Scott Thomas Beauchamp Heading To The Stockade

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Bob Owens found a blog post on Scotts old blog that may sink this guy for sure:

Another long day…cleaning an M16, landscaping, dipping Pro Masks (gas masks to civilians) into strange concotions, a little bit of office work…basically a hodpodge of menially tasks to keep me busy. We finally got official dates on Iraq deployment: May 15 – Our Bradleys get shipped to Kuwaite June 11- Advanced Units move in June 28 – Bravo Team, second squad, first platoon, Alpha Company, first battalion, 18th brigade, first infantry division (the breakdown of who I belong to) deploys. Were probably going to sit in Kuwaite for some unknown amount of time, and then move into Baghdad…

This guy is an idiot.  Posting the what, when, and how his unit is getting deployed during a war is a HUGE no-no.  Bob talked to the PAO at Camp Falcon and got this response:

It most certainly is an OPSEC violation.

As I said earlier in this post, this guy is heading to the stockade, or jail for those not too familiar with the military.  I don’t know about you but I won’t shed a tear.  He has disgraced our military and our country by making up stories about our troops to further his grandiose visions of knighthood.

In other words he is a selfish son of a bitch who sold out his country for his own benefit.

He can rot in hell for all I care.

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To Scott,

You’re in the army now,
Too bad you weren’t a POW
They’ll like your crotch,
In the brig, you BEEOTCH
You’re in the army now.

In case anyone is interested, GI Jane at The Foxhole has an email exchange with Beauchamps’ First Sergeant;

I wonder how many pushups Beauchamps can do between now and his ETS.

Is this site a joke, or are you guys serious?


crossdotcurve, This site is 100% serious when dealing with American traitors in line with Hanoi Jane and Hanoi John ‘freakin’ Kerry. The cause of the insanity in the democrat party is coming to light. They are under the control of the 60’s drugged out hippies and recent studies confirm that use of pot leads to mental problems from Paranoia to complete insanity. Democrats are in the latter catagory, and here we thought it was all BDS.
Get this guy (Beauchamp) before he does more damage and gets more people killed. We don’t want another slaughter of millions to happen just to be PC. Hanoi John slandered the troops and now his insanity is showing. Evidently having the blood of 3 to 5 million people on his (and all of the democrat supporters) hands is having an effect.

Is Scott BlowChips gonna run for the US Senate, like our VietNam War-Hero, John Kerry?

Yes this site, any many others like it, IS serious. The demonic fantasies of this soldier and the malicious publication of them by TNR are openly stated to have the purpose of demoralizing our efforts to combat Islamic Terrorism. This is a DEADLY SERIOUS issue.

Giving out deployment information is also a gross violation of UCMJ. As the 1SG of the unit stated in an email to another blogger, this soldier’s actions are known and he is under investigation for them. He lied about the actions of his unit. He is a disgrace who states he joined the military to earn credentials for a future in writing. He obviously writes fiction but sells it as fact and the left eagerly gobbles (or is it Goebbels?) it up.

My parent’s (both Vietnam Vets) generation did not have to means to instantly refute and expose morons like John Kerry and his “winter soldier” campaign. Kerry’s lies were able to entrench and stay strong since few could instantly refute them. My generation has the internet and instant communication. We can and WILL refute these morons and the lies they tell. We will NOT be slandered as our parents were.

THAT is what the MILBLOGs and Military/Vet blog posters are doing: refuting the lies told about the US Military by the left wing and the terrorists. We will NOT allow another “Kerry” to smear us with fantasy stories. We will NOT allow the media to lie about what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will NOT allow those who openly support islamofascism and/or oppose our efforts to defend ourselves from it to spread lies to the world.

If this upsets you, then please allow me not to care.

One little nit-pick … the Marines and Navy have “brigs”. The Army has “stockades”. So he is likely to land in either in the stockade (if jailed locally) or in the prison at Leavenworth, KS if given a long sentance.

Woops, thats the Marine in my coming out…will fix. Thanks for the heads up Cross.

Jonn: Thanks for the link to the email from Beachamps Sgt.

It’s worth the read:

I’m not in the habit of answering these email’s. It would be far too many. I appreciate all the support from home and I can assure you that not a single word of this was true. We’ve been fighting this fight for quite some time. Numerous soldiers within my unit have served on several deployments and this is my third year as a First Sergeant in this unit. My soldiers conduct is consistently honorable. This soldier has other underlining issues which I’m sure will come out in the course of the investigation. No one at any of the post we live at or frequent, remotely fit the descriptions of any of the persons depicted in this young man’s fairy tale. I can’t and won’t divulge any information regarding this soldier, but I do sincerely appreciate all the support from the people back home. Again, this young man has a vivid imagination and I promise you that this by no means reflects the truth of what is happening here. I’m currently serving with the best America has to offer. I have worked and fought closely with every soldier within my company and they are consummate professionals in an area most people can’t fathom. I’m proud of my soldiers and would gladly give my life for any one of them. Please continue to keep them with you in your prayers and thank God that we have these courageous men willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country, Americans, and the people of this struggling nation.


1SG Hatley

I hope they throw the book at Beachamp.

Is anyone else concerned about this fueling the fire for those who have tried to shut down all milblogs? I really am worried about this.

Finally, I made a post in my journal about this. Thanks for all of your info and will link it up to you after I wake tomorrow. It is a race night you know 🙂

Perhaps I notice Fairbanksing a little easier than others, from personal experience, or maybe I am imagening. Either way, the posts of Private Second Class (second term) Beauchamp wreak of the hand of a fabulist editor. Not absolving this rat a bit, but I think there is more stink out there than people are assuming with TNR.

Just look at the pair of stories here and the pair of stories examined here.

To me, this is looking like some third hand BS stories that a BS dork is using to impress his attractive and successful wife, embellished by a shady editor.