Vets For Freedom is converging on Washington DC tomorrow to get their message through the thick numbskulls of those Senators who still do not understand that the Iraq and Afghanistan war is a just and necessary fight, and one we should not run from:
Tomorrow, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans from around the country will converge on Capitol Hill to meet with their senators–face-to-face–and tell them not to undermine General Petraeus and the new strategy.
The response from vets has been very strong and is gaining momentum every hour. Already, at least 25 veterans from around the country–on very short notice and on their own dime–have committed to traveling to Washington, DC from as far as Texas, Missouri, Michigan, and Florida.
Our vets have small group meetings scheduled with a number of prominent–yet wobbly–senators, and will also have a group meeting with Senate leaders to discuss Iraq war policy. In addition, be on the lookout for our afternoon press conference, which will take place just off the Senate floor.
It’s not too late for you to join us! If you’d like to come, just go to here and sign up. Or RSVP with Adriel Domenech, our Field Director, at 501-412-1224. I hope vets in local states–Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York–will consider taking the day-off and making the trip. It’s not much to ask… and will be worth your time.
And again, if you’re not sure if you should get involved, check out what radical anti-war groups are planning. They go so far as to "express solidarity with the resistance movements in [Iraq and Afghanistan]." People like this are on Capitol Hill every day and we can’t let their loud voices be the only ones Congress hears. There is too much at stake.
If nothing else please contact these 10 Senators and give them the same message:
- Lamar Alexander – Voice: (202) 224-4944 Fax: (202) 228-3398
- Sam Brownback – Phone: (202) 224-6521 Fax: (202) 228-1265
- Saxby Chambliss – Phone: 202-224-3521 Fax: 202-224-0103
- Norm Coleman – Phone: (202) 224-5641 Fax: (202) 224-1152
- Susan Collins – Phone:202-224-2523 Fax:202-224-2693
- Michael Enzi – Phone: 202-224-3424 Fax: 202-228-0359
- Jeff Sessions – Phone: 202-224-4124 Fax: 202-224-3149
- Ted Stevens – Phone: 202-224-3004 Fax: 202-224-2354
- John Sununu – Phone: 202-224-2841 Fax: 202-228-4131
Vets For Freedom also issued a statement about the horribly biased New York Times article over the weekend:
1) Sunday’s New York Times included an egregious front-page article about how, supposedly, military families are turning against the war in droves. The piece is full of anecdotes, and short on fact. Please write a brief letter to the editor today, taking issue with the story. Click here to read the article.
Send your letters to: Keep them short (less than 150 words) and make clear which story you are responding to (also include your address and phone number). The most powerful story you can tell is your own, but also feel free to cite some of the facts below:
- The story mentions a group called ‘Iraq Veterans Against the War’, which was started in 2004 and boasts 500 members. But it failed to mention Vets for Freedom , which was started in 2006 (two years later) and already has over 5,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans members who believe in the mission.(
- The story mentions a group called ‘Military Families Speak Out’, which was started in 2002 and boasts 3,500 member families. But it failed to mention Families United for our Troops and Their Mission , which was started in August, 2005 and already has 37,000 members who believe in the mission. ( http://www.familiesunitedmissio - The story mentions a group called ‘Appeal for Redress’ which was started in September, 2006 and boasts 2,000 members. But it failed to mention the Appeal for Courage , which was also started in 2006 and already has over 3,300 members who believe in the mission. (
I know, amazing that the New York Times would ignore groups that have more members then the anti-war groups but not surprising. The bigger larger groups carry a message of victory, no way they can allow that message out.

See author page
Thanks for posting this, Curt!
I’ve been getting their email notices as well, and sending them to local news stations here in the hopes that they’d cover some of the local vets who go to DC. Probably amount to nothing, but clicking a few times to send an email is the least we can do for these guys imo.
Adriel Domenech eh? I wonder if that press release was plagiarized.
Hi Curt, I’m glad to see you fighting to help get the story of Vets for Freedom out, despite the media doing their best to ignore it or misrepresent it. I know you get our emails from Move America Forward, but I wanted to pass along a direct invitation to you and your readers to join us at Move America Forward as we launch our national, cross-country “Fight for Victory Tour” this September 3 – 15 ending in DC where we’ll have a rally with a collection of pro-troop groups including Vets for Freedom, Gathering of Eagles, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Free Republic, Protest Warriors and others. It’s a vital time for us to be mobilized and speaking out and it’s for such a just, worthy, noble, and pertinent cause. So let’s kick some butt and stand up to those who wish to force surrender terms upon our troops!