The Great Fish Scandal

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The lefties are getting desperate:

WASHINGTON – The House Natural Resources Committee announced Thursday that it will hold hearings into Vice President Dick Cheney’s involvement in Klamath River water management that many think led to the die-off of more than 70,000 salmon four years ago.

"It certainly appears that this administration will stop at nothing to achieve political gain from natural resources disasters," said Rep. Nick J. Rahall, the West Virginia Democrat who heads the panel.

Three dozen House Democrats from Oregon and California asked for the hearing in a letter to Rahall after the Washington Post reported on details of Cheney’s intervention.

These people have no shame.  With a 14% approval rating they are determined to bring it down into the single digits by asking for hearings on something that has already been investigated:

The salmon die-off and water usage in the drought-plagued Klamath Basin have long been a source of political controversy. In 2004, the Interior Department’s inspector general found no basis for a claim by Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry that White House political advisers interfered in developing water policy in the Klamath.

The inspector general said President Bush’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, was not involved in a 2002 decision to divert water from the Klamath River in Oregon to irrigate farms.

Give it a few more days and the Democrats will invoke Nixon’s name when discussing those poor fish. 

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Kill Babies, not Fish

Since the Democrats couldn’t lay blame for the 2002 deaths of more than 70,000 salmon in the Klamath River on Karl Rove, they’re now trying to blame Vice President Dick Cheney.
Meanwhile, these same Democrats who care so much about fish don…