Emails Of Support To Those Serving

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Blackfive started a drive recently to get every Marine, Sailor, and Soldier assigned to Marine Regimental Combat Team – 6 a letter or email of support.  He started this on the 14th after this interview with the Commander of RTC-6 Col. Simcock:

COL. SIMCOCK: (Chuckles.) I’ll tell you what, the one thing that all Marines want to know about — and that includes me and everyone within Regimental Combat Team 6 — we want to know that the American public are behind us. We believe that the actions that we’re taking over here are very, very important to America. We’re fighting a group of people that, if they could, would take away the freedoms that America enjoys.

If anyone — you know, just sit down, jot us — throw us an e- mail, write us a letter, let us know that the American public are behind us. Because we watch the news just like everyone else. It’s broadcast over here in our chow halls and the weight rooms, and we watch that stuff, and we’re a little bit concerned sometimes that America really doesn’t know what’s going on over here, and we get sometimes concerns that the American public isn’t behind us and doesn’t see the importance of what’s going on. So that’s something I think that all Marines, soldiers and sailors would like to hear from back home, that in fact, yes, they think what we’re doing over here is important and they are in fact behind us .

Since the 14th they have received 2,000 letters.  Please take a few minutes and write out an email of support to these brave men and women serving our country.  Send the emails to this address:

By the way, RTC-6 has their own blog up here.

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Judging by the efforts of the Democrat political leaders to end this war with an American defeat, the Democrat political leaders must think that the terrorists need to know they are behind them.

Jarheads Need Love, Too

It seems that the Jarheads Marines of Regimental Combat Team 6 need some love from home. Grim at BLACKFIVE took the initiative and the banner has been taken up by blog biggies Flopping Aces Please take a second to drop