I posted something on this about how the left loves raising taxes and a better solution instead.
But here are the cliff notes:
Instead of raising taxes and confiscating MORE of the US Taxpayers’ money, let us REDUCE government. Just because city/state/federal officials thought a taxpayer funded $500 million baseball field was more important than a bridge is NOT the fault of the GOP or tax cuts. Jackson’s lies are pathetic and his covering for the corruption of Gov Blanko, and the New Orleans thugocracy is bordering on criminal.
CUT the pork, CUT redundant government agencies and programs, CUT subsidies and grants for outragous studies, and CUT the size of government at ALL LEVELS. Industry has to “lean” itself and cut fat to remain competitive. Government must do the same. I doubt this will happen though. Pork and government expansion has created too many ‘kingdoms’ ruled by unaccountable government employees.
I also saw the call to raise Federal Gas taxes by $.50 per gallon (which I am sure the left will then blame “big oil” for $4/gal gas)!!! Rep Dingle also wants to exempt loan interest deductions for homes over 3000 sq ft. This means that the loan interest for homes many families buy as they grow in size will no longer be deductable for federal taxes!!! In addition, he wants something like a $100/ton of CO2 emmision economy wide tax. This is INSANE! We are destroying our economy to placate a cult over the myth of man-made global warming!!
But then, Michigan’s economy is tanking and all our leftist govenor can think of doing is raising taxes again, and again so why should a leftist rep from Michigan be any different?
Can the Dems think of ANY more ways to stifle the economy?
It continues to amaze me that no one ever asks what have we actually accomplished with the TRILLIONS in tax payer dollars we’ve already spent on domestic programs. There’s never an accounting on what worked and what didn’t.
I posted something on this about how the left loves raising taxes and a better solution instead.
But here are the cliff notes:
Instead of raising taxes and confiscating MORE of the US Taxpayers’ money, let us REDUCE government. Just because city/state/federal officials thought a taxpayer funded $500 million baseball field was more important than a bridge is NOT the fault of the GOP or tax cuts. Jackson’s lies are pathetic and his covering for the corruption of Gov Blanko, and the New Orleans thugocracy is bordering on criminal.
CUT the pork, CUT redundant government agencies and programs, CUT subsidies and grants for outragous studies, and CUT the size of government at ALL LEVELS. Industry has to “lean” itself and cut fat to remain competitive. Government must do the same. I doubt this will happen though. Pork and government expansion has created too many ‘kingdoms’ ruled by unaccountable government employees.
I also saw the call to raise Federal Gas taxes by $.50 per gallon (which I am sure the left will then blame “big oil” for $4/gal gas)!!! Rep Dingle also wants to exempt loan interest deductions for homes over 3000 sq ft. This means that the loan interest for homes many families buy as they grow in size will no longer be deductable for federal taxes!!! In addition, he wants something like a $100/ton of CO2 emmision economy wide tax. This is INSANE! We are destroying our economy to placate a cult over the myth of man-made global warming!!
But then, Michigan’s economy is tanking and all our leftist govenor can think of doing is raising taxes again, and again so why should a leftist rep from Michigan be any different?
Can the Dems think of ANY more ways to stifle the economy?
Wait… I do not think I want an answer.
It continues to amaze me that no one ever asks what have we actually accomplished with the TRILLIONS in tax payer dollars we’ve already spent on domestic programs. There’s never an accounting on what worked and what didn’t.
There’s only a demand for more.