Ignorant Resolution Goes Nowhere

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So the latest political stunt by the Democrats to appease their masters (KOSkiddies and the like) failed once again:

Republicans blocked the Senate’s no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday, turning back a symbolic Democratic effort to prod him from office despite blistering criticism from lawmakers in both parties.

The 53-38 vote to move the resolution to full debate fell seven short of the 60 required. In bringing the matter up, Democrats dared Republicans to vote their true feelings about an attorney general who has alienated even the White House’s strongest defenders by bungling the firings of federal prosecutors and claiming not to recall the details.

Republicans did not defend him, but most voted against moving the resolution ahead.

Short of impeachment, Congress has no authority to oust a Cabinet member, but Democrats were trying anew to give him a push. Gonzales dismissed the rhetorical ruckus on Capitol Hill, and President Bush continued to stand by his longtime friend and legal adviser.

I loved some of the quotes tho:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., one of the resolution’s sponsors, said any attorney general should uphold the law rather than the president’s political priorities.

Should uphold the law?  This coming from the lady who steered millions of dollars to her husband through her position on various subcommittee’s.  Classic.

And my favorite:

Hey Harry, listen to Dennis for a minute and stfu!

If you feel he should be fired then impeach him already!  But no, you and your brethren are political cowards.  The type who do anything to appease your masters, and then back off when you feel the wind changing. 

Cowards one and all, and that goes for the Republicans who voted AYE on this silly measure, AND the ones abandoning Bush to gain a few political points.


Byron York notices something interesting:

Perhaps more interesting is the fact that Joseph Lieberman voted with Republicans, which might be interpreted as a further move toward the GOP. It’s one thing to stick with the president on Iraq and advocate a tough policy toward Iran, but siding with most Republicans on Gonzales? Interesting.

He’s great on national defense but on the social issues I just can’t see him siding with conservatives.  But who knows…..crazy times.

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That Dennis Miller clip was GREAT! WOW! Maybe I’m related to Dennis as he just said every single word about Reid that I’ve been thinking and then some.

Harry Greid’s approval rating has been dropping like a stone:


Dick Cheney has double Reid’s favorability rating.