You can bet this guy:

Former CIA operative Valerie Plame lost a lawsuit Thursday that demanded money from Bush administration officials whom she blamed for leaking her agency identity.
Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had accused Vice President Dick Cheney and others of conspiring to disclose her identity in 2003. Plame said that violated her privacy rights and was illegal retribution for her husband’s criticism of the administration.
U.S. District Judge John D. Bates dismissed the case on jurisdictional grounds and said he would not express an opinion on the constitutional arguments.
Poor Chrissy, he’s going to blow a gasket after the news his good pals lost another round. First they fail to bring down the 2004 election, then they fail to get Rove or Cheney indicted, and now they lose their silly ignorant lawsuit. Not a good run for these treasonous rats huh?
Oh, and take a look at that bolded part in the AP’s article. They are alleging that the Judge threw it out on jurisdictional grounds which is quite plainly disputed in the actual opinion on page 41: (h/t Hot Air)
For the reasons given above, plaintiffs have failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted with respect to their four causes of action asserted directly under the Constitution. Furthermore, this Court lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over plaintiffs’ claim for public disclosure of private facts.
Mighty slimy of the AP to get the story wrong huh? I’m sure it was just an accident….
My favorite part of the opinion is the one with the most common sense explanation:
[D]efendants chose to rebut Mr. Wilson’s comments and attack his credibility may have been highly unsavory. But there can be no serious dispute that the act of rebutting public criticism, such as that levied by Mr. Wilson against the Bush Administration’s handling of prewar foreign intelligence, by speaking with members of the press is within the scope of defendants’ duties as high-level Executive Branch officials.
Your damn right it’s within their duties, hell….it’s something that MUST be done when a man with a anti-war, anti-Bush agenda is sent to Niger by his rabid anti-Bush wife to investigate that "crazy report" about Saddam trying to acquire Uranium and then comes back and lies about what he discovers to bring down a President.
Valerie Plame recommended him for the job (and then lied about doing it), Joe Wilson comes back and tells the CIA something completely different then what he writes about in Vanity Fair, then he lies about who really sent him and then when caught in all his lies he and his desk-jockey wife become victims.
Sound like the typical Democrat family to you? A Victocrat as Larry Elder likes to call them.
No, what this Judge did today is what all judges should do. Namely rule with some common sense.
Of course we all know the KOSKiddies and DummiesU alumni will go batty over the fact that the Judge is a Bush appointee….they have yet to find a conspiracy they don’t love.
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Sadly, I accidentally watched a few minutes of Olberon (or whatever that clown’s name is) on PMSNBC whining about the dropped suit. I thought he was going to have a stroke.
Funny that it takes a judge to point out that there is absolutely nothing wrong with government officials responding to an attempt by Plame and Wilson to smear Cheney et. al. and undermine the policy of the Constitutional and elected government.
I would think that would be common sense.
Meanwhile, we’re still waiting for the House Oversight Committee to investigate the possible perjury of Valerie Plame regarding her testimony over her involvement in sending hubby to Niger to sip tea.
I guess those congressional committees are just too overwhelmed investigating the Bush Administration to bother investigating the people making the outrageous charges which spawn the investigations.