Educating Ron Paul, Part III


The title of my series of posts come from Ron Paul followers who scrambled for damage control after Ron had his ass handed to him by Rudy in the first GOP presidential debate.

Ron Paul is an inconsequential candidate. He is unelectable because he is not to be taken seriously. His understanding of U.S. foreign policy- or lack thereof- will get us all a step closer to living under Sharia Law.

My soul purpose in even bothering to devote any blogging space to him, is because I find it vastly entertaining how his minions just magically appear whenever you mention his name….like saying "Bloody Mary" 3 times in front of the bathroom mirror.

 From Wednesday night’s debate (via, NYTimes): 

One of the evening’s most heated moments came during a prolonged exchange over the war between Representative Ron Paul of Texas, the lone antiwar candidate on stage, and Mr. Huckabee.

Mr. Huckabee found himself in a position that has more typically been reserved for Mr. McCain, mounting a rousing defense of the position of the Republican base in support of the war.

“Well, what we did in Iraq, we essentially broke it. It’s our responsibility to do the best we can to try to fix it before we just turn away.”

But Mr. Paul argued: “The American people didn’t go in. A few people advising this administration, a small number of people called the neoconservatives hijacked our foreign policy. They’re responsible, not the American people. They’re not responsible. We shouldn’t punish them.”

Mr. Huckabee responded: “Congressman, we are one nation. We can’t be divided. We have to be one nation, under God. That means, if we make a mistake, we make it as a single country: the United States of America, not the divided states of America.”

A small number of "neoconservatives hijacked our foreign policy"?!? No wonder so many Ronulans are 9/11 Truthers, and are believers in neocon conspiracies about the North American Union, Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America, and Project for the New American Century.

 Regarding Iraq, I seem to recall that this Administration and the previous one made "regime change" in Iraq an American policy; not a "neoconservative" position. Both the majority in the House and in the Senate supported the President in authorizing the war resolution; and the vast majority of the American public also supported going to war. Ron Paul has been critical of American foreign policy stretching back to the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Were the neocons responsible back then, as well, for "hijacking" American foreign policy?

 Huckabee and Paul broke lances further

REP. PAUL: No! We’ve dug a hole for ourselves and we dug a hole for our party!

We’re losing elections and we’re going down next year if we don’t change it, and it has all to do with foreign policy, and we have to wake up to this fact.

MR. HUCKABEE: Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor, and that is more important to the Republican Party.

Whatever happened to "honor"? Staying in Iraq, regardless of the pricetag, because it is the right thing to do. Huckabee invoked the pottery barn rule, earlier: "You break it, you own it."

Huckabee understands the importance of honor. Ron Paul only understands the importance of "saving face" and looking good in the eyes of the world. That’s what the blame-America-first hand-wringers do. Qualities unbecoming of a U.S. President.

Also blogging:
Conservatism with a Heart
Dragon Lady’s Den
Freedom Eden
Hot Air (see the smackdown video)

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Ron Paul is very sincere but very wrong. He’s an isolationist and believes we should just “mind our own business”. My husband and I just shook our heads at Paul’s misinformation about the war.

So thanks for this post…. someone had to say it! Keep up the good work..

Oh, and PS… I see you linked to the Iraq Liberation Act that Bill Clinton signed into law in 1998.

In the text of his speech about the law (LAW!) Clinton said:

Let me be clear on what the U.S. objectives are: The United States wants Iraq to rejoin the family of nations as a freedom-loving and law-abiding member. This is in our interest and that of our allies within the region.

The United States favors an Iraq that offers its people freedom at home. I categorically reject arguments that this is unattainable due to Iraq’s history or its ethnic or sectarian make-up. Iraqis deserve and desire freedom like everyone else. The United States looks forward to a democratically supported regime that would permit us to enter into a dialogue leading to the reintegration of Iraq into normal international life.

Preach it, Bill. This is clearly not Bush’s war, this is America’s war and people like Ron Paul are willing to take attacks on our homeland every 3-5 years or so as long as it means we don’t have to to war. I’m not sure, which is worse? Innocent American civilians dying or troops who volunteer dying? At least troops make the choice.

Ron Paul after Huckabee gave the “honor is more important to the republican party” line: “How many lives are we willing to lose so we can save face?” It was a question that went unanswered and is a good one…which is more important? Another good question is why is Ron Paul’s response always cut off in the video replay and the post-debate analysis articles. Also, Mr. Huckabee, please define what you mean by “honor.” The republican party has hardly conducted itself with honor the past years and months with sex and money scandels.

Do you really believe that staying in Iraq is the “honorable” thing to do? We have lost most of the support from around the world with our selfish elitest activities. Who are we to tell a sovereign nation what they can do, how they can do it, and when?

Furthermore, during that exchange the only candidate to offer any answer or explanation was Ron Paul. He gave reasons…Huckabee gave one-liners: “we are not the divided states of America!” What does that mean and what does that have to do with how our foreign policy works? America has ALWAYS been divided in opinion, even the framers of our consitution were divided on things. Huckabee was basically saying that we need to shut up and follow our officials wherever they take us…which is one thing our founding fathers did agree on, that blindly following leadership is wrong…that’s why our leadership is supposed to be directly responsible to the people through the election of representitives.

I will concede that Huckabee sounded better, and looked better than Dr. Paul; however, I would rather have the leader of my nation to know better then to sound/look better.

Amy Proctor,

Ron Paul is NOT an isolationist…he is a NON-INTERVENTIONIST. They are different, please PLEASE look the two up and see the difference.

Ron Paul also would not allow attacks on the homeland…as a non-interventionist he is VERY strong on DEFENSE OF THE HOMELAND, again, please look up the definition of the word non-interventionist.

So you honestly believe we are at risk of living under Shiria law? Obviously you drank the Kool-Aid.

PS, that’s a sweet ride.

The simple fact these kinds of articles are getting posted just goes to show how well his campaign is really doing, which also just goes to show how biased the media really is. These articles only exist in the hopes that people who don’t know the issues, or have just accepted common beliefs will read it and make up their mind.

The reason being of course because it works on TV and newspapers. But the internet throws in a big huge monkey wrench in the deal as people are now able to easily find more information on topics.

In other words, you waste your time and nothing but force is going to stop what is happening. When people hear what he has to say, they know it’s what they want, because they already wanted it. So either move on to step 3, or skip step 3 and go straight to step 4 IMO.

Ron Paul is so far out there to the right…he’s coming back around the other side and drawing in the farthest left.