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The most dangerous thing about MoveOn isn’t it’s public influence, and it’s not even its private direct influence on Democratic Party leaders. It’s the INDIRECT influence on the Democratic Party leadership via interconnectivity with other far left groups. These groups are proud to call themselves various alliances etc, and MoveOn is but one of them. It’s ironic that Al Queda is a terrorist organization primarily consisting of various councils where members run other terror groups/affiliates, and its in a similar organizational structure that MoveOn and other anti-war groups have put themselves.

IF the combined influence of MoveOn and the other far left groups that influence/buy/”OWN” the Democratic Party continue,

IF these groups continue to push farther and farther away from American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as perceived to be rights equally endowed to all humans

IF Al Queda continues to move its rhetoric away from the faux religious and towards the politically left,

THEN the Democratic Party will eventually become little more than a Sinn Fein for Al Queda

Doubt it? Which one of those three IFs are not on the prescribed path?

Scott: You called Dems terrorists, but at least you didn’t question their patriotism!

Nooooooo, I said they’ll become the “political wing” of the terrorists. So, just as they accept Hezbollah as a political group, they’ll accept Al Queda as a political group (and not the Jim Jones/David Koresh/Manson Family death cult that it really is-albeit Islamic instead of Christian, and 1000x bigger).

The terrorists already endorse the Democratic Party, and praise their efforts to bow to dictators and state sponsors of terror, so is one more itty bitty step towards defeat (i.e.”discussion” in newspeak) that far a leap? All three trends are leading in that direction, AND VERY IMPORTANLY, we see that when a Dem dares to stand up to Moveon, DU, Kossacks etc., and say, “Hey, c’mon now, that’s too far”….they get Lieberman’d.