In this week’s John Murtha Watch, I wanted to examine Jihad Jack’s response to President Bush’s recent speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, according to the All American Patriots.
“President Johnson said in 1966, ‘the solution to Vietnam is patience.’
President Nixon said in 1969, ‘As our commanders in the field determine that the South Vietnamese are able to assume a greater portion of the responsibility for the defense of their own territory, troops will come back.’
Today, we hear the same misleading rhetoric coming from this Administration. In Vietnam, we were talking about 10 years of patience and in the end a U.S. military solution did not work. Now, five year’s into the war in Iraq, the President continues to seek a U.S. military solution to an Iraqi civil war. There will be no real progress in Iraq until key political, economic and diplomatic improvements are made by the Iraqi’s.
The facts on the ground in Iraq indicate that electricity is below pre-war levels (only 2 hours a day in Baghdad), oil production remains below pre-war production and at least 50% of the Iraqi population is unemployed.
All Americans realize that stability in the Middle East is important to our national security. The American people will not accept patience as a strategy while the Iraqi Government continues to ignore key political and economic benchmarks.”
So the course of action, one would deduce from Murtha and his ilk is to plainly give up and retreat. It’s almost mind-boggling to me, and assumedly, other conservatives, to hear this surrender talk with little or no regard to the cataclysmic ramifications that engulf the Middle East if our military just simply leave.
Furthermore, what’s sad is that Murtha’s rhetoric clearly shows a LACK of resolve and will in this all-too-important war that we are currently undertaking. Did anyone say that nation-building or forging a new democracy in the tumultuous Middle East would be easy? From every Dhimmicratic indication, if events do NOT go our way, it’s time to turn tail and run. Did they expect this nation to be constructed overnight? And at first sign of trouble, it’s time to pander to the ALWAYS anti-war Left and return home under the guise of putting our troops in harm’s way.
Murtha, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, has been anything but a supporter of our military, from his charges that Marines committed atrocities at Haditha to discussions of an OKINAWA redeployment. Furthermore, this man is a disgrace among disgraces as elected official.
Based on a bevy of statements from Murtha, one could conclude that Murtha is actually preening for the terrorists. He hides under the cloak of a being a veteran, yet he has used in equity in spades as a congressman.
This week, Murtha is nothing more than shameful.
Crossposted at the Twin Cities Conservative (formerly Right is Right)
Umm he was giving a speech to the VFW why would you want him to stretch his speech into other territories? He was hammering home the fact that withdrawal, or giving up the military part of the war would be disastrous, worse then Vietnam, and that buy standing by our commitments to nations we helped free they will become valuable partners in the future. The Iraqi government isn’t going to move to the benchmarks when they fear the US will Vietnam them. Any one that co-operates while the military end is still in question will be re-educated Taliban style, head placed on ass and videoed for all to see.