From The “It’s Only Bad If The Christians Do It” Department


Moral equivalency, another reason why liberals and their MSM allies should not even be in charge of a snowball stand.

CNN Moral Equivalence Marathon, Part 1

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour is inflicting another extended exercise in moral equivalence on the TV viewers of the world, with the series “God’s Warriors.” Man, does that ever set off warning bells. Tonight’s episode, starting at 6 pm Pacific, is titled “God’s Jewish Warriors.” Uh oh.

To promote the series, CNN has published the following article telling us (yes, again) that repressive Islamic attitudes toward women are really a sort of different kind of wonderful reverse freedom: Muslim women: My headscarf is not a threat.

Starting with a lovely apocryphal tale of knuckle-dragging Islamophobic bigotry, to set the mood just right.

(CNN) — Last year at Christmastime, Rehan Seyam, a Muslim living in New Jersey, went to pick up some things at a local Wal-Mart. Seeing her distinctive traditional Muslim head covering called a “hijab,” a man in the store, addressing her directly, sang “The 12 Days of Christmas” using insulting lyrics about terrorism and Osama bin Laden.

She was stunned.

“Do I look like a terrorist to you?” Seyam said she asked the man.

According to Seyam, the man replied, “What else does a terrorist look like?”

Such stories are not altogether uncommon for Muslim Americans.
Crossposted from from LGF

As Laryn said, It would also be nice to preempt -CNN’s GOD’S WARRIORS. Man, would it not be great if we could capture those promos CNN is running for GOD’S WARRIORS – It’s going to start with the Christians. I’m thinking that we then accompany these promos with the facts – like compare the number of bodies from attacks on Abortion clinics to number from Islam. How about the number of Christians murdered for being Christian.-

I have a feeling the rampant killing of Christians by Muslims will be ignored somehow, as these headlines somehow never seem to make the MSM’s attention.

Young Muslims in Turkey Murder Three Christians
… journalist of Armenian Christian descent, Hrant Dink, was murdered in Istanbul. Christianity Today International

More Christians are murdered by Muslims
five young Muslim Turks entered a Christian publishing office in the southeastern province of Malatya April 18 and slit the throats of the three Protestant Christians present.

Iraq: Crosses Go or Christians Murdered
Some zealot Muslims have climbed atop church roofs to rip off the crosses. Christians have been threatened with their lives if they do not remove crosses from their churches.

Six Christians Murdered By Muslim Mob In Ethiopia
in early October, a mob of three hundred Muslims murdered six Christians

130 Christians murdered over cartoons
Muslim rioters, incensed over the cartoons of Muhammad published in Denmark, were responsible for killing at least 130 Christians on the streets of Maiduguri and Onitsha in Nigeria, according to reports filtering out of the country from Voice of the Martyrs.

Radical Muslims Target Christians in Nigeria
… tell us that today in this city there are many mass graves. … They were all praying in the church when the militants attacked that summer morning. …

I wonder how the MSM missed these headlines?

Oh yeah…. because they are biased, liberal liars.

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Dude – you hit the nail on the head. -“Because they are biased, liberal liars.”

Click-click: BLAM!

As Rosie O’Jabba said – “they’re just as dangerous as the Christian fundamentalists…”

Which ones? The ones starting missions and hospitals in Africa? The ones working for World Vision in Peru to help with earthquake relief?

Show me the headlines!

Love you site. Keep writing.

It won’t be long until the Holidays will be upon us once again, and then we will be bullied and coerced into hiding anything to do with Christianity. No crosses, chreche, Christmas trees, prayers or anything that hints of Jesus, or Christ. All this is supposed to be in keeping with separation of church and state. On the other hand Muslims get their foot baths, prayer rooms and time off to pray. There is a private Muslim school in Brooklyn to be funded by tax payer dollars. We have a Muslim Senator and a presidential candidate who was or is a Muslim.

IMO if we are doing all this to make Muslims feel welcome (which is what we are being told) wouldn’t it be smarter and cheaper and more fair to have a welcoming lunch at the townhall ? If separation of church and state is a factor it would solve that problem too.

They are already doing that in Belgium.

Muslims want ban on Easter eggs