July 4th, 2007

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The Fourth of July.  An important day and one day we should really reflect on our nation.  Enjoy your families, your friends, the fireworks and food.  But don’t forget what this day means.

If I had to choose one word to sum up this day I would choose sacrifice.  Those who sacrificed everything, their money, their positions in society, their lives, to sign that Declaration should be honored in every way possible.  This is not a day to just gaze at fireworks.  This is a day to reflect on those who sacrificed everything, including their lives so that we may live in a free land.  

In honor of this day I present this video made by GCS Distributing entitled, We Support You:

Happy Fourth of July to all.

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Fireworks? What fireworks??? There is a Tornado warning in effect till 10pm in the City of Brotherly Love.

Happy 4th…Curt!

Happy Independence Day, all!

Yea, Some ARE born equal, just some are more equal than others. All our “rights” are selective. For all our unborn they’re born into life dead, w/ a bounty on their head, literally.

You see, there’s a Constitutional right to be killed or who had that right to kill. Our troops are fighting in Iraq to preserve our Constitutional rights to defend America. Combat troops are KIA at 1.9 a day.

Back home in America, we’re killing off 3,500 preborn a day! 1.3 million a year. And 98% kill out of convenience. Please don’t tell our troops.

What’s the point?? Who has stolen the Constitution? Where’s the ACLU to defend the right to kill!? Bastards!!

So in your prayers, please include our most precious assets.

“What’s it all about, Alfie?”

That was a very moving presentation. Thank you for sharing it with us.


I know I haven’t been by here in awhile. I still drop by to read a couple of times a week. I saw this video here some time ago. Thank you for posting it again. It ALWAYS makes me cry…and dearly miss my Dad, a WWII vet who passed away a year and a half ago. I miss him every day.

To all our men and women in service out there, we LOVE you and SUPPORT you all the way!! BRAVO ZULU!!!

Carol Johnson
USN 1967-70, 1973-79