First Bush is a silly ignorant monkey, and now he is evil incarnate who is so diabolically evil everything he does is only to benefit the destruction of the human race. Well, that’s according to HuffPo contributor, and former Seinfeld writer Peter Mehlman: (h/t The New Editor)
… we’re six and a half years into Bush and everyone from Helen Thomas on down is declaring him the worst president ever. What no one is saying is the one overarching reason he’s the worst: the Bush administration is the first that doesn’t even mean well.
With the possible exception of immigration reform — and who knows what grotesque financial incentive underlies that — try to pinpoint even one policy motivated by the desire to lessen human suffering, to improve the life of citizens. Nothing. There is nothing.
Yup, he doesn’t mean well at all. He rubs his hands with glee as he envisions death and destruction to fall on every city in this country. Can’t you just hear him now cackling like a black cloaked warlord?
Oh, it gets better:
You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by suppressing blacks/eliminating Jews/eradicating free enterprise/repressing individual thought/killing off rivals/invading neighbors, etc. Only the Saudi royal family is driven by the same motives as Bush, but they were already entrenched. Bush set a new precedent. He came into office with the attitude of "I’m so tired of the public good. What about my good? What about my rich friends’ good?"
How can anyone not see it? It’s not that their policies have been misguided or haven’t played out right. They. Don’t. Even. Mean. Well.
You see, HItler was at least TRYING to do some good things for his country. His intentions were in the right place by gassing those Jews so even HE is better then George W. Bush.
Wow….just wow.
And check out the comment section of his post to get an even clearer picture of the left in this country. I mean it’s one thing if you believe Bush didn’t make the right decisions, but to come to the conclusion that he is some wicked warlord stirring a witches brew as he plans the destruction of humanity is, well, retarded.
If they believe that Hitler, Che, or Stalin would all be preferable to Bush then retarded they are.
Other’s Blogging:

See author page
He probably has a huge following at Friends Hospital, Phila, PA. The patients see all kinds of things there.
Seriously, someone needs to put a microphone in front of this guy – This is the face of the DNC and it should be prominently displayed.
How can anyone not see it? It’s not that their policies have been misguided or haven’t played out right. They. Don’t. Even. Mean. Well.
Maybe it’s time for President Bush to practice some of Hitler’s or even Saddam’s tactics on these fools. Of course they only get one chance in the game. Not much left after a trip through a blast furnace or a brush chipper. Getting rid of several million of them would do the country a lot of good. It would include 99% of the baby rapist, druggies, drunks, and mass murderers. Haven’t most of them been liberals and democrats? Oh, I remember, this is one of the writers of a tv show with no story line, and about nothing, that suckered 99.9999% of the left wing liberal democrats out of millions of dollars. Weak minds follow weak minds.
Dear Curt,
I have been in office for ova 35 years! For 35 years, I have blessed, the good ole boys of Washington DC, all Americans (Illegal Americans too) with “MY” presence (since the Mississippi Department of Corrections wouldn’t take me… problem with the damned Psych Eval), and I must tell you that the American people are out of touch!You hear me, you California Boy?!
Why, hearin all this here “Bush is Hitler” stuff is just like them damned Border-State-Talk-Show-Radio-Listening-Conservative-Bastards telling me I’m out of my thick-hair-headed-mind! But to you… I say… NO SIR! You talk radio people and bloggers using freedom of speech as an excuse for telling me I’m wrong on immigration is pure 100% Mississippi Goat Manure! Soooo… On Monday morning in the Senate…if anybody shows up…I will propose that an electrificated “Mississippi Goat Fence” be placed around the US Senate grounds, its FAX machines, tellyphones, and computaters! Outta touch my a$$! Just wait till y’all try to hurdle ole Sparky and get popped in the balls!!! Do not take this missive out of context, it’s just an analogy from a good ole boy in the US Senate! The MGF RULES!!!… and no, it does not stand for Mississippi Goat F*ckers!
Trent Sux-ah LOTT
Bush-Hitler is just more evidence that opposition to the war is mere opposition of President Bush and the war is just a catalyst. Lacking 911 and the war on terror, they’d be just as up in arms over stem cell research, tax cuts, or some other issue. Put another way, they never march against the terrorists.
hay “JihadGene” why don’t you go to iraq with all your friends so the good guys can plant a 50 cal in your head maybe that will help out your grammar.
“You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by suppressing blacks/eliminating Jews/eradicating free enterprise/repressing individual thought/killing off rivals/invading neighbors, etc.”
That’s stupefying! I’m nearly speechless!
I would say this man needs to take a trip to one of the Nazi concentration camps to get his mind right. The sense of REAL EVIL in those places is still palpable, as I can attest after my own visit to the 1st camp at Dachua.
How anyone could say such a thing after the horror and butchery which Europeans inflicted on each other throughout the 20th Century is beyond comprehension.
Mehlman isn’t saying that Hitler was doing the right thing; he’s saying that, difficult though it may be for us to understand, Hitler felt that he was doing a good thing for Germany. It turned out not to be a good thing for Germany or the world, but he really thought that he was repairing damage done by Versailles, the Depression, and other problems, social and economic, that Germany faced at the time.
Sorthing out the motivations of bad people doesn’t mean you agree with them.
Sorting out the motivations of bad people means you can easily become one of them. A hallmark trait of liberals.
Understanding and embracing the need for genocide to ‘repair the damage done by Versailles, the Depression and other problems, social and economic that Germany faced at that time’ is a truly twisted ideation.
Sorthing out the motivations of bad people doesn’t mean you agree with them.
That explains all those FBI profilers-turned-serial killers that you hear about. And all those psychologists who go insane and have to be committed to mental institutions. And all those teachers who turn bad because they have to deal with bad kids.
That is the most brainless thing I’ve seen all week. Look: maybe you’re happy not knowing anything, but the rest of us want to understand our world.
Nobody said anything about embracing, you fool. Again: understanding and embracing are not the same thing.
Aren’t you the happy Democrat? Bwahahahahaha!
ah gene your obsession with goats is a little disturbing you should pull out of that goat before you catch something,and wile your at it you should put down that needle you got filled with kool-aid,and acid because drugs are bad m’kay. one more thing democrats suck donkey balls that’s something you might know about.
That is why there is a high turn rate in these occupations.
You can flesh out how sociopaths and liberal perceive the world. That is all well and good. Understanding and embracing their perceptions will lead you down their path.
Is that complex of answer?
That explains all those FBI profilers-turned-serial killers that you hear about. And all those psychologists who go insane and have to be committed to mental institutions. And all those teachers who turn bad because they have to deal with bad kids
What I can deduce from this statement is that you have a considerable predilection for brainlessness.
I have no need to embrace this particular global perception of yours.
That is the most brainless thing I’ve seen all week.
Certainly Hitler embraced an understanding of the need for genocide in Germany.
I’m sure you are capable of the same.
Nobody said anything about embracing
These people are truly sick. To first of all compare Bush to Hitler is just assinine. Secondly, to hint that “at least Hitler meant well” is just… well… stupid. These people need serious mental help.
Jim C