and culture. When I was there this year they were using gold. If you want the US to use gold only, then I ask exactly how much gold would support our economy without massive inflation?

2. Not only does Iraq control its own oil, they have the beginnings of a profit sharing program for their people (enacted this spring). They are the only large Arabic or Persian country to do so. Iraq also sells oil to whomever they wish. They sell some to the USA, but mostly to China and India. This was big news several leftist talking points ago (January 07).

3. So oil production is not matching Saddam’s lies? Wow, big surprise. Saddam killed anyone who so much as looked at his oil wells. It did keep the Kurds and Shia away while adding to his bloody body count. The whole infrastructure is dilapidated and needs rebuilding. Also, maybe if Iran and their Syrian puppets stop attacking Iraq then we could build it faster.

4. Iran’s policies are its own. Their economy is in shambles due to their policy of supporting terrorism and aggression against the West. If they continue with their insanity on nuclear and chemical weapons, their own people will hopefully overthrow them. If not, well, even France is using harsh words.

5. North Korea? Their economy is non-existent and they can only get by making fake US $100 bills. Why emulate N. Korea?

6. Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Somolia, and Haiti are “oil rich”? Is Afghanistan oil rich? Are the Philippians, Indonesia, Darfur, the Straits of Malaca, and several dozen other countries we are aiding in the war on Islamic terrorism “Oil rich”? However, here is a hint: without oil, we die. Unless we drill our own much more than we are now, we are held hostage to it. Unless you want no heat, power, plastics, food, medicine, computers, etc. But this is not a “War for Oil” you seem to have fantasies about. If it was, there would be NO Iraqi government, NO Iraqi Constitution, NO Iraqi elections, NO Iraqi Army, and NO presence in Afghanistan. There would be only US Forces gathered around the oil wells and US tankers, under USN escort taking ALL the oil away and YOU would have cheap gas (unless congress raised gas taxes again). Considering I work with the government of Iraq daily, I can tell you that they exist and function pretty well for an Middle Eastern Government.

7. WHAT FREEDOMS HAVE YOU LOST?!?! I see Move-on/ANSWER/Stormfront and all their happy little useless idiots running around naked for peace and holding up moronic signs stating “Queers for Palestine” and “Boobs not Bombs” while they scream “Bush is Hitler” and hold up signs stating “Kill the Jews”. The “anti-war” groups also hold up signs calling for/displaying the death of President Bush, burning US troops in effigy, calling for our murder (also displayed on leftist websites), and openly supporting the islamofascists. I see Democratic Senators and Representatives stabbing us in the back, calling us murderers on TV, stating we are terrorizing Iraqis in “the dead of night” and all sorts of other lies. I see Code Pink bragging about sending money to Fallujah while the USMC was fighting Baathists and AQ forces hiding in Mosques. I see all of this and MUCH more and I also see that NOTHING happens to these people.

So tell me just WHAT freedoms you have lost? I can tell you REAL freedoms the left is moving to take away: Freedom of Speach with the “Fairness Doctrine”, The right to Bear Arms with HR 1022 (Assault Weapons ban and “for other purposes”), “universal health care” so we can be just like every other failed government health care system in the world (but now with possibly draconian laws: Hillary’s “no mandated health insurance, no job” or Edwards “you WILL get mandatory check-ups”).

8. Many of the 9-11 terrorists came from Germany. A large plot to attack Lahnstul Medical Center was just stopped there. Should we invade Germany again? The Millenium Bomber came through Canada. Blame Canada?

If you think the War on Terror is just involving two countries then you are terribly mistaken. Most of the nations I mentioned above are active combat zones in the WOT, but the MSM could care less. The Islamists have made it clear, in NO uncertain terms, that we will submit to them or perish. I would rather beat the clear and present danger they pose BEFORE they wipe out large segments of the US or EU populations. But if they do, I am sure you will blame America for that and demand to know why we did not realize what a huge threat this is. You will then come back with all new talking points you fully believe in even if they are a 180 from what you state now.

But hey, I am just an Soldier and an Officer in the Army, what do I know?

1. What was set up in Iraq before our war was two monetary systems. 1 Fiat Currency. 2. Gold Backed Currency. When we invaded we had an exchange rate to have people trade their currency in for a new Iraq currency that was based on the Fiat Currency. By doing this if the Iraqi’s traded in their gold backed currency for the new Iraqi dollar then they would loose out on the increase in the price of gold. If there are still people holding gold then they are the smart ones. But I believe that a majority had no choice to do so because the banks that had their gold was probably blown up and looted of the gold. I have seen no evidence to suggest otherwise.

2.What percentage of Iraq’s oil do we have stake in?

3.First of all American forces would do the same thing here to protect our oil. Another point I find interesting is that Saddam quit demanding to trade his oil for the US Dollar and starting trading it in Euro’s. So what do you think that decision had on our strategy. Is Iraqi oil now traded in US Dollars again? As far as Iran goes. If they know that they are about to be attacked and surrounded on both sides what makes you think that they should just cave in to US Demands? They want to be a sovereign country that is why they had the revolution of 1979. They threw out their installed dictator who was installed by the US in 1953. When the Shah got sick he went to the US For treatment. That was when the Iranians captured our Embassy employees. They were essentially enemy combatants because of being involved by installing a dictatorship in replace of an elected democratic leader. But what did Iran do? They returned the prisoners of war in exchange for weapons to protect their country. (Iran Contra)

3. So oil production is not matching Saddam’s lies? Wow, big surprise. Saddam killed anyone who so much as looked at his oil wells. It did keep the Kurds and Shia away while adding to his bloody body count. The whole infrastructure is dilapidated and needs rebuilding. Also, maybe if Iran and their Syrian puppets stop attacking Iraq then we could build it faster.

4. I don’t have all of the intellegence paperwork to back up wether or not Iran has Chemical weapons or if they are trying to develop nuclear weapons. I do know that Iran has said that they are developing Nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Maybe that includes trying to maintain national sovereignty by having nuclear weapons. I do know that the reports of Iraq having weapons has been unfounded or it’s never been fully reported to the public. I also know that Iran’s threat to wipe Israel of the face of the map is exagerated and misquoted. What he said was a quote from Imam about the Zionist Regime will be erased from the pages of time. That can have several meanings and it should be considered a threat. But the US can not afford to attack based on fear. We should be cautious and we should talk with the Iranians for diplomacy.

5.North Koreas economy is non existant because of oil only being traded in US Dollars. Without the US Dollar North Korea could not buy oil. But as far as making fake $100 bills. I do see that as an attack on our US Dollar. But the Federal Reserve prints money that is not backed by anything. So what they are essentially doing is the same thing minus the fact that we gave them the right to do it. But Fiat money has always failed and it’s main problem is that it causes debt not wealth. It causes debt by giving citizens a hidden tax called inflation. Inflation is reported to be 4.2%. But the fact is over the years the fed countinues to take away certain segments of the economy like housing, food prices and oil prices out of the equation for figuring the inflation rate. When they do this people feel more wealthy because of the increase in their home but when they go to buy food and oil they are taxed by the higher costs. Their pay does not go up enough to pay for those costs because employers believe that the true inflation is the inflation rate. Those that are not home owners will suffer more than that. 20% of the minority people who took the risk of a subprime loan will loose their homes over a period of one year.

6. I do believe that all of those countries have oil and there are definatly alot of places to discover new oil fields. But the matter of invading 7 countries can mean several things. It can be a way to take oil, help supply lines, to attack muslims, to set up banking systems, to control ports, the list goes on and on. But my point is this. Why are we attacking other countries that did not attack us? And how is that going to prevent terrorism. Muslims are the largest religious group in the world we can not stop every terrorist. So is this really a war on terrorism? And what makes us think we can prevent these types of attacks that can be taken anywhere the US resides or an ally. Would it not make sense to push for more peaceful measures and buy our oil from them so everyone in life has a chance for peace and prosperity. I can’t argue your point that Saddam was an evil dictator but does that mean we should have used force against them. So far in this struggle we have spent more and more money. Our stock market will be lucky to survive a few more months. And so will our dollar. So what was the greatest risk? Defense or Offense? What will we do when the US goes bankrupt. Will we liquidate everything to China which holds alot of our debt. Are we just going to join China in the UN? What’s the next step? I think it should be discussed more than what it is being discussed.

7. I have not personally lost much freedom. But as we know with the rule of law people who write new laws look to the past for precidence. That is the risk with the Patriot Act and the Milatary Commissions Act. If in the future administrations look to these laws for precidence that can increase the reach of the law. These laws infringe on several human rights. For one habeaus corpus, two right to privacy, 3, Freedom of Religion. I can not debate with you how these laws effectively do that. It’s up to you to read the laws and keep an eye out for loopholes and precidence that will further violate US Citizens and rights of others. Maybe you should look at Israel and see how those citizens live. It’s a good way to see where our nation is headed. As far as democrats. I am not one. I believe in limited government and free markets. But what you need to understand that most democrats and republicans are moderate. Moderate meeting in the middle. Both spend huge amounts of money. Both move us closer to Authoritarian government and socialism.

8. For your opinions about MSM I absolutely agree with you. These people are nothing more than entertainment outlets who spill hate, lies, and propaganda. I can’t tell you how many lies I have seen come out in the past 4 months. But I bet if I had a nickel for everytime I would be doing better financially. Where I agree with you is important. I’m a conservate and so are you. I see different problems with the war than you. But who’s to say that the other is right.

As far as jews are concerned. I have nothing against them besides the fact that alot of our money goes to protect Israel, and the fact they own a majority of the media which does not tell enough to American citizens about what is going on with our country.

I do not blame anything on American people or the military people. I believe we are only told one side of the argument. We are where we are. But the decisions going forward should be based on the history. And we should have leaders that can better predict what may cause problems in the future. It may be out of everyones hands. But I have hope that we can elect a president who is strong enough to use diplomacy and strong enough to protect us at the same time. Sometimes the threats right here at home are the ones that are of more concern. Being the greatest nation in history we have more threats than we know what to do with. I believe our problems can be traced back to certain events. And we should know that there are consequences to our actions.