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We are supposed at war with terrorism, right?

“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”-Winston Churchill

Terrorists can never destroy America. They can not even scratch us. There was no way that the terrorists could have destroyed 500 billion dollars of our wealth, infringed on our civil liberties or murdered nearly 4,000 of our service men and women, unless the government over reacted to the threat.

Our own government is a bigger threat to our liberty and our prosperity than the terrorists ever dreamed of being.

“He would sacrifice a little liberty for a little security will get neither and lose both” Ben Franklin

These terrorists are Bill Clinton’s and HW creation. Our policy motivated these nut jobs, and thats a well documented fact.

All Ron Paul is advocating is the traditional position of our founding fathers. Perhaps in the past, during WW2 and the Cold war it was necessary for America to meddle in the affairs of foriegn countries, but its not needed now. Our meedling is what provolked the attack on 9/11. I’m not blaming America first, I’m blaming the failed foriegn policy of Bill Clinton.

Newt Gingrich has said recently that we need to make a radical break with George Bush to show that we are a different party and to distance ourselves from Bush, or else we are really going to get our clocks cleaned, much worse than we did in 2006. Ron Paul is obviously the most radical break that we can make with Bush. Think of it like a rebuilding year, just like we had in 1964 and 1976 when Reagan and Goldwater affirmed the new Republican position.

Any pro-war candidate that we run will lose, and the party will suffer even bigger loses than it would otherwise. As you may know, independent voters decide elections and with a majority of independent voters against the war then there is no way to win, unless all the democrats sleep through November 2008.

Look at how passionate Ron Paul supporters are. He is the Rock Star of this election, and represents a great opportunity to bring in the libertarian vote and gather a large number of independent voters. If we do not do this, then the Libertarian Party will grow in power and split the capitalist vote making the coming socialism even harder to throw off.

Please quite looking at the single issue of the war and look at the bigger picture of the very real threat of a socialist America. Thanks

hate to double post, but here’s what Newt Said….

Republican presidential candidates need to make a “clean break” from President George W. Bush and the U.S. government or they will lose in November 2008, a veteran Republican leader said on Friday.

“If you don’t represent real change, you just gave away the 2008 election,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who led the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in 1994 and now is flirting with a White House run.

Gingrich cited the Iraq war, the failed federal response to Hurricane Katrina two years ago and the inability to control U.S. borders and illegal immigration as evidence of a need for a complete overhaul of the U.S. system of governing.

“Now that may or may not make the White House happy. But I think that’s the whole point about making a clean break,” Gingrich told a group of reporters over breakfast.

He added: “I believe for any Republican to win in 2008 they have to … offer a dramatic, bold change. If we nominate somebody who has not done that, they get to be the nominee but there is very, very little likelihood that they can win.”

There you have it.

Wordsmith: You get a headache like the rest of us. Have you read anything from the Paulbots that you haven’t already heard a dozen times before?

Have you heard from the Paulbots ANY substantive reply to the historical markers which show how flawed their thinking is?

Johnny B apologizes for a “double post.” Really? In the circular arguments that he and his basement dwellers have posted we’ve already seen the same shopworn shibboleths at least a dozen times.

Have ANY of them responded to my question: What happens when Ron Paul polls only 2% in a primary?”

Will they sit idle and watch as Hillary destroys the “true conservative” values they claim to represent?

I’m getting tired of repeating myself. But it is now MORE than clear that our Paulbot friends haven’t got a clue.

Mike’s America you might get your way, and a prowar republican might win the GOP nomination, but they will never win the White House. Its a matter of simple mathematics, when 70% of the people are opposed to the war, and one candidate is against the war while another candidate is for the war, the candidate that is for the war loses the election.

People don’t vote for people to change their minds, they vote for people of like mind. Would you vote for Hillary so she could teach you that socialism is a good idea? No of course not!

People who have made up their minds that they are against Bush and against the war will not vote for a candidate to help them change their minds about the war or Bush’s policies. This is political reality.

This is politics in a democratic society, so you might think about quit blaming Ron Paul and start blaming Bush, because ultimately its Bush’s complete and utter failure as commander in chief that has brought us to this point.

Why don’t you try googling Ron Paul, watch some of his videos on You Tube and see if you can’t find somethings that you like about the guy?

“Chubs, that cannot possibly be a serious bet, since Ron Paul won’t win the GOP nomination, and therefore there’s no way to prove he’d win against Hillary.”

You misunderstand the bet. This is what i am counting on…

If Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination, he wins the presidency. If Ron Paul doesn’t get the nomination, a Democrat wins the presidency. That’s it.

“A. To benefit Hillary Clinton”

Every other Republican candidate (apart from Ron Paul) is a liberal when it comes to the federal government’s role. I hate Hillary… but sadly, I think she is a better choice than any of the guys Mike’s America would support. So if it benefits Hillary somehow to vote for Ron Paul… So be it. At least a neo-con won’t win.

“Oh? This is news to me, Chubs. You know who Curt’s voting for? Well, spill the beans, pah’dner.”

I know he isn’t voting for Ron Paul. I know he isn’t foting for a Democrat. So he’s voting for a liberal. Every other GOP candidate supports a powerful federal government and an encroaching foreign policy. That is a liberal agenda.

Again with that phony 70% figure.

Do you people to listen to ANYTHING anyone else says?

I’m beyond bored with you folks. You continue to demonstrate that you lack essential reasoning skills and mature judgement.

I’ve already given you ample well-considered replies and in return you simply go for another round of the same old idiocy.

You want to know why Ron Paul isn’t going anywhere in this race? It’s because he is relying on immature twits like you folks.

Wait a minute: first you say there is no groundswell of backing for Ron Paul or that his followers won’t amount to a hill of beans of support over 2% in the primaries. Then, in the figurative next breath, you worry about his supporters spliting the party. Well, which is it? It can’t be both.

Could it be you deep down think there is REAL support for him?

“Jeff Bubb:” Again, I find that I have to repeat myself as you clearly only read what you wanted to read, stopped there and rushed to comment.

I realize you likely were not born when John Anderson ran as an Independent Republican for President in 1980.

Anderson got enormous media buzz, but amounted to nothing.

Ross Perot was somewhat more successful as a fad candidate and his campaign did enable Bill Clinton to win twice.

Neither Ross Perot, nor Anderson could win the presidency.

The damage was worse in Perot’s case, but in Anderson’s could have potentially re-elected Jimmy Carter.

Again, YOU have to answer whether your actions will end up helping Hillary. I have yet to hear one of you say you are prepared for that consequence.

Ron Paul is going NOWHERE. So who benefits from your continued support of this fringe candidate?

President Hillary!

So, you think 2% support is gonna push Hillary over top to victory? I think you over-estimate the support for Paul and the significance such support will have. You might as well jump down down the throats of all those who would support with their conscience then, whether it be for Paul, Tancredo, Brownback, Huckabee, Hunter, Romney, McCain or any other person OTHER THAN the one at top. Thanks, but no thanks.

You won’t be hearing from me again, to our mutual enjoyment.

The problem is that you folks just get in a snit (as your comment suggests) and you desert the GOP in the General Election.

A few percentage points in key states would be enough to hand the election to Hillary.

Maybe when you’re grown up you will understand.

YOu might be right Mike’s America, IF we were talking about ROn Paul running as a 3rd party in the general election. supporting ROn Paul in the Republian Primary cannot help Hillary in the least.

Which candidate do you think has the best chances of beating Hillary?

How do you think that a pro-war candidate is going to win given the fact that the American public has turned against the war?

What do you think of the statement by Newt Gingrich? Which candidate other than Ron Paul, would you say offers the most radical break with the President and the government?

Please remember that we are all on the same side, and are just trying to figure out the best republican to win the general election. I have not read any post by a “Paulbot” which has been insulting to any other Republican candidate or poster. If you think that Ron Paul has no chance of getting the Republican nod, then I suggest that you tone down your rhetoric least any Ron Paul support either stays at home or votes for a 3rd party in the general election.

Cool off, and try to get an idea of the big picture.

Who gives a shit about Democrat or Republican. All that matters is American. If Ron Paul isn’t nominated, America will collapse:

That’s all that matters. SUPPORT RON PAUL. The more I learn about America’s situation, the more of a Ron Paul fanatic I become.

“Mike” Stop tarnishing a good name.

Though you are right. If we leave Iraq stability will quickly return. That would occur after the deaths of at least one million who would be murdered by Iranian backed Shiite and Al Queda death squads to punish the “collaborators.”

And as long as the occupation continues, there will be no move towards stability, and millions more Iraqis will become refugees. Due to the sanctions and the war, an entire generation of Iraqis are malnourished an uneducated. Many cities in Iraq have no running water or electricity. This is going on for 5 years now. The US occupation prevents any move towards stability, because the Bush administration does not want to see the Shia militias control the streets, which is what NEEDS to happen for stability to come about.

And then Iran would control all of Southern Iraq while Al Queda would be free to use the remainder for it’s terrorist training operations.

Iran wouldn’t control Iraq anymore than China controlled Vietnam when the US left. What we do know for sure is that 5 years of occupation has resulted in millions of Iraqis living as refugees as probably close to an extra 1 million Iraqis dying due to the extra insecurity and instability that the war has brought.

Is that the kind of stability you want? I’d like to see you folks take some responsibility for your grossly irresponsible, naive, ignorant positions, but since most of you still shave only once a week and living in your Mom’s basement that might be asking a bit much.

I’d like to see you take responsibility for believing the lies about Iraq’s WMD, starting a war that has created 4 million Iraqi refugees, and left most cities in Iraq without running water or electricity for 5 years.

And while we are on the subject of Iran: They founded, funded and trained Hezbollah which has been behind the deaths of 289 Americans prior to our invasion of Iraq. Iran’s Quods force has been behind the killing of American soldiers in Iraq.

Hezbollah attacked the barracks in Beirut in 1983. Israel attacked the USSLiberty in 1967 killing 37 servicemen. The US gave Saddam satellite imagery to help target his chemical attacks on Iranian troops. Do you want to dig up history on everyone and say that peace will never be possible?

As far as your claim of Iran’s Qod’s force killing American soldiers, that is completely unsubstantiated. More than 50% of foreign fighters in Iraq are Saudis, while virtually no Iranian fighters have been found in Iraq.

You’re believing Fox News’ ridiculous claims again.

And your only answer to that problem is to abandon ALL our friends and allies in the Middle East (not just Israel) and make the region a “no-go” zone for ALL Americans while the jihadis have free reign to sow murder and mayhem.

If the US normalized relations with Iran, there would be a democratic transition in that country and Iran would be a US allie.

“Mike” despite every effort to break through the fog of willful ignorance with which you wrap yourself, you just keep repeating the same tired lines of defeat and denial.

I’ve gone through this issue backwards and forwards and apparently you are the only one who feels Iranian attacks killing Americans in Iraq are “unsubstantiated.”

I guess you prefer to listen to the same people who have denied progress of our U.S. effort in Iraq. The same people who highlight every bad news story.

But you’re continued repetition of a lie or distortion won’t make it true, no matter how hard you try.

And you’re an even bigger fool if you think Iran can be appeased.

. Due to the sanctions and the war, an entire generation of Iraqis are malnourished an uneducated.

So…the sanctions were cruel and unjustified on our part? We’re to blame for the malnourishment and education of Iraqis? I seem to recall watching 60 Minutes or something before the war, and seeing all these lavish palaces in every city, that Saddam would live in. I wonder where he got the money from…???

I also recall a certain “Food for Oil” program to appease the human rights watchers who blamed us rather than Saddam as teh abuser….how did that work itself out?

Many cities in Iraq have no running water or electricity. This is going on for 5 years now.

Many cities suffered shoddy infrastructure before the “Invasion” anyway, with piss-poor sewage system, running water, and electricity. We have been trying to improve conditions. Who’s to blame for the slow progress?

If the US normalized relations with Iran, there would be a democratic transition in that country and Iran would be a US allie.

Care to expound upon this novel approach? What do you mean by “normalize”?

You’re believing Fox News’ ridiculous claims again.

Where did Mike’s America cite from Fox News? What would you say if it came from CNN? This is from April, but there have been much, much more that’s been coming out regarding Iranian interference in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Maybe Michael Ledeen’s book “The Iranian Time Bomb: The Mullah Zealots’ Quest for Destruction” would be a good investment for you.

I’d like to see you take responsibility for believing the lies about Iraq’s WMD,

Who lied?

And while we are on the subject of Iran: They founded, funded and trained Hezbollah which has been behind the deaths of 289 Americans prior to our invasion of Iraq. Iran’s Quods force has been behind the killing of American soldiers in Iraq.

To the person that wrote this: We funded and trained Al Queda. Bin Laden was really Tim Osman a CIA operative. So should Russia attack us? They didn’t. Why not? Cause they were in the wrong by invading. Invasions are hardly ever won. Unless of course we take all of the guns in the country before we invade.

Oh give it a rest Jared!

I fully realize how desperate you and your fellow Paulians are to avoid dealing honestly with the grave issues that confront us. So you stick your heads in the sand (or somewhere else) and make all these irrelevant arguments.

You’re only fooling yourself. No one else.

When will you wake up and realize how foolish you have been?


You’re the one I was hoping would wake up to the hypocracy. You can’t see it no matter what way I try and explain it to you. There may come a day when your old and gray and you will look back on the things in your lifetime. You will remember the good old days and realize how different life is without liberty and without peace. Because without these things all the money in the world will not make you happy.

Good luck to you sir.

Oh that’s funny Jared.

Perhaps when you learn how to spell “hypocrisy” you’ll also understand it’s meaning.

I’ve been involved in politics at every level from the Court House to the White House and I’ve seen it all before.

You folks are following nothing more than the latest irrelevant fad candidate. And the sad thing is, that there are serious political issues involved from which your faddish campaign is an unwelcome distraction.

You’re going to have to grow up Jared. Reality isn’t what YOU think it is.