Twoofers Gonna Blow A Gasket Soon!


Me thinks the twoofers are going to blow a gasket soon.  First there was this excellent History Channels expose on the lunacy inside the twoofer movement and now we have Mark Roberts taking apart some of the twoofers who interviewed and bamboozled a 9/11 firefighter named John Schroeder in this video.

Mark absolutely rips to shreds anything the twoofers thought they accomplished with their lies and misconceptions.  A must read.  He begins with a open letter to the firefighter:

My name is Mark Roberts. Over the past year and a half I have spent many hours debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories, particularly those spread by Dylan Avery, Luke Rudkowski, and their associates. These men are the most dishonest people I have ever encountered. In their desperation to find something that will fit their claims, they take the accounts of honest people out of context and sell them as mysteries. They have done this dozens and dozens of times. I’m sorry to say that you are the latest victim of their dishonesty. Rather than choosing to help you understand what you experienced on 9/11, they have chosen to use you and to add to your confusion in order to further their dishonorable cause.

Much of my debunking effort has gone into putting the accounts of 9/11 first responders in context, to undo the damage done by the conspiracists, and to help first responders like you see through the "fog of war" that you experienced on 9/11.

He then goes into detail about those who interviewed John, namely Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Jason Bermas, Korey Rowe, Luke Rudkowski, and Manny Badillo.  Here he is on Dylan:

To my knowledge, Avery has never gotten a significant claim about 9/11 right. He refuses to acknowledge corrections. He lies constantly. I do mean "lies," not "makes mistakes." He has a very serious problem with the truth.

Avery says the U.S. government and military committed the 9/11 attacks. He says Islamic terrorists weren’t involved.

Avery says American flight 11 and United flight 175 did not hit the Twin Towers. He doesn’t know what happened to those planes, although the remains of numerous victims from both planes were collected at the WTC and positively identified.

Avery says American flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. He doesn’t know what happened to that plane, although the remains of every victim but one were collected there and positively identified, along with the plane’s flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder.

And here is the outline of what he covers, in depth, in his response:

Regarding your experience on 9/11, these are the main points I will cover in this letter:

1) The people who you saw with burns inside and outside of the north tower were burned by jet fuel that cascaded down the elevator shafts and ignited in fireballs. Overpressure from those fireballs, and falling elevators, is what caused the lobby damage you saw when you arrived. The fires on multiple floors upstairs were also caused by these elevator shaft fireballs. I will provide you with numerous witness accounts that confirm this happening in both towers.

2) As you were about to head upstairs from the north tower lobby, you did hear an elevator falling, and you did hear and see and exploding fireball, but those two events were likely not connected. The explosion and fireball happened outside, and were caused by the impact of United flight 175 on the south tower. This is confirmed by people who were with you.

3) When you were on the 23rd floor, the event that rocked the north tower was not flight 175 hitting the south tower at 9:03 a.m. It was the collapse of the south tower at 9:59 a.m. This is confirmed by people who were with you (and can be confirmed independently of witness accounts, by piecing together the timeline of events). Your interviewers failed to correct you about this important point.

4) There were warnings about a possible incoming plane when you were upstairs. In fact there were several false alarm warnings about planes from different sources that morning.

5) When you had descended to the lower floors, the stairwell was in such bad shape because it had been damaged by the collapse of the south tower. The core of the building below the sixth floor was in an exposed atrium. When you made it to the lobby, it looked like "everything was blown up, exploded" because south tower debris had torn through it. You believed the FDNY command post had been moved to WTC 2, when it in fact had been moved across West Street. Your interviewers failed to clarify these important points for you.

6) You said that when you were outside, first the north tower collapsed, and then, as you were heading up North End Avenue, the south tower collapsed. As I mentioned above, the south tower collapsed while you were on the 23rd floor of the north. Your interviewers twice failed to correct you about this important point.

7) In your video interview, you and your interviewers raise several other questions which I will answer since your interviewers cannot or will not do so. In answering those questions I will point out more dishonesty by your interviewers.

8) The confusion you experienced in the midst of that battle, and your difficulty in piecing together the events, is common to 9/11 first responders. I will provide you many examples of people who had similar trouble making sense of their 9/11 experiences. When put in context, your account exactly confirms the "official story" of the attacks and collapses.

And he backs all that up with some awesome research, links, pictures, and facts.  This is one guy you don’t want to spin a 9/11 conspiracy story to. 

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What’s often missing from denunciation of the Twofers stupidity is their underlying motive to confuse the American people, create doubts among the gullible and ill-informed; all with the idea of weakening our resolve to fight this war.

Even among liberals who don’t buy the Twofers idiocy, The extreme twofer position provides them some cover to pursue their own delusions about the war, about Bush and the government.

Stalin called these people “useful idiots.” But many of them are worse than that. They are active agents enabling evil.

I dunno Mike. I mean, I’m sure some of the Twoofers and conspiracy theorists are intentionally seeking to undermine the war, but I hate to pigeonhole an entire demographic. More than 1/3 of Americans polled believe there was more to the attacks than the 911 Commission reported. I myself believe that (course, I believe that Saddam’s regime asked for, paid for, or otherwise sponsored them, but that’s me). A lot of intelligent people believe there’s more to 911 than has been reported. Some of these people simply have questions that were never answered (see also Able Danger). Some of these people don’t want to find the answers (see also steel melting vs steel weakening debate). The problem is that there are so many questions that really were not answered (again, even the 911 Commission members say the issue of Saddam’s regime+AQ needs to be re-examined), and at the same time…there is a lot of fear about the Bush Admin, the war, the nature of the enemy and their facelessness.

Finding the answers first requires asking the questions (which twoofers are all to happy to do, and I applaud them for that), but the second step is to accept answers (like when someone says the buildings were blown up because steel doesn’t melt until x temp and then ignores that steel doesn’t have to go liquid-it just has to lose its rigidity and act like lead; malleability is a word that is pure and simple, deliberately ignored). When people ask their questions/voice their concerns, and when they are open to answers, then we can have closure and unity. Until then…

It’s a political tool for Republicans and for Democrats (to paraphrase Barack Obama’s recent comments and Tom Daschle’s post 911 comments), and that is so wrong it’s almost immoral; clearly partisan and not patriotic.

I think your giving these people too much benefit of the doubt Scott. Most of these nimrods are the type who believe any conspiracy they run across. They think Government is out to get them, that the Corporations run the world and that the Masons hold human sacrifice.

Those who are just ill informed but have some common sense see through these silly 9/11 conspiracies and quickly disassociate themselves with the idiocy. But the ones we hear from are the die hard tin hat wearing fools who I give no benefit of the doubt to.

They’re retards, plain and simple.

Don’t get me wrong, anyone who thinks steel is rigid and full of strength until it reaches a certain temp (varying on the type of steel), and then it just instantly turns to liquid…that person is a fool. They are in deliberate denial, and that’s even worse than being foolish as a fool can’t help themselves, but a person who imagines steel just magically turns to molten orange (ignoring the power of the outdoor grill for a simple example)…that person is a fool. No doubt.

My point is that 30%+ (some polls say as high as 50% or more!) don’t believe the 911 Commission has resolved all the questions. Whether it’s Able Danger, or docs captured in Iraq, or burned bodies in the WTC lobby…it seems to me that a simple and cheap solution is to allow all these people to testify to the 911 Commission, have their say, and then let’s get an update. A lot happened between 01 and 04, and a lot MORE has happened between 04 and 07…let it out. Why not? Re-convening the 911 Commission is a CHEAP deal that both sides can find political cover in. Me, I think it’d be fun to see some of the Dems on the Commission have to sit through the twoofers, and even more fun to have them explain Able Danger, have Faruq Hijazi testify, give Izzat Ibrahim al Douri immunity and have him testify, have some of the captured Iraq docs brought forward…man, it could be REAL FUN! THIS WOULD BE A BLAST! Oh, and then trying to watch the Dem candidates (and Ron Paul) dance with the facts…omg, you guys…that’s pay per view fun there!

I agree, that would be a sight to see. Unfortunately we never will see it.

The 9/11 commission did not do anywhere near a competent job of answering the questions of 9/11 and in fact made things worse. I can see where people would have questions but I have no time for those people who think remote controlled planes flew into the towers, or missiles hit the pentagon….they are loons.

TWOOFERS?! Their gaskets were probably blown a long time ago!
Are they loons? Retards? Or active agents enabling evil?
I know, they are retarded loons who are actively enabling evil! Yes look how stupid and evil they are,
the twoofers, ha ha ha. retards.

I heard that patriots question 911 – – do you think that is baloney or what, do these guys think we’re stupid?

Yup, there all idiots. You want to wear tinfoil hats go right ahead but expect to laughed at.