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Brilliant analysis, Mike…great work. Could it be that it may be “fashionable” now for Democrats to SUPPORT the surge, instead calling for the government to “finish” the job?

I won’t hold my breath…

“Hillary Clinton can’t win the White House without the left wing kook base”. Kook says it all. These people would vote dhimmi if they knew for certain it would result in the death of their family within 24 hours. BDS, CDS and RDS has ate whatever brain they were born with. I gave them the benfit of the doubt in assuming they are born with a brain.

“Will Democrat’s Try and Steal “Bush’s Victory?””


In Fall/winter 05, Democrats were called upon by the DNC to present their Iraq strategies. It’s when Murtha, Biden, even Kerry all came out with their, “We’ve gotta _____!” Of course, this was at a time when the Iraqi elections were being held, and troop levels were surged. Sen Kerry was my favorite. He “DEMANDED” that the US immediately pull 20,000 troops from Iraq after the elections, and he got all kinds of woohoo from the left. Thing is, anyone who saw, read, or asked about the troop rotation schedule at the time already knew that 20,000 were slated to be pulled from Iraq when the elections were over. Remember as well that in the fall through winter of 06/07 Democrats were “DEMANDING” that the US send more troops to Iraq as their “New Direction in Iraq” theme, but when the President started cutting the order, they flipped back to their immediate withdrawal desires.

Yes, absolutely Dem leaders will claim victory.


As long as the issue continues to be the dividing point that it has been since Gov Dean started his anti-war run in May 03, the nation will be divided and any description of success will be viewed as “moving goalposts” or some sort of conspiracy. The greatest mistake in the war was to let it become a partisan dividing point by not pushing Dem leaders participation enough. If W went around to all the bluest states and gave speeches praising Sen Clinton’s stalwart support for the war, it’d disarm her from her base, and if he did it enough, she’d have to go against the grain of the nation and clearly say she doesn’t support the war (as it is, she and others can dance and parse their way to a misled belief of their position).

No, I say not only let the Dems claim success, MAKE them claim it. More than tax cuts or anything else, Democratic Party leaders HATE the idea of being accountable for something. It’s why they’ve been the opposition party for 7 yrs now, and why they only support causes everyone knows cannot be won (no risk=no accountability=no responsibility). Oh yeah, embrace them. Thank them. Talk up how Democrats were integral in bringing about success with their harsh, “often mistaken as warmongering” rhetoric. The American people know better, and it will reinforce/remind people of just how much the Democratic party has really opposed the war, but somehow claims to support success at the same time. It will reinforce/remind people of the duplicity which is their greatest flaw.

Scott: President Bush bent over backwards to try and engage Democrats. “The New Tone,” which is Karl Rove’s legacy was an attempt to ignore the partisan barbs Democrats tossed and compromise with them on a host of key issues hoping they would return the favor.

They didn’t. They took every kind word, gesture or compromise Bush offered and turned around and knifed him in the back at the first opportunity.

You’re right about Democrats wanting to avoid accountability. Knowing they have a “news” media that will overlook their contradictions helps enormously.

Democrats were never held accountable for forcing the surrender of Vietnam and the bloodbath which followed. It’s likely that if they did force withdrawal in Iraq they’d blame it on Bush.

Great post Mike. Scott, the idea of forcing the Democrats to take a position is a good one but we all know how they weasel out of things quickly, with the help of the MSM. Everyone has forgotten the support for invading Iraq that came from Kerry and Hillary, from Bill and almost every other Dem. They forgot because once they decided they were now against the war the media never brought it up.

Still, Bush going to states and praising Hillary for her “keep the troops there” views would indeed force her to answer him….wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

On relection, it wouldn’t hurt to try thanking Dems like Hillary for suggesting we leave troops in Iraq. For no other reason than it would split the Kook base away from the party much like Dems did to the GOP in 2006.