Every day….every single day, there is more evidence of the bias in our MSM. Take a look at this article today:
Two former White House officials were subpoenaed today as Congressional Democrats intensified pressure on the Bush administration over the dismissals of eight United States attorneys.
The Senate and House judiciary committees ordered Harriet E. Miers, the former White House counsel, and Sara M. Taylor, a former deputy assistant to President Bush and the White House director of political affairs, to appear before their panels.
[…]So far, the White House has said it will not make any current or former officials available to testify under oath before the panels but would not object to private interviews, with no sworn testimony and no transcripts kept. The lawmakers have disdained that arrangement as unacceptable.
“By refusing to cooperate with Congressional committees, the White House continues its pattern of confrontation over cooperation, and those who suffer most in this case are the public and the hard-working people at the Department of Justice,” Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, chairman of the Senate committee, said in a statement today.
Representative John D. Conyers of Michigan, the chairman of the House committee, said the subpoenas were “a demand on behalf of the American people.”
“The breadcrumbs in this investigation have always led to 1600 Pennsylvania,” Mr. Conyers said, referring to the White House by its street address. “This investigation will not end until the White House complies with the demands of this subpoena in a timely and reasonable manner, so that we may get to the bottom of this.”
The White House reacted quickly today to the subpoenas, arguing that the committees could easily obtain all the facts they need through interviews and relevant documents, but that the Democratic chairmen “are more interested in drama than facts,” as Dana Perino, a White House spokeswoman, put it in an exchange with reporters.
Um, no….the White House argued that they are an EQUAL branch of government. Unless there is a CRIMINAL proceedings they cannot and should not be allowed to go on a witch-hunt. There is no criminal case here, so no subpoenas. Congress will lose on this one very quickly. How much do you think these same members of Congress quoted above would be squealing if the White House was instructing Justice to issue subpoena’s for them…all for a fact finding mission, absent a criminal proceeding?
They would be screaming bloody murder. But turn the tables and it’s all a-ok.
Of course reading this New York Times article you would have no clue about this. Funny how that works huh?

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This is a joke, right. Leaky Leahy questioning anyone shows how low down the democrat party is today. Put him under oath and see how many years in prison he gets. Any national security information known by Leaky is known by the enemy within hours. No need to wonder who one of the current leakers to the NYSlimes is. Just call Leaky and he’ll give them any information they want.
All you have to do is look at the House reacted to the FBI raid on Jefferson’s office. It was a CRIMINAL case of which the FBI has complete jurisdiction, yet they through a fit saying it was a breach in separation of powers. Very sad indeed, but don’t expect much less.