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If the ‘islamofascists’ are such a dangerous threat, why does YOUR administration insist on keeping our southern border wide open. Add to that, since several tons of drugs are driven across our open border every single day, why havn’t the ‘terrists’ come across with truckloads of bombs?

The answer of course is obvious, but throws your entire ideology of hate and bigotry out the window… that there is no real threat from these backwards people who are barely out of the bronze age.

“YOUR administration ???”

I checked your IP and you’re coming to us via Pennsylvania. Are you an American citizen? If so, that’s YOUR administration too.

Or are you only an American when Democrats are in power? If so, get the hell out and make room for someone with a brain.

“there is no real threat from these backwards people who are barely out of the bronze age.”

Explain that to the children who were orphaned on September 11th, BEFORE Iraq. Explain that to the grieving parents in Beslan, Russia.


When I refer to “evil self deception” I’m talking about YOU pal! There’s blood on your hands.

You are a sickening example of the fools who enable evil men to kill more innocent men, women, children and infants.

Crawl back under your rock!

there is no real threat from these backwards people who are barely out of the bronze age.

Let me guess, the WTC was brought down by OUR government also right? Couldn’t of been Atta and his boys because they still hunt with spears right?

Geez, the idiocy from you people is mindboggling.

And wouldn’t you know it? It’s a Paulbot!


Am I losing my communication skills? Did I not make it abundantly clear that violent jihad transcends anything to do with Iraq or U.S. foreign policy?

I suppose I should thank tsoldrin. I’m sure if he hadn’t come along someone would accuse me of exagerating the level of evil self deception and delusion that exists in that cult of appeasement.

As long as you folks continue to live a cowardly life of fear, hiding under your beds and reaffirming to eachother how grave the ‘threat’ is, the terrorists have already won and they need not bother to ever set off another bomb or fire another gun again.

Go outside and get some sunshine.

What a lame, pathetic crackbot!

Go put your own neck on the chopping block. But don’t put any of ours.

Only a fool ignores REAL danger!

John Edwards says there is no war on terror! These guys must really believe Edwards. I hear they were driving a new model SUV by Ford, called the Exploder.

All these acts of terror in London and Scotland just
emphasizes what an idiotic act it was to divert our military
to fight Iraq, whose dictator would never have allowed the
radical Muslims to gain a foothold there.

We should nuke Tora Bora after giving a warning to Musharraf
to evacuate innocent civilians. That would send a clear
message to AlQaeda — at least to those who are left.

Ed: Did you even bother to read the post on which you are commenting?

They are coming.

Are you prepared?

Here’s my favorite quote, for Ed and tsoldrin (and the other Dhimmi’s):

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic
feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much
worse. The person who has nothing for which he is
willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his
own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has
no chance of being free unless made and kept so
by the exertions of better men than himself”
– John Stuart Mill

It’s been too long since 9-11. The American people have hit the snooze button and won’t wake up until several major cities are attacked at one time and hundreds of thousands killed. Listen to the democrat politicians and their sheeple. They have became a mass of cowards and traitors. It’s sad but I will welcome the attacks, maybe someone will run the democrat politicians (ex Hanoi John, Turbin Durbin, Pigloooshi, Dirty Harry and the lot) out of the country or hang them (best choice) before they get millions killed in their childesh drive to obtain more ‘personal’ power and ‘money’ as they endanger everyone in America. I don’t know how they manage to find 20% (probably less than half that)of the population that trust/approve (of) the current congress. Hey people, they have accomplished nothing in six months other than leak National Security information time after time, and try to grant pardons with a life time income to 12-20 million foreign invaders. They are not concerned with the American people (we have been discarded with the trash) but care only about their wounded ego’s. This is not BDS but total insanity brought on by BDS. We are in big trouble and now have no one in charge to do anything about it. This is not going away in Jan 2009, (President Bush will return to Tx happy and the crazies will remain in congress) but will take years (if ever) of mental health care to bring the democrats back into reality.

Ahhhh the Iraq spin. I love that line about diverting attention to Iraq. Gave me a good laugh. Apparently someone doesn’t realize:

1) troop levels in Afghanistan never dropped due to Iraq

2) the only unit rotated out from Afghanistan to Iraq was the 5th Special Forces Group which specialized in knocking over govts through support of locals and use of airpower instead of full on invasion (ie, the exact same plan opponents of the invasion of Iraq often advocate in hindsight as a better option)

3) if having a presence in Iraq were at all the cause of such bombings, then I suppose giving a timetable for withdrawal isn’t a good idea because after all…the Brits said they were leaving, gave a timetable, and THEN got attacked at home (kinda hard to make a “they’ll never follow us home” argument in the wake of that.

Yeah, these were pretty crude devices. Bronze Age? I dunno. I give the civilizations and masses of people between Morrocco and Burma a little more credit than that. Besides, it doesn’t matter if American cruise missiles look better than their propane bombs. What matters is that knee-jerk Americans bent on pipedream appeasement ideas or isolation advocates simply don’t have the balls to even admit there’s a threat let alone use those pretty looking cruise missiles, and on the opposite “bronze age” side of the equation is a group of people (tens of thousands of them) who don’t have pretty looking cruise missiles or shiny fighter planes. All they have, and all they need (as history tells us) is a few box cutters.

The bronze: That John Stuart Mill quote is one of my favorites. It goes well with this one:

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams

Well said Mike! Common sense is not common on the left.The Islamonazi’s tell us every day what they intend. Yet the left some how cannot grasp the concept,go figure.