McCain’s Speech On Iraq


My god! What a speech by McCain today on Iraq:
[flv:mccainiraq.flv 400 300]While I disagree with this man on many political issues, feeling the McCain-Feingold act was something for which he can never be forgiven, on Iraq and the war on terror I have no disagreement with him.

Bill Kristol made the statement on John Gibson’s show today that McCain should suspend his campaign and go out and push for victory in Iraq, at least until after September, and then re-start his campaign. It may very well invigorate the campaign that is imploding. (h/t Hot Air)

That jackass message needs to be said over and over and over again. The same Senate that unanimously voted for Gen. Petreus, who wanted a new strategy and received a new strategy, who decided September was a good date to pick for an update, now wants to pull the plug in July.


For politics.

Republican cowards who will never measure up to Bush are running for cover to save their hides. They have no backbone, no courage, no conviction. They have to understand that cutting and running will be a disaster, just like McCain said of Vietnam above, for Iraqi’s and Americans alike.

The one thing that I respect the most about Bush is that no matter what the political consequences are he does what he feels is right. He doesn’t waver like the wind with the polls.  While I disliked his stance on immigration I understood what I was getting on the issue in 2000 and respect that he stuck to his guns. I respect any politician like that.

Sadly, some Republicans in the Senate are once again proving that you cannot trust them….they will sell out any cause, or any person to save their jobs.

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McCain is just fabulous on the war — the man is highly respected for this stand he takes. I think it would be a great idea for him to focus on the war and suspend his campaign.

God bless you Senator McCain!

Why am I reminded of something from the Revolutionary War when I see these politicians waver and wilt in the face of heated opposition, of a tough going.

“We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.” – Benjamin Franklin

Time to name names: Smith (OR), Dole (SC), Snowe (ME), Collins (ME), Voinovich (OH), Hagel (NE). All of them, in one way or another, owe their current Senate seat to the President. Without his help, they wouldn’t be in office. Do they speak for the Republican base and those who voted for the President? They do not.

As to the claim the Iraqi parliment hasn’t met any of the political and economic benchmarks since January, the briefer at yesterday’s miltary press briefing in Baghdad observed Congress hasn’t done much this year either.

It’s a bravo performance by McCain.

The text is here:

He’s so absolutely right about this issue it’s a shame he has squandered his chances of winning the GOP nomination by ill considered positions on campaign finance, the anti-Constitutional “gang of 14” the terrorist bill of rights and the recent immigration bill.

I suppose he feels he is just doing what he thinks is right and should be commended for his courage. But as much as I value his input on the war, he loses my support with those other issues.

Despite that, I wish him well and I hope he is able to continue his campaign.

Uhm, why is it some shocking surprise that 70% of the American people want to get out of Iraq? As if that is something that should entail a premature withdrawal before victory?

Of course 70% of the American people want to get out of Iraq. Who the hell DOESN’T want to out of Iraq? Everyone wants out of Iraq!

The difference is that most Americans want to get out AFTER WE WIN.

Maybe Mrs. Boxer should use her great powers of nuance and try to distinguish between pulling out before or after victory.

And maybe she should ask for a poll to be taken that asks people if they want to withdrawal from Iraq even if it brings about a catastrophe, i.e. losing the war.

I’m no fan of McCain but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I give praise where it is due and for this he deserves our praise. He will never get my vote in the primaries no matter what he does but he does “get” the war on terror.

Uhm, why is it some shocking surprise that 70% of the American people want to get out of Iraq? As if that is something that should entail a premature withdrawal before victory?

Of course 70% of the American people want to get out of Iraq. Who the hell DOESN’T want to out of Iraq? Everyone wants out of Iraq!


The framing of the question posed by our MSM polls have been scewed to fit the spinless left’s agenda of defeat. Boxer and her minions see no further than the next election cycle while appeasing our enemys. History will not be so kind to these cowards that play their political games at the expense of security of this nation, and indeed the stability of an Iraqi nation.

Dafydd has a great post up titled “Victory Is Silence”